Sep 162012

Yesterday I slept, and slept and slept.  Except for eating and personal functions, I was out from 2:00 PM until 3:30 AM.  While doing my research, I did laundry.  (I still HATE laundry!).  Today is a ho;y day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, but my Broncos w2ill not be meditating until tomorrow night in Atlanta.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow I have an appointment for ultrasound imaging of my bad leg, so I may have only an Open Thread.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:10 (average 5:05).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: 6 Well-Kept Secrets About America In One Graphic


Even I didn’t know a couple of these. As a Christian, I favor more protection from cultural domination by Republican Supply-side Jesus hate mongers and fear mongers.

From NY Times: Republicans in tough races are seeking to soften their edges by moderating their votes, tossing their teacups and otherwise projecting a conciliatory image to voters.

The Republican quest for bipartisanship — at least nominally — is not hard to explain. A New York Times/CBS News poll conducted last week and released this weekend showed that 44 percent of Americans see Republicans at fault for gridlock in Washington, compared with 29 percent who blame President Obama and the Democrats. Nineteen percent said both were to blame. That imbalance has persisted at almost exactly those proportions since last year.

Nothing has changed. In RepubliSpeak, bipartisanship still means "turn around and grab your ankles."

From The Daily Dolt: Readers, please add Maricopa County, Arizona to your mental list of places not to get arrested in. Yes, white people, even you.

Deborah Braillard, age 46, was arrested and booked on a minor drug possession charge in January of 2005. Despite being a diabetic, Braillard was not given insulin or any other medication or medical care for four full days, until she was eventually brought to the hospital in a diabetic coma. She died 18 days later of complications from diabetes, and her family’s civil suit against the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office is now proceeding at trial.

Chalk up another coffin for Crazy Joe and the Brewerstan Death Angel, Jan Brewer.

Cartoon: © by and posted with the permission of Kevin L. Anderson.



  15 Responses to “Open Thread–9/16/2012”

  1. Hi Tom! So glad to be back, thanks to new tech from my son, and improved health! Hope you're well!
    Very interesting facts re the Constitution and money! Yes I knew of some of these, especially the introductions of god words in the pledge and on our currency – my good old republican folks were appalled by the god words, and by the "our father" recited before school – even though they were "moderately christian" – they were strict believers in the separation of church and state, so I refused to this day to include the under god addition to the pledge, and having in god we trust included on our currency is a joke!
    Love the cartoon!
    Wasn't the "trickle down" an idea of Reagan's inspired in a moment of incontinence?

    • This the BEST news I could have had — having YOU back, Lee.  Welcome back Lee!!!!!  And my 3 little fur babes say "Meow, meow, meow Lee!"  I am so very glad that you son was able to help you with some technology and that your health has improved!  Namasté my friend.

    • "New tech and improved health" – a combination that's hard to beat!  Welcome back.

    • Welcome home, Lee!  I could not be more pleased that your techied-up, healthier and back.

      As a Christian, I cannot help but favor the Establishment Clause.


  2. 3:40  At least I didn't stumble on these stairs.

  3. Puzzle — 4:10 on this stairway to heaven!
    MoveOn — Very interesting.  I remember commenting on another article that US money said "In God We Trust".  But someone, rather annoyed with me said I was wrong and it was "E Pluribus Unum".  Seems we were both right, and both wrong.  So, the "God" references came into being as a statement against the "godless communists".  Personally, although I am a Christian, I prefer the separation of church and state.  "God" should not be in the Pledge of Allegiance etc as this excludes so many people.  Lots of luck getting it changed back to the original with the fanatical evangelicals having so much sway.  I wonder what the rabid evangelicals would have to say to this?
    New York Times — Republican/Teabaggers soften their tone because they fear the disconnect and the loss of the election.  They will say and do anything, legal and illegal IMHO, to win the election.  If they win, they will say "Na, na,na, na, na!  We didn't mean it!  Screw you!"
    Daily Dolt — My condolences to the family and friends of Deborah Braillard.  I hope that Maricopa County and the state of Arizonza have good insurance because they will need it.  It is unconscionable that anyone would be left to die like that.  Any monetary penalty will never bring Deborah back, but perhaps it will make the Sheriff's office and the state think twice — you know how Republican/Teabaggers like to keep all their money!  Too bad they can't be held criminally liable, or is that still a possibility?
    Cartoon — Great cartoon Kevin Anderson!

    • Tied for last… with me.

      When it was changed, people klnew that voting against the change would bring accusations of communism.


      I fully agree!

      He did an excellent job!

  4. 3:50 I guess atairs are my downfall.

  5. Our Founding Fathers were correct that religion has no place in government. Jesus didn't want to be involved inpolitics and wisely so. What is it about Faux Christians that they have to try to insert Him into everything?
    Ask your Republican friends to answer this one for you:

  6. If Republican ideology is so prosperous and right for America…why are so many "strongly Republican" states poor, rank near the bottom in education and provide such low levels of average income.
    I cut and paste this from MoveOn but it didn't work.

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