Aug 022012

I just watched Willard’s horse perform for the first time, and if the horse’s ass (Willard) were half as adept as the horse, we’d be in trouble.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow I’ll do abbreviated blogging at best, because I have a physical therapy appointment for my shoulder.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:14 (average 5:19).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Look At These Three Photos And You’ll Never See Amtrak The Same Way


Under a Republican Regime we would have new wars to help transfer wealth upward, as we careen into the 19th century.

From NY Times: Members of Congress used to be embarrassed when they could not perform their basic job of passing spending bills and instead had to finance the government with a series of short-term resolutions. But such patchwork has now become commonplace, and it is a sign of Washington’s profound dysfunction that the short-term agreement reached on Tuesday came as a relief to both sides.

House and Senate leaders settled on a deal to keep the government running through March, preventing it from shutting down when the fiscal year ends on Sept. 30. With Congress polarized and paralyzed by the coming election, no regular appropriations bills have been enacted, and none will be before the deadline.

I suggested that Democrats should hold out for a deal that lasted into the New Congress next year.  They did, and Republicans caved in, getting no concessions, unlike last year.  Facing down bullies works.

From You Tube (Hat-Tip Sheryl aka Dandelion): Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt


Capitalism was not designed to handle giant corporations. For America to succeed, capitalism must be heavily regulated and held responsible for ALL damages done.




  7 Responses to “Open Thread–8/2/2012”

  1. Puzzle — 4:33 This old hen has nothing to crow about!
    MoveOn — And here I thought the Republican/Teabaggers were praying for new wars to help transfer wealth upwards so the US would careen into the 18th century where the Republican/Teabaggers could rewrite the constitution in their own image!
    NY Times — Well who would have thought that the Democrats could have grown a pair, brass ones at that!  Could it be that Republican/Teabaggers are realising that they need to improve their image for a November election.  There is some perfidy footloose so best Democrats not get too complacent or rest.  I'm sure that is what the GOP is hoping for.
    YouTube — Looks like an excellent book, another that I must read.  The pile grows higher!  When corporate capitalists sell their souls for a few pieces of silver, we all lose!
    Cartoon — PT109  JFK's boat!.  Quite a story as I remember it from American history lessons.

    • 4:22 I guess we both laid an egg today, Lynn.

    • Still not bad.

      They already have.  Most SCROTUS decisions prove it.

      You're right on both counts.  Last year enough of the public figured out what the Republicans were doing, and reacted, that Republicans fear a pre-election repeat.


      I'm convinced that the military-industrial right killed him, because he was about to announce his intent to pull out of Vietnam.

    • 4:05  I was going to make a cock joke, but then figured whatever I wrote would be inappropriate for this fine family blog.

  2. Those trains would sure cut my travel time when I go to visit my sister in Florida.
    And now Congress has no worries since they're on vacation for a month. A well deserved vacation. HAH!
    Send Sheryl a green star for me since I can't get on care2 anymore. Something happened with a virus in my account there.
    JFK Rest in Peace.

    • I bet!

      At least it's a month where they won't hurt anything.

      I do every chance I get.  Have you emailed the owners? 


  3. Thanks to you and Sheryl for the Youtube article. My grandfather marched on Washington with John L. Lewis and was involved in the "bloody Harlem" wars.  He would cringe if he could see what the coal industry is getting away with today.  They are slowly , maybe not so slowly, destroying the coal states.  Our home, where we had lived for 30 years, was hit by a flash flood, coincidentally after strip mining, or mountain top removal was allowed a few miles above us.  People in many areas here have no decent water to drink or bathe in, but the politicians in Frankfort rejoiced over the court ruling that the EPA had over stepped its bounds in ruling that the coal companies couldn't destroy our streams.  My neighbors, who are young and work in the mines are terrified that they will lose their jobs if Obama is reelected.  The coal companies keep telling them that.  The coal company CEO's don't live in the coal fields and don't care what happens to us. Shades of the early 1900's when the robber barons owned everything.

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