Isaac, the Republicane

 Posted by at 8:57 am  Politics
Aug 282012

Referring to Isaac as a Republicane is satire. But given the countless times Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians have publically prayed for God’s wrath to strike the groups that they so love to hate, one cannot help but see the humor in a hurricane disrupting their convention.  But the humor ends as Isaac bears down on New Orleans.  As Republicans in Tampa express their concern, they are being completely dishonest, because their behavior reflects the exact opposite.

28IsaacTropical Storm Isaac is more than just a logistical inconvenience for Republicans gathered in Tampa: it is a powerful reminder both of Republican incompetence in handling Hurricane Katrina seven years ago, and the party’s no-less-disastrous plans to further cut emergency-related spending.

That is not something you will hear Paul Ryan talk about this week at the convention, nor any of the other lawmakers who make simplistic promises about the power of slashing government spending. But the budgets assembled by Mr. Ryan and warmly embraced by Mitt Romney severely cut spending for emergency preparedness, exactly the kind of money needed in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and scores of other states for this and future storms.

Between 2010 and 2012, House Republicans forced a reduction of 43 percent in the primary grants from the Federal Emergency Management Agency that pay for disaster preparedness. That is $1.8 billion that will not be available for evacuation equipment and supplies, communications gear that lets first responders speak to one another, and training exercises. (House Republicans tried to cut $354 million more in this year’s homeland security spending bill, but Democrats restored the money in a conference with the Senate.)… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

Photo credit: ABC

This does not require rocket science to understand.  If Republicans gave the slightest damn about the victims of natural disasters, like Isaac, they would not be gutting the funds to protect people from and to help people recover from such emergencies.  Therefore their aura of concern rings false.  Perhaps Isaac is a Republicane after all, because part of the suffering it causes Gulf Coast residents is a gift directly from the Republican Party.

That said, please join me in hope, prayer, or whatever you do for the people in Isaac’s path.


  8 Responses to “Isaac, the Republicane”

  1. Isaac did not do enough to disrupt the RepublicanTs revelry in Florida. It seems they got off Scott-free.

  2. I heard and then read that FEMA was very concerned about Isaac being around Tampa with the RNC convention scheduled.  Mention was made of the Republican/Teabagger politicans, but nothing of the ordinary citizens that would be affected.  I got the impression had the politicians not been there, Tampa would have been on its own.  That is truly sad.  I truly hope that Isaac is not as severe as Katrina and that everyone remains safe.
    May there be a voting hurricane on 06/11/12 such that the Republican/Teabaggers don't know what hit them; their house of cards comes down on them; and the Republican/Teabagger party is all but dead.

  3. Isaac hits Tampa. Republicans get stuck in the convention hall for a week. Electric out. No working bathrooms. Food  for about 1/2 a day. Little first aid, or medical help. Sweltering heat, no AC. People get upset……………Government to the rescue?

  4. "If Republicans gave the slightest damn about the victims of natural disasters, like Isaac, they would not be gutting the funds to protect people from and to help people recover from such emergencies.  "
    I guess I missed it, why do we keep rebuilding an area that is below sea-level, takes massive amounts of tax-dollars to maintain levees and then rebuild after the inevitable Hurricanes and Floods? Is it for the oil industry, tourism, posterity and history or what?
    Paraphrasing Einstein: Repeating the same processes and expecting a different result is INSANE!
    How about moving the bulk of the population out of that area and let nature have it back?  Its a win-win. The ecology nutballs get to observe an area recover, human life is saved and MY tax dollars are not wasted on a recurring tragedy.
    Just stop wasting MONEY and Resources on an perennial disaster event!

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