Jul 312012

This will be today’s only article, because I have a long appointment with an urologist over my kidney stone.  I’m current with replies.  I should be able to do more tomorrow, but I do have to collect the data for Thursday’s Monthly Report.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:48 (average 4:28).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Is There Anything More Beautiful Than This?


And she is the only one we have. This is a MUST SEE video.

From NY Times: Mitt Romney offended Palestinian leaders on Monday by suggesting that cultural differences explain why the Israelis are so much more economically successful than Palestinians, thrusting himself again into a volatile issue while on his high-profile overseas trip.

His remarks drew a pointed rebuke from the Palestinian leadership, which angrily noted that Mr. Romney had failed to mention the years of trade restrictions imposed by Israel.

The comments came after he questioned London’s preparations for the Olympic Games while in that city, drawing criticism from the British prime minister and others.

Willard has made similar comments about cultural differences with minorities in this country. It’s not surprising, because racism is very common, albeit very well hidden, among members of the .001%.

From MSNBC: Welcome back Rachel!

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Her vacation has been too long, since she is so great at skinning Willard, who has already demonstrated that he is a foreign policy pariah. Even ChickenHawk Cheney is going fishing to avoid the GOP convention.



Would Willard cancel it?


  19 Responses to “Open Thread–7/31/2012”

  1. Of course Romney thinks cultural differences are the reason for success.  It is just further proof that the 1% think they are better than everyone else…and deserve more.

  2. Romney's foreign tour in an effort to burnish his creds can be easily summarized:
    It was a trip to Af-GAFFE-stan

  3. 3:28 Exactly one minute under the average, but I don't think I will steamroll the girls.

  4. She is hurting much worse than people realize.
    Mittens just can't help himself. Every time he opens his mouth, he starts trouble for someone, whether it's himself or others.

  5. Puzzle — 3:41 first time. About 5 hours later 2:58.
    MoveOn — Excellent video.  I liken what we do to mother earth as being like the dentist pulling an abscessed tooth without any anaesthesia, only worse.  Some beautiful, beautiful pictures.  I am afraid that is all we will be left with if we don't get our collective shit together!
    Rmoney — He should have learned long ago to load brain first, then fire mouth!  His comments about the Palestinians are, without doubt racist.  From everything I've heard, he is almost the total opposite of his father.  How can an apple fall so far from the tree?
    Rachel Maddow — Have to say that Rmoney did a bang up job on healthcare in Israel, and by extension, proved to everyone listening in the US, that national healthcare (socialist universal coverage) is the way to go.  Let's face it, he lamented the costs of 8% of GDP in Israel vs 18% GDP in the US.  And both Israelis and Britons (add Canadians in there too) like their national healthcare systems, not that they are perfect but they ensure everyone has coverage
    Another thing I was amused at was when asked if the trip was successful, the Republican/Teabaggers said they thought so because he got his picture at the Wailing Wall on the front page of a lot of newspapers.  When I first saw his picture at the Wall this morning, my first thought was this was all show and no go.  Just another hypocritical stunt.
    Sure is nice to have Rachel back in such fine form.

  6. From MoveOn: Is There Anything More Beautiful Than This?
    We need to protect our planet for future generations…

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