Jul 132012

It’s here:  The day to spill salt, break mirrors, step on cracks and walk under ladders.  It has now been a week since the temperature in my apartment was in the 70°s, and I am so ready for a rainy day!  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow will be hot.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:54 (4:25 average).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Why One Little Girl’s Story Will Have You Sprinting For The Voting Booth In November


If Republicans had their way, she would be dead.

From NY Times: When John F. Kennedy was elected president, the top 0.01 percent was only about a quarter as rich compared with the typical family as it is now — and members of that class paid much higher taxes than they do today. Yet someho,9w we managed to have a dynamic, innovative economy that was the envy of the world. The superrich may imagine that their wealth makes the world go round, but history says otherwise.

You really ought to click through and read this Paul Krugman editorial in it’s entirety.

From Christian Science Monitor: A District of Columbia police officer who worked as a motorcycle escort for the White House and other officials has been moved to administrative duty after he allegedly made threatening comments about Michelle Obama, The Washington Post reported Thursday.

The officer was overheard making the comments Wednesday as several officers from the Special Operations Division discussed threats against the Obamas, the Post said, citing unidentified police officials who were not authorized to discuss details of the case. The officer allegedly said he would shoot the first lady and then used his phone to retrieve a picture of the firearm he said he would use, according to the report in the newspaper’s online edition.

I’m guessing that the DC Police will soon have one less Teabagger.




  4 Responses to “Open Thread–7/13/2012”

  1. Cartoon — Not in New York!  I was safely in Toronto and working that summer in the meat department of a grocery store.  It was a Monday so I was likely picking up old wrinkled wieners from the wiener fight the night before.  You had to be there — we cleaned up the meat department every Sunday night in prep for the rest of the week.  Last official act was a wiener fight with old bulk wieners!  I do seem to recall that there was quite a baby boom 9 months later.  Also, 13 July 1960 : Senator John F Kennedy of Massachusetts is nominated for the presidency by the Democratic Party Convention, defeating Senator Lyndon B. Johnson.
    Puzzle — I bow to your greatness — 4:04.
    MoveOn — An almost tragic story that worked out thanks to Obamacare!  What a wonderful picture!  $770,000,000 is obscene!  There should be laws against that level of obscenity!  The fine was certainly disproportionate to the 'crime' — it should have been much higher and it should have come out of the CEO's income.
    Krugman — I really fail to see where the job creation is when the rich are not involved in building a business but simply, like the king, in the counting house counting all his gold!

    "…To this historical observation we should add another note: quite a few of today’s super rich, Mr. Romney included, make or made their money in the financial sector, buying and selling assets rather than building businesses in the old-fashioned sense. … So at least some members of the top 0.01 percent are best viewed as job destroyers rather than job creators."

    I saw this excellent comment left at the article and agree.

    "When the country is at war, we call on the patriotism of our young people to put their lives on the line to defend us.

    But when our country is in trouble economically, why do we not regard with disdain the lack of patriotism of those who use tax loopholes, and, worse, downright fraud, to make themselves richer? Aren't they equivalent to the draft-dodgers and deserters that we feel let us down in times of war? Where is their patriotism and their sense of honor and fairness to their country?"

    DC Police — If this idiot isn't on the unemployment line, he should be.  What is it in the US that if someone has a beef with another, the threat of violence seems to be the first reaction?  You'd think after almost a year of commenting on US politics etc, I'd either know the answer or be immune!  I hope I never become immune to this senseless violence.

    • I had left NY, but was back on business.  I was trapped alone in an elevator with a very attractive blond.  Fidelity can be soooo painful!! 🙄

      I think it's only my second time under 3:00 ever.

      Very well said!

      Agree.  Stop and frisk percentages show that racism is endemic to the NYPD.

  2. 3:09  Good solve, TomCat.  Anything under 3 minutes is unbeatable.

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