Jun 042012

I slept a little better last night, despite helicopters waking me up at 11.  The Portland Rose Festival is a celebration of Spring, so almost every year the city retreats into winter the minute the festival begins.  This year is no exception.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow should be a normal day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:28 (average 5:11).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: A Message To Those Who Still Think They Can Tell American Women ‘No’


I’m sure I don’t have to tell you who THEY are.

From MSNBC: To see where the presidential candidates stand on taxing the rich, just look at how they’d tax themselves. Under his own proposal, Mitt Romney would pay half what he would under President Barack Obama’s tax plan. For a man of Romney’s means, that could save almost $5 million a year.

For Obama, not so loaded as Romney but still well-off, losing re-election could provide a tax windfall. He’d save as much as $90,000 a year if Romney’s plan were enacted rather than his own tax-the-rich vision.

If that does not clarify who represents who, nothing will.

From Providence Journal: In a coup for Providence, nearly 3,000 progressive bloggers, grassroots and union activists, online organizers, journalists and more are gathering here this week for the seventh annual "Netroots Nation" convention.

The Thursday-through-Sunday event at the Rhode Island Convention Center is bringing top-drawer speakers, including Nobel economics laureate Paul Krugman, national AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka and Planned Parenthood of America President Cecile Richards.

There’s a broad agenda ranging from "the 2012 War on Women," foreclosure fraud and climate change, to labor issues, the death penalty and strategies for effecting political change — including in this year’s election.

I’m envious.  That should prove most interesting.




  11 Responses to “Open Thread–6/4/2012”

  1. 3:50   I guess I wasn’t tire..d.  I just kept rolling along and did not get flat.  🙂

  2. What a great video!

    Why is it only the rich that get to submit lower taxes? What is with our middle class?

    Oh, I wish I could go!

    TC, I found a site that you can lift comics/editorial comments from – try http://www.gocomics.com.    They even have Mike Lukovich.





    • Thanks!

      The Middle Class pay’s less under Obama’s plan.

      Me too!

      Thanks for that.  I checked it out and to embed them here, I’d have to pay for them. 

  3. MoveOn — Excellent video!

    We are women.  Hear us roar!

    We are women! Hear us ROAR!!


    The Tax Plans — Fair taxation is where it’s at.  Wasn’t the Boston Tea Party about unjust taxation by the British Crown?  Maybe it is time for a 21st century tea party (totally unrelated to the political party of the same name!) to institute FAIR taxation, not lower taxation for the rich and corporations, but FAIR taxation for all!

    Cartoon — Tiananmen Square.  A day for democracy!  The spirit is not dead!

    • When I saw the video, the first thing that came to mind was Helen Reddy singing ” I am Woman, hear me roar…”

      • Yup, that’s where that came from.  I’ve been saying it regularly since the war on women heated up!  Funny thing about this powerful song, I sang it as I drove into Vancouver for a job interview a few years back.  I was totally pumped for the interview.  I didn’t get the job.  I think I supremely intimidated the fellow and demonstrated that I could think faster than he and knew more than him.

    • Thanks!

      Teabuggery and the Boston Tea Party are antithetical.


  4. It is time to increase taxes on the rich. If the poor or middle class cast a for for Rmoney, they will be voting against their own best interests. Stop watching FAUX NOISE and learn to think for yourselves!

    Vote Obama ~ Biden in November, 2012 !!!

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