Jul 112012

Jobs, Jobs Jobs is the Republicans’ so-called agenda.  And to Republicans Jobs, Jobs, Jobs usually means trying to regulate what takes place between women’s legs.  However, on comparatively rare occasions, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs means trying to kill Obamacare.  For something with zero chance of success, that’s wasteful of both time and tax dollars.  By my estimation, counting  today’s vote, fruitless Republican attempts to undo Obamacare have cost taxpayers over $48.5 million.

11ObamacareHouse Republicans generally avoided talk of replacement measures on Tuesday as they mobilized for an election-season vote to repeal the health care law that stands as President Barack Obama’s signature domestic accomplishment.

Instead, they lambasted the 2-year-old law as a threat to the nation’s economic recovery and predicted some Democrats would join them in repudiating it.

"This is nothing short of economic malpractice," said Rep. Nan Hayworth of New York, citing tax increases, government mandates and other items in the law. "We can and we must do better."

She did not elaborate, nor did any of the members of the leadership in their remarks to reporters after the meeting.

Republican officials said the general reluctance to sketch any sort of alternative resulted from a desire to focus public attention on the health care law itself. It generally fares poorly in public polling, both nationally and in surveys of independent voters.

In addition, they said that while many Republicans ran on a slogan of "repeal and replace" in 2010, the rank and file is far from united around any precise alternative… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <CBS>

The Republicans who opened their mouths were lying.

Ed Schultz provided more detail with Steve Israel (D-NY).

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As a side note, repealing Obamacare would cost thousands of new jobs.

For my estimate, I used the Sunlight Foundation Database to estimate that running the House costs approximately $274 million per year.  Even though the Republican leadership has kept the House out of session more this year than last year, the year is incomplete, so I used 2011 data to estimate that Congress is in session 175 days per year.  Thus, running the House costs approximately $1,566,000 per day.  Each vote on a major issue like Obamacare takes over a day of House time, due to the debate involved, but rounding down to just one day, the 31 attempts to undo Obamacare have cost over $48.5 million.

What is most obscene about this is that the money Republicans have wasted on this political theater could have paid a year’s average salaries for 1,156 firefighters, 967 police officers, or 890 high school teachers.  So much for Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!


  13 Responses to “Another Waste of Time and Tax Dollars”

  1. Seems to me the entire political circus the Congress has put on is a waste— Has anyone pulled together the cost of all the shenanigans this theater has cost since the 1210 election put  all these ignorant  clowns in a position to show off and make noise– their very preoccupation with the sexuality of women is obscene-

  2. You mean to tell me there really is NO “Replace” to the Repubicans endless chant of “Repeal & Replace”?
    Why, next you’ll be trying to convince me that the Tea Party is not really a grassroots effort
    And the Ryan Budget really doesn’t solve our economic concerns while saving Medicare and Social Security
    And that the GOP really isn’t focused on jobs, jobs, jobs
    And that Repubican Voter ID laws really aren’t about voter fraud
    And that there’s really not a bunny rabbit who delivers chocolate eggs at Easter

  3. Boehner — "I promised the American people on opening day of this Congress that this would never be about us.  Our Congress would be about listening to the American people  and following their will. …"
    Boehner lied!  From day one it has only been about making Mr Obama a one term president.  The only American people that catch Boehner's ear are the 1% and corporations!
    Mr Boehner quit wasting money on frivolous votes and get down to some constructive business for the good of ALL Americans.
    "What is most obscene about this is that the money Republicans have wasted on this political theater could have paid a year’s average salaries for 1,156 firefighters, 967 police officers, or 890 high school teachers."
    I couldn't agree more.  The GOP knows how to waste more money, and then they have the audacity to cry foul because the defense budget has to be cut; or they accuse Mr Obama of out of control spending even though his spending has increased 1.4% which is lower than the inflation rate (and the rates of all previous presidents back to Reagan); or they make up bogus figures about tax increases and the environment.  The list goes on.
    The only good Republican/Teabagger is the one in the unemployment line!  I sometimes wonder if a Republican/Teabagger who fell on really bad times and lost all his income and assets, would apply for unemployment benefits or welfare?
    Vote Democratic 2012!!!!!     Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!

    • Very well said, Lynn.  To summarize, Republicans are the ones at fault in every problem, for which they blame Democrats.

  4. The republicans have no alternative to offer, their only interest is to get Obama out of office.  They are not interested in the well being of their constituents.

  5. $50,000,000.00 and counting spent on this, while those JOBS Junket John cried about still can't get a hearing.
    The Rushpubliscums have become obsessive-compulsive on an issue that Americans consider settled.

    • Amen, JR.  I saw this morning that Huffington post has the same Idea, and their estimate was only $1.5 million different from mine.

  6. I guess we have to wait and see who the American what leading our country.   Boehner has become a Tea Party talking head how sad because he will no longer head the congress in 11/6/12.

  7. "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." — Albert Einstein

    "Stupid is as stupid does." — Forrest Gump

    I guess John Boehner and House Republican/Teabaggers haven't heard of Albert Einstein or Forrest Gump.  Pity because they are such incredible philosophers.
    These idiots, for what the 33rd time, have brought up a vote to repeal Obamacare!  A total waste of money and time!  Get on with the business of the country like JOBS!

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