GOP Haters Blast Obama

 Posted by at 10:18 am  Politics, Religion
Aug 262012

The first amendment guarantees the freedom of religion, but forbids the establishment of any stare religion.  The only way for government to reasonably do this is to avoid preferential treatment for one religion over another.  Therefore is is perfectly appropriate for the President to participate in the festivals and holidays of several religions, bit not just one.   However, Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians seem to think freedom of religion means freedom for only THEIR religion.

26iftarWhen the Family Research Council wasn’t rallying support this week for Todd Akin or pushing to keep the ban on abortions in the case of rape or incest in the GOP platform, it found time to denigrate an entire religion. FRC sends out weekly Prayer Team alerts [pseudo-Christians delinked], asking “for your prayers relating to various public policy issues.”

This week’s alert [pseudo-Christians delinked] called Islam – the religion of 2.6 million Americans and 1.6 billion people around the world – a “fanatical religion.” The alert [pseudo-Christians delinked] also attacked a recent White House event with the American Muslim community – an Iftar dinner to mark the end of the Ramadan fast.


At the dinner, President Obama highlighted the role of Muslim-Americans in government and showcased Thomas Jefferson’s Koran. Here’s FRC’s interpretation [pseudo-Christians delinked]:

In his remarks, the President suggested that Thomas Jefferson may have hosted the first White House Iftar Dinner and he showcased the Koran from Jefferson's library (Fact: Thomas Jefferson long advocated using military force to deal with hostile Muslims in the Mediterranean and ordered the Marines to Tripoli among his first acts as President and had a Koran primarily to study the fanatical religion of his adversaries).

FRC characterized [pseudo-Christians delinked] Obama’s remarks at the event as “amazing,” and not in a good way. What was so amazing, you ask? For one thing, Obama “praised Muslims in positions throughout his administration,” including Huma Abedin. The group also accused Obama of giving preference to Islam at the expense of Christians and Christianity…


Inserted from <Right Wing Watch>

Photo credit:

Rather than spread hatred, intolerance and lies, a far more Christian response is to honor the faith of others, whose faith is different from our own, as long as those believers are willing to coexist with others.  I find that Obama’s willingness to honor American Muslims does not detract from Obama’s Christianity.  It demonstrates it.


  19 Responses to “GOP Haters Blast Obama”

  1. Why is that the Christofacists in this country think they are special?  Please join us in the 21st century and get a life – you are not special.

  2.  I ask people who tell me President Obama is not a Christian ;' So what does that mean? '  Amazing how so few can answer a simple– "So"?

  3. You are never going to shut the haters up nor will they ever believe the truth.  They thrive on hate and lies.  What does that say about their so called religion?  They have none in my opinion.   Your reply is on spot, TC. 

  4. I think Pres. Obama eloquently addresses all those Talibangelical christianists who persist in calling him a Muslim.  It doesn't mean it will ever end, because as we all know, "Haters gotta hate.":

    "I have a job to do as president, and that does not involve convincing folks that my faith in Jesus is legitimate and real.  I do my best to live out my faith, and to stay in the Word, and to make my life look more like His.  What I can do is just keep on following Him, and serve others—trying to make folks’ lives a little better using this humbling position that I hold."


  5. " The group also accused Obama of giving preference to Islam at the expense of Christians and Christianity…" George Carlin – Religion is bullshit [HQ DVD-Rip]


  6. The wise words of, as a reporter referred to him, "a little brown man in a loincloth", Mahatma Gandhi:
    My life is my message.    
    An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. 
    An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. 
    As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the atomic age – as in being able to remake ourselves. 
    Be the change that you want to see in the world. 
     And from Martin Luther King, Jr  :
    "We must learn to live together as brothers or we are going to perish together as fools."

  7. I think they have either forgotten, or never knew what Christ stood for, I am sure he would weep over their behavior.

  8. PS:  Jesus was a liberal!

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