Aug 032012

I’m posting two articles today, but will have no time to distribute links, because I have a physical therapy appointment for my shoulder.  I have not replied to comments here, but will, if time permits.  Tomorrow appears routine, but we’re getting another heat wave.  For the next four days my apartment will be well over 100°.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:08 (average 5:12).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Two Lesbians Went To Talk To Mitt Romney When He Was Governor And This Is What He Said


Willard's response to these women show him for what he is: a bigot without empathy or compassion.

From ABC: Gay rights activists and other supporters of marriage equality planned a national "Kiss In" at Chick-fil-A restaurants Friday to protest the fast-food chain owners' opposition to same-sex unions.

Participants are encouraged to come to the fast-food chains and kiss a fellow demonstrator of the same sex. One organizer, Carly McGehee of Dallas, said she hopes the event helps gay youths "who feel isolated and are victims of bullying."

Drill Baby Dingbat must be furious!

From Washington Post: An independent group supporting Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney says it’s launching a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign in several general election battleground states.

People familiar with the plans say Americans for Prosperity plans to spend about $25 million on the ads beginning next week and running into early September. The ads will run in Colorado, Florida, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

Americans for Prosperity was founded by David and Charles Koch (kohk), billionaire brothers who have contributed generously to Republican causes and candidates over the years.

We don't have the money to compete with Koch suckers financially, so we need to win one person at a time.




  9 Responses to “Open Thread–8/3/2012”

  1. 3:18  Nothing fishy about that time.

  2. Puzzle — 4:15  Well under the average, but I'm still in the shadows!  It's up to Patty now to keep you two gents in line!
    MoveOn — Not only is he a bigot without empathy or compassion, but he is a liar, deceitful and not trust worthy.  He is not fit to wash toilets let alone be POTUS.  We don't have to worry about him doing the former as that would be way beneath his dignity.
    Chick-fil-A — Apparently the demonstration didn't go so well.  There were a lot of others that went to the restaurants in support of Cathy.
    “I think we are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage,’” said Cathy.

    I would tend to agree with Cathy when he says "…we are inviting God's judgement on our nation" but I do NOT agree with the reason behind it. We invite God's wrath or judgement when we do not love our neighbour; when we do not seek to fight the injustice of discrimination. That is put in terms that Cathy and other so-called Christians can understand. However, as Edmund Burke said "All that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for enough good men to do nothing."

    Cathy stated that he and other members of his family have each been married to the same women for 25 years. I am happy that he is married to the same woman for 25 years. In this day and age, that is remarkable. Too bad that in his belief system, the LGBT community can't be allowed to share that kind of joy! Too bad those beliefs so negatively impact others.  Cathy is a bigoted man but entitled to his own beliefs.

    Cartoon — Now that is one great gymnast!  I remember watching her and marveling at her agility.  I was involved in gymnastics in high school and did quite well, but I never went into competition.  One of the reasons I have problems with my lower back now may be related to my ability to be almost a human pretzel during gymnastics.  Those were the days.

    • She often does.

      It wouldn't surprise me if he has a servant, because wiping himself is beneath his dignity.

      I tend to think that God has little need for wrath.  We do well at punishing ourselves.

      I used to date a gymnast.  She never made it past regional competitions, but her flexibility was amazing.

  3. No matter what its origins, there is certainly a day of reckoning coming. Most of us probably won't survive it. There are those who will say that we are receiving the judgment of an offended deity. For my part, I'm pretty well convinced we've brought it upon ourselves. No deities need be involved.

  4. I don't think Rmoney is qualified to hold any elective office.

  5. "Willard's response to these women show him for what he is: a bigot without empathy or compassion."
    Another word might be Sociopath.

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