Jul 212012

It felt very good to wake up this morning without being in a sweat.  If the cool weather keeps up another couple days, the building will have bled off all the reserve heat.  The Colorado shooting has dominated the news and it’s still too soon for me to have much to day about it, and although Republican attempts to blame Obama and the Democratic Party are beneath contempt, I shall consider them not worthy of response for now.  I have one other article today.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow I have more work to do in preparation for next week’s volunteer work.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:57 (I really stunk)(average 6:07).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: HILARIOUS! Jon Stewart Takes On Romney’s ‘Bain Damage’


No doubt about it. He’s Bain damaged!

From Capitol Column: Former Republican President George W. Bush will not attend the upcoming Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, according to a statement released Friday.

The Associated Press reports that a spokesman for Mr. Bush, Freddy Ford, says the former president has “respectfully declined” the Republican party’s invitation to the national convention where presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is expected to accept the party’s nomination.

I bet he got that invitation on the condition that he decline, to spare him the embarrassment of not being invited at all.

From Michael Moore: "I fear anthropologists and historians will look back on us and simply say we were a violent nation, at home and abroad, but in due time human decency won out and the violence ceased, but not before many, many more died and the world had had its fill of us.

"Thoughts, prayers, and whatever comfort can be found for the victims and their families…"

– Michael Moore

May his fear be unrealized.



“YOU PEOPLE” is a 1% euphemism for irritating unworthy underlings that says, “You’re not one of us.”


  13 Responses to “Open Thread–7/21/2012”

  1. 6:02  
    TomCat, you may be stinky, but today I'm a dead fish!

  2. Sadly, too many uninformed people will vote for him.  I am afraid it will be a close election, and I hope the Supreme court won't intervene again.

  3. Puzzle — 5:45  Holy mackerel!  I passed you two.  This was a stinky one though!  Have you ever smelled half a ton of herring that has fallen off a flatbed and down a long embankment after sitting in the summer sun for a day?  Now that is STINK!  Enough to make you wretch and then some!
    MoveOn — Could get it to play on the Comedy Network for some reason.  Did however get 19/07/12 to play where Jon Stewart sat with what looked like a stack of 1,000 pages, supposedly Rmoney's tax return, and commented on various line items.  He generally is so funny.
    Capitol Column — Baby Bush sure does have the plague!  It is interesting though, the GOP are still "friendly" with Cheney who is just as big a dolt!  Both of them should be tried for violations of the UN Convention on Torture and for crimes against humanity.  To me, they are no different than Milosevic and some of the others.
    As Baby Bush said  "… 8 years was awesome, and uh I was famous and I was powerful . . .".  So there you have it, Baby Bush summing up his years as president of the US.  That is all it is to these dolts — fame and power!  Nothing more than an ego feed.  A chance to call the shots and get their own way.  Nothing about service to the nation, to the people.
    Michael Moore — I am afraid he is right, although I hope not.  Look how we see ancient Rome through the lense of human history.  Amen to thoughts and prayers for the slain and victims and their friends and family.
    Cartoon — I caught the tone of voice in an interview with ABC and my first reaction was "you sanctimonious bitch!"  but then I though, why should I expect anything different.  She, like Rmoney is out of touch with reality because they live in their own rarified little world. 

    • Fur baiting lobster pots we used red fish that had been rotting at room temperature for weeks.  That is STINK.


      What service?


      Republicans are claiming that's not what she said.

  4. GW carries a lot of stink with him and probably would not be welcome in Miami. The invitation was most likely an empty gesture and Daddy told him not to embarrass himself and the family any more by showing up.
    Proudly, I am one of "you people".

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