Jun 212012

Yesterday I caught up distribution of links.  I’m hurrying because today will be a scorcher, but it should only last for one day.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow appears routine.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:25 (average 4:20).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: The Truth About How Hard Your Kids’ Teachers ACTUALLY Work


How is it that Rmoney and the Republican Party say there are to many of these?

From Common Dreams: Alberta’s second oil spill in two weeks casts further doubts on the safety of tar sands

On Monday 230,000 liters of tar sands crude spilled at a pumping station near Elk Point, Alberta along Enbridge’s Athabasca pipeline, causing the pipeline to shut down temporarily.

Nature clothed Alberta in such magnificence, that I hate to see it fouled by Harper and his harlots.

From MSNBC: Romney Swings and Misses


Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Rmoney ducks those questions for an obvious reason. Answering them truthfully would guarantee an Obama win.

Cartoon: Rmoney talking about Obama



  14 Responses to “Open Thread–6/21/2012”

  1. Dawg help me I cannot stand that creature…..

  2. Anyone who does NOT believe that Rmoney has created 100,000 jobs has clearly NEVER been to China.

  3. Puzzle — Holy crap!  3:42!  and I had a mouse issue.
    Speaking of 'holy crap', my church is having its semi-annual garage sale even though we don't have a garage.  It is on Saturday coming.  The sign on the church says:  
    Holy Crap
    Garage Sale
    I really had to laugh when I saw it!
    MoveOn — Couldn't agree more with the signs! 
    In the 60's, my mother, who was not a trained teacher but who was a very capable senior secretary in a highschool office, was asked by the commercial department head if she wanted to make extra money by teaching typing and shorthand to grades 9 and 10.  He was prepared to help her by mentoring and showing her how to do lesson plans etc and all the other stuff that goes with teaching.  You see, he knew she was newly divorced, raising 2 kids and getting no child support.  She taught for 2 years and then realised that the time for planning, preparation, marking etc were taking too much time away from my brother and I.  So she went back to being a senior secretary riding herd on the school office which was no small feat either, but it was more 9-5.  I am a trained trainer and know how long it takes to plan and prep a seminar.  I admire teachers who do their jobs well and put in the extra time.  Teaching is not a 9-5 job and parents and administrators need to recognise this.  By the way, if a teacher is not doing the job, they should be turfed.  The trouble is finding the right measuring stick.
    Oil Sands — They will be the death of us all if they are allowed to continue.  The last spill I read about fouled a lake but the Alberta government was quick to say that no damage was done and it is being cleaned up.  Man if you believe that, have I got some swampland in Florida to sell you.  All they ever do is prove why the Northern Gateway pipeline and the Keystone should not be built while out of the other sides of their mouths, touting how safe it is!  Bear scat!!!!!  Harper and his harlots MUST go — turn them into fossil fuel!
    Rmoney — Martin Bashir "…a campaign built on evasion and obfuscation…" — You know, try that with your taxes and you'll have the IRS all over your butt!  I think it is time for the voters to be all over his butt and throwing him out of the political arena.  I think Rmoney is afraid that if he says anything, one way or the other, he'll be held accountable.  And he should be.  We all know how he likes to remind Mr Obama of his commitments.
    Cartoon — Great.  Unfortunately, Rmoney doesn't know when to invest in the US and keep jobs in the US!

    • Excellent!

      I have no doubt that God has a sense of humor.

      Good point.  Pure tenure institutionalized mediocrity, but basing teacher performance on test scores institutionalizes ignorance.


      Exactly.  If he tells the truth he offends all but the GOP base.  If ge doesn't he offends the GOP base.


  4. Love the cartoon  
    unfortunately just like alot things in America people seem to teachers for granted.

  5. Another item I heard today on the news, ratings of 15 banks around the world have been downgraded by Moody's.  Here's a link to an article in the Financial Post:    http://business.financialpost.com/2012/06/21/moodys-downgrades-rbc-down-two-notches/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+FP_TopStories+%28Financial+Post+-+Top+Stories%29   "Other banks downgraded on Thursday include Bank of America Corp., Barclays PLC, Citigroup Inc., Credit Suisse Group AG, Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., HSBC Holdings PLC, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Morgan Stanley, Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC,  and Deutsche Bank AG."   I guess Jamie Dimon's $5 billion boondoggle at JP Morgan Chase is having some affect, especially given the turmoil in the markets.  I wonder how his new big business model is going to sit with Congress etc now?   http://www.alternet.org/economy/155862/how_jamie_dimon%27s_new_business_model_from_hell_could_take_down_wall_street_%E2%80%93_again_/    

  6. 3:27  Missed you by 2 seconds.

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