Sep 132012

Yesterday the returning heat set off my COPD, and I was unable to sleep last night.  Therefore this is my only article for the day.  I am behind on replies and will catch up when I can.  Tomorrow I have a very early follow up appointment with my Cardiologist, so if I even post an Open Thread, it will be late.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:46 (average 5:01).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: The Graphic Every Obama-Blaming Conservative Needs To See


Shhh! We’re not supposed to know that!

From NY Times: The history of the film β€” who financed it; how it was made; and perhaps most important, how it was translated into Arabic and posted on YouTube to Muslim viewers β€” was shrouded Wednesday in tales of a secret Hollywood screening; a director who may or may not exist, and used a false name if he did; and actors who appeared, thanks to computer technology, to be traipsing through Middle Eastern cities. One of its main producers, Steve Klein, a Vietnam veteran whose son was severely wounded in Iraq, is notorious across California for his involvement with anti-Muslim actions, from the courts to schoolyards to a weekly show broadcast on Christian radio in the Middle East. [emphasis added]

It appears that Republican Supply-side Jesus was blaming a fictitious Jew for an atrocity by Supply-side pseudo-Christian hatemongers.

From MSNBC: Maddow’s Hypothesis

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

The notion that the attack was Al Qaeda terrorism, pre-planned for that date and that location is, in my opinion, the most plausible suggestion I have heard. If so, the demonstration over the Republican Supply-side Jesus hate film was only a coincidental convenience for the terrorists, screening their approach.




  11 Responses to “Open Thread–9/13/2012”

  1. 3:24  Nice kitty, kitty!

  2. In a CNN Poll released today, Americans STILL blame Bush & the Repubicans for the financial mess they got us in:

    Poll: 54 Percent Blame Bush And GOP For Economic Woes
    The latest release from CNN shows that 54 percent of likely voters think Bush and his Republican colleagues are more to blame for the still-sluggish national economy, compared with 38 percent who blame Obama and the Democrats.

  3. GUARANTEED to Make You SMILE (Maybe even make you chuckle)!
    You think Rmoney's craven, crass & contemptible "foreign policy" fiasco proves he is so NOT Ready for Prime Time?
    Someone over at Daily Kos did too:

  4. Puzzle — 3:42  Kitty, Kitty was off chasin' a mouse so couldn't keep up to Jerry!
    MoveOn — "Shhh! We’re not supposed to know that!"  Oh hell!  Go tell it on the mountain, over the hill and everywhere!   This is so true!  To me, this is evident in so many ways.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what's going on.  The sheeple need to quit drinking the insaniTea and watching Faux Noise.  They need to grow up, stop eating political pabulum, and start thinking for themselves.  Democrats aren't perfect, but they beat the Republican/Teabaggers hands down!  Here is a short article from Mother Jones showing good news for Obamacare.  Also just happens to show some not so good news about income inequality, which of course will continue to grow under a Republican/Teabagger government.
    New York Times — "It appears that Republican Supply-side Jesus was blaming a fictitious Jew for an atrocity by Supply-side pseudo-Christian hatemongers."  No matter who produced and marketed this piece of garbage, they should be held accountable for their actions.  When the free speech of one incites others to riot etc, especially when that rioting should have been expected, free speech is no longer free, in my view.  It is also coming out that the murders of 4 Americans in Libya are unrelated, just coincidental.  Apparently Al-Qaeda had planned this assault in Benghazi, but I really think there will be more to uncover.  Here is an undate from the National Post.
    MSNBC — Having now listened to Rachel Maddow, I agree with her.  This entire situation is more complicated than a simple, poorly made film offending Muslims.
    Cartoon — Great depiction of foreign relations under a Romney government.  "Bomb, baby, bomb!"

  5. Even Moneybags Rmoney said the economy was headed in the right direction and he can't walk that interview back.
    The idiot who made the movie is also involved with many Muslim hating groups besides being a supply-side Christian. He should be charged with inciting hate crimes. Accessory to murder perhaps?
    I heard this AM that some arrests have been made in Libya.
    It seems to me that Rmoney may be more Hawkish that McCain was during the last election. Does he have ownership in any weapons companies?

  6.  rush limbaugh seems to have accomplished what he set out to do.  Who better to choose than R/R.  After all he all ready has the congress in his pocket.  Blaming Obama for siding with terrrorist,choosing an internet video to make the country look laughable.  Who does that sound like?

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