May 292012

Well I’ll have at least one good day of blogging, although things are slow after the holiday weekend.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow morning, my podiatrist will be performing routine minor surgery on my foot again, so I may be unable to blog at all, and if I can, it will likely be abbreviated.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:13 (average 5:06).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: The Powerful Bernie Sanders Quote That Has Been Shared Thousands Of Times


Thank goodness this wise independent supports Obama and the Democrats.

From NY Times: As Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin faces a well deserved recall vote next month after stripping public unions of their bargaining rights, voters are discovering the generosity of Diane Hendricks. Ms. Hendricks, the billionaire chairwoman of the nation’s largest roofing and siding wholesaler, wrote a check for $500,000 last month to help defend Governor Walker, a Republican, against his Democratic challenger, Tom Barrett, the mayor of Milwaukee.

The eye-popping donation was made possible by a quirk in the state law for recall campaigns. And Ms. Hendricks has never been shy about what she wants. A newly released piece of documentary video shows her running into Governor Walker two weeks after he took office in 2011. In what was presumed to have been a private discussion, Ms. Hendricks asked, “Any chance we’ll ever get to be a completely red state and work on these unions and become a right to work” state?

The Fartfuhrer of Fitzwalkerstan MUST go down!

From MSNBC: Romney can’t play no-Trump!

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Will he say the same to an endorsement from the KKK?




  11 Responses to “Open Thread–5/29/2012”

  1. 4:22 You must be feeling better.  You got me this time.

  2. 4:26 I guess I’m still not up to snuff yet. You both got me again.

    good luck at the podiatrist’s office today.

    • Thanks Patty.  There is an embedded growth in the outside edge of that foot that he has to carve out three to four times  year.  It hurts, but not as much as walking when it needs to be done.

  3. I think Mittens would welcome an endorsement from the KKK and anyone else who will give him money.

  4. Cartoon — I hear the first strains of a Louisiana dirge playing for Fitzwalkerstan.  May Wisconsin enjoy a rebirth on 5 June 2012.

    Walker — Good that this video with Hendricks has gone viral and continues to raise questions.  Now, the people need to get out there and put the Republican/Teabagger poster boy into a permanent timeout.

    MoveOn — I am a Canuck but I see a direct correlation between the Republican/Teabaggers and the Canadian republican/teabaggers, aka the Conservative Party of Canada.  And so I speak up — We are not going back!  We are women, hear us ROAR!  Thank you Bernie for your very vocal and wise words of support for women.  And thank you to all the men who support women’s rights!

    Rmoney — Well the inevitable has happened — Rmoney won the Texas primary and picked up enough delegates to snare the Republican/Teabagger nomination, which isn’t final until the RNC in August.  Considering that everyone else has dropped out of the race, to me it is a forgone conclusion.

    Rmoney aligns himself with Trump by association.  Trump = a Sarah Palin — an attention seeking ‘ignoramous’, a loose cannon and a despicable human being.  One MSNBC clip referred to the ‘Trump Bump?’.  I see it as the ‘Trump Sewer!’.  If Trump is ever picked up as the VP candidate, I can see Trump saying to Rmoney “You’re fired!”.  And the KKK?  Rmoney is already showing a total lack of leadership.  The KKK would be one more nail in his coffin.


    • Amen!

      Amen again, preferably behind bars.

      I would love to see Harper and his harlots go down.

      Other than the fools that support Ron Paul, everyone would agree.

      Let that nail be hammered in.

  5. Best of luck with your surgery, hope you are at the top of your form soon!

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