Sep 092012

Yesterday was not as hot  The temperature in my apartment dropped below 90° before midnight, and below 80° about an hour ago.  Today is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  The Denver and Pittsburgh congregations will be in meditation together this evening, and I certainly will be meditating too.  I’m current, however brief, with replies.  Tomorrow appears routine.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:01 (average 5:30).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Whether You’re Conservative Or Progressive, Someone You Love Is Held Back By These


Romney’s solution is for students burdened with debt to ask their parents for the money.

From Reuters: One of the most unpopular and unproductive Congresses in modern history returns on Monday from a five-week recess, facing a crush of big tasks, few of which will likely get done.

Lawmakers are expected to be in Washington for only about two weeks between now and the November 6 election, making their return to the capital little more than a pit stop.

Is there any question over why nothing will get done?

From Daily Beast: In the realm of political strategy, there are two mindsets on the question of attacking the opponent. One frets excessively about how the opponent will respond and how the media will write it up. The other, more aggressive mindset doesn’t worry too much about those things, on the principle that playing offense is almost always better than playing defense. I raise this with respect to the specific question of whether President Obama is going to make attacks on Republican obstructionism part of his arsenal over the next two months. His advisors seem to think that doing so would make Obama look weak. I emphatically disagree, and I think he’ll be dragged into doing it anyway, as he already was. Let’s review the tape.

I fully agree with this author. Click through for an excellent article.




  17 Responses to “Open Thread–9/9/2012”

  1. Tom great cartoon lol lol

  2. Bad Economy? Blame It on Mitch McConnell and the GOP    You can go to  Los vegas place your bet win

  3. Glad the heat has subsided at your place.  It was hot here too to the point that I did not sleep Friday night so I didn't see my mother.  Cooler last night eventually but the promised rain has not shown up yet.  Off to mother's when I finish this post.
    Puzzle — 5:05 Although better than average, I was really in the 'no fly zone'!
    MoveOn — If the US wants to reclaim 'its glory', it has to STOP seeing EVERYTHING in terms of PROFIT.  Having a good and affordable education will do more to get the economy going by far than by saddling students with massive debt.  The debt prevents grads from making other retail purchases that move the economy.  It is amazing that Rmoney doesn't or won't understand that basic principle!  But then why so amazing?  His father paid for his education! 
    "Hellooooo, Rmoney, not everybody has a rich daddy like you!"
    Reuters — If this were school, they'd be picked up for truancy  and then expelled!  06/11/2012 the day that all the Republican/Teabaggers should be expelled from the Congress! (well at least those that are up for re-election).
    The Daily Beast — Excellent article and I agree.
    "… the Senate Republican leader [McConnell], … said two years before the election, their No. 1 priority was not to put America back to work, but to put President Obama out of work. … It was then that he [Clinton] delivered that line about the GOP’s message in Tampa: we made the mess, he hasn’t cleaned it up fast enough, so put us back in. . . .
    The vast majority of the people blame the president for the sputtering economy. After all, he’s the president. They elected him to fix things, so dammit, fix things. Most people’s political analysis doesn’t go beyond this. They think the president can just … do stuff. . . .
    Imagine if Obama called out Mitch McConnell personally for that infamous comment of his."
    Mr Obama needs to bring this out and hammer hard.  Using a tape of McConnell actually making the remark and tying it to the lack of progress for the AJA for example is the way to go.  Don't leave anything to the imagination of low-effort thinking voters.  Will the GOP rise to the bait, you bet.  But how do you argue with taped proof?  Knowing the GOP, they'd say the tape was doctored.
    In my mind, this is an ethical strategy because it builds on the truth with evidence that is within the public domain.  Should it have been done earlier? . . . hell yes!  What's that age old saying? . . .  "the truth shall set you free" !
    Cartoon — Excellent!  "There are none so blind as those who will not see!"

  4. I agree with the article on The Daily Beast, liked them on FB, so I hope I will get threads from them.  It is time for our President to call out the obstructionists and let the American people know he is not afraid to fight back. 

  5. I was toodling down the highway on the way to see my mother when a thought occurred to me regarding the article in the Daily Beast.
    Here is a quote from the first half of Mr Obama's speech in North Carolina the other night:

    You didn’t elect me to tell you what you wanted to hear. You elected me to tell you the truth.

    Well Mr Obama, tell us and show us the tape of Senator McConnell pledging to make you a one term president.  I have seen it.  It is true.  Mr Clinton made mention of it in his speech in North Carolina.

    "… the Senate Republican leader [McConnell], … said two years before the election, their No. 1 priority was not to put America back to work, but to put President Obama out of work. …

    This is not about offense or defense.  This is not about how your opponent will respond.  This is about the strength of truth, the truth about the obstructionism that the Republican/Teabaggers deliberately  perpetrated, not just on you, but on the American people. 
    In my mind, this is an ethical strategy because it builds on the truth with evidence that is within the public domain.  Should it have been done earlier? . . . hell yes!  What's that age old saying? . . .  "the truth shall set you free" !

  6. 4:51 I didn't really take-off on this one.

  7. I wonder if their first piece of legislation will be yet another vote to repeal ObamaCare.
    President Obama should take full advantage of this Do Nothing Congress. Expose them over and over again. We don't want the voters to forget.
    The costume is very appropriate.

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