Scott Defies DOJ

 Posted by at 10:47 am  Politics
Jun 072012

I imagine most of you are already familiar with the attempts by Florida’s Republican governor, Rick Scott, to disenfranchise legal voters in order to steal the 2012 presidential election.  His tactics have been so egregious that the US Department of Justice (DOJ) has issued an order for him to stop his illegal purging of voters from Florida’s roles.  Simply put, Scott has refused.

7scottGov. Rick Scott’s administration defiantly refused a federal demand to stop purging non-citizens from Florida’s voter rolls, intensifying an election-year confrontation with President Barack Obama’s administration as each side accuses the other of breaking federal law.

In a sharply worded letter, Scott’s top elections official claimed the Department of Justice doesn’t understand two federal voting laws at the heart of the dispute and was protecting potentially illegal voters more than legal ones.

Florida also accused another federal agency, the Department of Homeland Security, of violating the law by denying Florida access to a federal citizenship database… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Miami Herald>

Fortunately for voters, Rick Scott can order it, but he does not have the power to implement it.  Rachel Maddow brings us up to date with this issue with Ann McFall (R), Volusia County Supervisor of Elections.

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I salute this Republican woman, and other election supervisors from both parties, for doing their job correctly and refusal to implement Rick Scott’s criminal attempt to steal the election.


  16 Responses to “Scott Defies DOJ”

  1. I salute this Republican woman, and other election supervisors from both parties, for doing their job correctly and refusal to implement Rick Scott’s criminal attempt to steal the election.


    in a nutshell- there are still people of honor among officials including Republicans ; It is unbelievable what is going on- the naked hatred and greed that is behind  all the  money being spent– Scott is pathological–

  2. Political posturing is exactly what Rick Scott is doing.  Ann McFall is a hero in my opinion.

  3. Is there something in the name ‘Scott’ that brings on political deceit and perfidy? — Scott Walker, Rick Scott — damn, I hate the name ‘Scott’ now!

    Rick Scott should be taken out behind the out house and whooped!  Eric Holder needs to get his ducks lined up now and take this governor to task on his abuses and illegal activities.  Kudos to the Election Supervisors who do their job properly and are not letting a low-life Republican/Teabagger governor dictate terms to them that they know are wrong.

    • I have a better idea.  Take him to the outhouse, drop him in, and nail on the lid. 😉

      • I was going to suggest a swirly but that’s difficult in the outhouse.  Nail the lid shut — but then we couldn’t add more!

        Off topic — Hey, saw an interesting name on Care 2 today — Klu Kux Kristians!  How appropriate for the rightwing nut pseudo Christians.

  4. Skeletor has really gone over the edge with his accusations. The DOJ doesn’t understand two federal voting laws??? And, Homeland Security “has to” provide access to a federal citizenship database???

    I guess he has lost his mind.

  5. Knowing Scott, I would assume Scott would try to find a way around the election officials.


  6. Rick Scott is an IDIOT and should be arrested for contempt.

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