No Answer is an Obvious NO

 Posted by at 10:49 am  Politics
Jun 052012

Mitt Romney, aka Switch Hit Mitt, has been faced with a dilemma of late.  He can’t tell the truth, because if he did, he’d only pull 10% – 20% of the electorate, but every time he lies about anything at all, somebody has the audacity to bring up a video of him saying the exact opposite.  That’s easy to do, because Mitt has taken firm and irrevocable stances on both sides of every issue.  Now he is just avoiding issues, such as where he stands on the Paycheck Fairness Act.

5equalpayNearly 50 years after the Equal Pay Act was passed to end the “serious and endemic problem” of unequal wages, women in America still make only 77 cents on the dollar compared with men. Yet many Republicans remain willfully oblivious to the fact that pay inequity persists.

In Congress, the majority has been unwilling to stand up for women’s economic security by supporting moderate legislation like the Paycheck Fairness Act. Even GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney refuses to say whether he supports the Paycheck Fairness Act.

Just weeks ago, conservative pundits like Alex Castellanos and Dana Perino deemed unequal pay for women a “myth” and a “distraction,” respectively. Other pundits actually said that equal laws for women would result in lower pay for men. This is nonsense, especially since the Equal Pay Act expressly forbids lowering men’s pay as a method for closing the pay gap… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Politico>

Rachel Maddow covered just how much Rmoney is squirming on this issue.

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The bottom line here is quite simple. If women are paid equally, that means the millionaires, billionaires and corporate criminals, who own the companies cheating women, will have to pay them more. So Romney would protect the ONLY people he represents.  That’s an obvious NO!


  9 Responses to “No Answer is an Obvious NO”

  1. Mitt of many faces, many opinions, No opinions ?  An empty shell of a puppet man— we expect too much of him- how can he offer  a definite statement  about this or anything , when he is only a  wind up- doll , with broken , repeating taped messages programed by his Masters-

    Mitt cannot express an opinion– he lacks a mind of his own—-



  2. Your last paragraph says it all, the billionaires will have to shell out more money if women get equal pay.

  3. Rachel has it right — make it a simple question to answer, and Rmoney obfuscates it with gobblygook!  Ask again, and still gobblygook!  Clarify by giving a clear, multiple choice answer and Rmoney balks.  Like Rachel, I can only conclude that he does not support the Paycheque Fairness Act.  And trotting out Republican/Teabagger women for damage control? . . . I hope women don’t buy that load of bear scat!

  4. And rhe RepublicanTs struck it down in the Senate again yeasterday! I can’t understand why the female Senators vote against women just to be in lockstep with their party.

    Rmoney will never give a straight answer to anything asked of him.

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