Felon or Just a Liar?

 Posted by at 10:19 am  Politics
Jul 132012

As usual, Willard has a problem.  He has tried to take credit for jobs created after his supposed departure from Bain in 1999.  When establishing residency for his run for office in 2002, he claimed that his sole occupation was as CEO of Bain.  But when called to account for wrecking American families by offshoring their jobs, between 1999 and 2002 he has claimed that he is not responsible, because he had retired.  Willard’s problem is that he wants to have it both ways.  But it gets even worse.

13RomneyFelonOn the very day Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s campaign unveiled a television ad directly accusing President Barack Obama of being dishonest, news reports revealed apparent discrepancies between federal filings and Romney’s statements on his role leading Bain Capital.

The Boston Globe, building on earlier Web reports, wrote on Thursday that despite Romney’s claim that he relinquished control of his investment firm in 1999, multiple filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission still list him as sole owner, president, and CEO of the company until February 2001.

"Either Mitt Romney through his own words and his own signature was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the SEC, which is a felony, or he was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the American people to avoid responsibility for some of the consequences of his investments," said Stephanie Cutter, deputy campaign manager for Obama, during a conference call with reporters on Thursday… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <US News>

Despite my humorous graphic, filing criminal charges against Willard over actions that seem more like a tort than a crime may be stretching it.

Rachel Maddow provided detail with Christopher Roland.

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Here’s the deal. Once upon a time I was President, CEO, Chairman of the Board and sole stockholder of a small business. While I was on vacation, the employee that I left in charge made a mistake that caused a client over $10,000 in damage. I paid. If I were Willard, I could have said, "I am not responsible. I wasn’t there." But I had enough respect to believe that the people involved were bright enough to know that, if I’m the President, CEO, Chairman of the Board and sole stockholder, that means I’m the boss, and I AM responsible. Willard does not have that much respect for our intelligence. He doesn’t think we’re bright enough to know that he is responsible.

Whether Willard is a felon or just a liar is unimportant. Either way, he is not fit to hold public office.


  16 Responses to “Felon or Just a Liar?”

  1. I agree with every single word you have written here, Tom.  Keep up the excellent work!

  2. Romney has fliped and floped so many times i do not think he knows whats up or down.  He can't even get his ads to look real.  Obama Lied shame on you Barack Obama shame on you.  When he starts running ads like this you know Obama not only telling the truth but the Bain facts are true even Romney said so.  lol the man is a liar.  Taxes Romney is a felon.  Romney's side kick money can't buy him truth.  He will never get the key to White House and they will throw away the key on 11/6/12
    Great cartoon TomCat

  3. He is both.  The GOP knows he cannot run on his record so they have tried their hardest to avoid listing them.  When they have they have made outright falsehoods, taking credit for someone else's work, and refused to directly answer questions about his governorship of Massachusetts, his time at Bain, and his personal finances he hides offshore.  They have a flawed candidate that people do not relate to so they revert back to the attack lines of 2008 against President Obama because they know their base is bigoted, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, and will vote against President Obama based on him being african american.   I will boil down to the independent vote and the middle.  As disappointed as democrats are with President Obama, they would never vote for Romney but they may just stay home.       

    • Welcome Abby! πŸ™‚

      You have rightly identified the problem.  Obama is a centrist and campaigned as such, but centrist is so much more progressive than Bush, that many on the left painted him with their hearts, not their brains.  Sure I'd rather have Bernie, but the choice is between pure evil and imperfect, but still pretty good.

  4. I think "lying felon" is probably the answer.

  5. If Rmoney is going to try to claim the SEC filings he signed his name to as CEO, Chairman and Sole Owner aren’t accurate – then PROVE IT.
    If he’s going to try to claim he wasn’t putting millions and millions of his dollars in foreign tax havens, Swiss bank accounts, shell corporations and God knows what other instruments in offshore holdings to avoid paying his fair share of American taxes – then PROVE IT.
    If he’s going to try to claim that pointing these FACTS out is “unseemly” and “a distraction” – then maybe he shouldn’t have done it in the first place.
    And the simple way to “Prove It” – release the last twelve years of your tax returns … as your Father did when he was running to be our President!

    • Amen…….You summed it up quite nicely.  Romney is now demanding an apology from President Obama for the Bain attacks.  Well I hope Mitt is good at holding his breath because I'm sure it ain't coming anytime soon.

    • So true, Nameless.  Interestingly, I said the same elsewhere this morning.

  6. I can just see the text bubble for Rmoney as seen on the front of Rachel's video — "… uh, oh shit!  What am I going to do now? … uh … they said I'd have days like this … uh, oh shit!"  as he tries to think of something intelligent to say.
    AC/DC works for some things like electrical appliances, rock bands and one or two other things.  It does NOT work for presumed presidential candidates!  Rmoney can not have it both ways!  If the documents are correct with the SEC, then Rmoney is guilty of lying to the American people, and in my estimation becomes a political liability.  If the SEC documents are wrong then he has an even larger problem.  This does not look good for him.  I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to blame Mr Obama!
    If he does get knocked out by this gaff, just curious, does the Republican/Teabagger party go with another candidate, and if so, who likely would it be?

    • I believe the evangelical christians would demand it be Santorum.  Of course Ron Paul would create some traction and even Newt would re-enter from Moon colony one.  If this ends up hurting Romney to the point of withdrawl, I don't see any of them able to pick up the pieces and get ads, campaign organization, and money in line to effectively unseat President Obama unless they go racist and directly go after him.  maybe they will convince Mitt to call it quits and turn over his campaign organization directly to them for the good of the party but unlikely after they so brutaly went after him.  Mitt will be in no mood to help them after his second go at the oval office ends in disgrace.  I'm hoping but the rights will most likely ignore it as they bank on their bases basic bigoted/racist values and go for the throat in a "all in" attack.  It won't work but after the last 3 1/2 years of racist/bigoted comments from pundits, politicians, judges, and media, they have shown their true colors. 

    • In agree with Abby, but I don't see this bringing Willard down.  Instead they will crank up the noise machine and keep parroting the lies.

  7. The answer to the question "Felon or just a liar?" is Yes.  When you think about a friend or an acquaintance what comes to mind are those views and attitudes that make up that person.  He/she has an identity.  Romney as a person does not exist. Each day he creates a new Romney which lasts as long as it appears to be advantageous.  When the social environment changes Romney changes to fit.  He is nowhere and he is everywhere; he is noone and he is everyone  Look back in time and you will find that he has agreed with you.  Today he will be against that position.  Romney is like water.  He takes the form of the "container", the surroundings.

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