Jul 012012

I’m running behind today.  Even though I got up early, I had to collect all the data for tomorrow’s monthly report.  I’m current on replies, albeit brief.  Tomorrow appears routine.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:05 (average 4:49).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: The Truth About Where Your Tax $ Is Going Will Shock You


And Republicans think that we should let our poor go hungry and our infrastructure, crumble.

From Reuters: Kansai Electric Power Co on Sunday restarted the 1,180-megawatt No. 3 unit at its Ohi atomic plant, the utility said, Japan’s first nuclear reactor to come back online since the Fukushima crisis, despite public safety concerns.

That’s even more stupid than drill, baby, drill.

From ABC: A top advisor to President Barack Obama urged Congressional Democrats on Friday to "go on offense" against Republicans on the issue of taxes and argued that the Supreme Court ruling upholding the incumbent’s signature health care law should be the "clear and final" word on the issue.

In a memo made public by the White House, David Plouffe accused Republicans of "trying to misrepresent" Obama’s record on taxes.

"We welcome this debate on middle class taxes, and we urge you to seize this opportunity to go on offense to illustrate how the President and Democrats in Congress are standing up for the middle class," Plouffe wrote.

We must take every opportunity to demonstrate that Republicans govern exclusively for the benefit of millionaires, billionaires and corporate criminals, while Democrats have worked to help the lower and middle classes, in spite of constant Republican obstruction and sabotage.




  13 Responses to “Open Thread–7/1/2012”

  1. MoveOn — As a percentage of GDP, it's at the top with the exception of Saudi Arabia.  But in absolute dollars, OMG, it is MASSIVE!  How much of that spending is directly related to salaries/wages?  In business, those costs usually make up one of the biggest, if not the biggest expenses.  I suppose one could reduce it, theoretically , by saying that if the size of the military were reduced in order to save money, the human resource expense would be less, but the unemployment rate would be that much higher.  To be sure, under a Republican/Teabagger reign of terror, there would be no employment insurance at all.  I guess that is why so many military personnel seem to be in the Republican/Teabagger ranks — it keeps them working.  Just an opinion, no proof.
    Kansai Electric Power Co — This from a small island nation that sit astride at least one fault line and is close to others, and regularly experiences earthquakes!  What are they thinking? — that another Fukushima could not happen?  Stupid is as stupid does!  Unfortunately, it isn't just Japan that is at risk, but it is the whole world that will pay the price of another Fukushima disaster.
    The Twist — The Republican/Teabaggers are not "trying to misrepresent" Obama’s record on taxes.  They ARE misrepresenting it,  twisting it all about (FUBAR!!!!!), and outright lying about it!  Mr Obama is not perfect, but I believe that he is squarely focused on the American people, especially the majority 99%.  The 1% might have the majority of the almighty dollars, but money is not speech!  And corporations are not people!  One person, one vote!!!!!
    Cartoon — Excellent!  Excellent!!  Excellent!!!  A picture of the place people are just dying to get into!  … and with Republican/Teabagger assistance, they will sooner than later!  BTW, when did you see a grave stone that said " R.I.P.  FUBAR Corporation, born 1960 died 2008"?  Just proves corporations are not people!

    • Lynn, s big chunk of the money goes to fund weapons systems, needed for the cold war, but benefit only corporate military contractors now.

      Sadly, we are not paying attention, either.

      …and flush Republicans from power.

      Thanks and aman!

  2. Great Open Thread  
    "From ABC: A top advisor to President Barack Obama urged Congressional Democrats on Friday to "go on offense" against Republicans on the issue of taxes and argued that the Supreme Court ruling upholding the incumbent’s signature health care law should be the "clear and final" word on the issue.
    In a memo made public by the White House, David Plouffe accused Republicans of "trying to misrepresent" Obama’s record on taxes.
    "We welcome this debate on middle class taxes, and we urge you to seize this opportunity to go on offense to illustrate how the President and Democrats in Congress are standing up for the middle class," Plouffe wrote."
    Bring it on  I can't wait until the debates 
    Oh TomCat I love the cartoon  A great way to end a Sunday love it

  3. Happy Canada Day!!!!!
    145 Years Young!

  4. 3:02  I was cookin' today.

  5. Nobody is even running a far away second to our extravagance on our military.
    Those poor Japanese. You would think people all over the world would wise up.
    I love the depiction of RepubliCare. It's not really a cartoon.

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