May 282012

I’m still pretty worn out, but I do have a Memorial Day message in addition to today’s Open Thread.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow depends on the day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:51 (average 4:49).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: The Secrets That Gay Kids Live With Every Day


Just more victims of the GOP Wars on __________.

From NY Times: Until now the attack of the fiscal phonies has been mainly a national rather than a state issue, with Paul Ryan, the chairman of the House Budget Committee, as the prime example. As regular readers of this column know, Mr. Ryan has somehow acquired a reputation as a stern fiscal hawk despite offering budget proposals that, far from being focused on deficit reduction, are mainly about cutting taxes for the rich while slashing aid to the poor and unlucky. In fact, once you strip out Mr. Ryan’s “magic asterisks” — claims that he will somehow increase revenues and cut spending in ways that he refuses to specify — what you’re left with are plans that would increase, not reduce, federal debt.

The same can be said of Mitt Romney, who claims that he will balance the budget but whose actual proposals consist mainly of huge tax cuts (for corporations and the wealthy, of course) plus a promise not to cut defense spending.

Click through for the rest of this excellent Paul Krugman article.

From Politico: A member of the National Labor Relations Board has resigned amid allegations he leaked information about the agency to a former Mitt Romney campaign advisor, according to a report.

Terence Flynn — a Republican appointed by President Barack Obama in January to the board — submitted his resignation letter on May 26, Reuters reported on Sunday. NLRB inspector general reports this year accused Flynn of revealing non-public information about the board while he served as its top lawyer, and found that he allegedly leaked draft reports and memos to former Romney campaign advisor Peter Schaumber.

Republicans have a strict code about obeying the rules they insist all others follow. They don’t.




  11 Responses to “Open Thread–5/28/2012”

  1. Krugman is right again.  Maybe he should be treasury sec. instead of the Timmeh.  Ryan’s budget is a farce.

  2. 3:40 I am on a bit of a roll.


  3. MoveOn — A powerful way to tell the world about some of the bullying LGBT students go through because so much of society is so ignorant, misguided, bigoted, and without compassion.  I think the ‘missing man’ position is particularly impactful.  Kudos to these young people for standing up and standing tall!

    Budgets with Paul Krugman — Just another Republican/Teabagger fiasco (SNAFU) that will be projected onto the Democrats in one form or another.

    “…including reneging on a promise to reduce borrowing for transportation investment and diverting funds from clean-energy programs. So much for fiscal responsibility. ” — So much for upholding the public trust!  The Republican/Teabaggers will rewrite the rules to suit themselves, twist and distort figures beyond all recognition (FUBAR), lie and cheat. 

    “…For the modern American right doesn’t care about deficits, and never did. All that talk about debt was just an excuse for attacking Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and food stamps. …” … and Democrats.

    What is needed is some good and knowledgeable people like Krugman and Robert Reich advising the President and heading up key fiscal portfolios.

    The National Labour Relations Board — Terence Flynn should be prosecuted without delay for betraying the public trust.  To me, this is no different than an employee selling trade or industrial secrets to another company.  Typical of Republican/Teabaggers — lie, cheat and steal.

    Cartoon — Kudos to Amnesty International at 51 years and going strong.  My only wish is that there would be no need for them, but since there is so much corruption, racism and bigotry in the world, they are needed more than ever!  Happy Birthday AI!

    • ” Kudos to these young people for standing up and standing tall!”

      Lynn Squance

      I agree Lynn… Thanks

      “Republicans have a strict code about obeying the rules they insist all others follow. They don’t.”

    • Indeed.

      Those Two are my favorites, with Warren.

      For Republicans, misusing office for political advantage is SOP.


  4. Paul Krugman always hits it on the head, he should be in a position to advise our government leaders instead of the cronies they surround themselves with, who have not done all that well.

  5. 4:31 You got this one too Jerry!

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