May 182012

This article was originally intended for last week, as it covers how Scott Walker, Fartfuhrer of the Totalitarian Corporate Plutocracy of Fitzwalkerstan, formerly Wisconsin, was caught telling a Republican donor that his attacks on unions were political moves, when he had testified under oath that the union busting was an economic necessity.  I get to resurrect it, because the Fartfuhrer was caught in yet another lie!

16recallWith a month to go before Wisconsin’s gubernatorial recall vote, Democrats’ case against Scott Walker is less about collective bargaining policy itself than the notion that the governor masked his intentions to limit it as part of the sweeping budget bill he championed last spring. The argument, which Politifact endorsed, is that Walker obscured his plan to attack public-employee unions during his run for office. Walker has repeatedly denied this. But in a new video released to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel by a documentary filmmaker, Wisconsin Democratic Party officials say there’s now hard evidence that the governor has a history of obfuscation.

The video shows Scott Walker using the term “divide and conquer” to describe his plan for curbing collective bargaining to donor Diane Hendricks in January, 2011. The partial transcript of Walker’s conversation with Hendricks, who has donated more than $500,000 to help him survive the recall campaign, is more interesting than the 28-second video snippet. It reveals the political calculation Walker made, which was that the best way to go after public-employee unions was to tie collective bargain to the budget bill and argue the only alternative is to raise taxes. “The key is by tying it to the budget, there’s no way to unravel that. Because unless they’re going to come up with $800 million for example – it’s not exactly that amount, but it’s close – there’s no way they cannot pass that unless they’re going to pass a tax increase,” Walker says.

The “divide and conquer” phrase dovetails nicely with the Barrett campaign’s core message, which is that their candidate would unify a state torn asunder by an ideological warrior less interested in the middle class than becoming a national conservative hero… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Time>

Ed Schultz discusses this and the DNC’s unwillingness to kick in $500,000 with Mike Tate.

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And now he’s lying about jobs numbers as Ed Schultz and Tom Barrett discuss.

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He must be taking lessons from RMoney!! The DNC needs to get more involved with financial support.


  6 Responses to “Fartfuhrer Walker Busted in BIG Lies!”

  1. “And now he’s lying about jobs numbers as Ed Schultz and Tom Barrett discuss.”
    Koch Bros. boy…. ☺

  2. Lies and more lies, why are we not surprised?

  3. Interesting, when I thought of June 5th and the recall election, I thought of June 6th, 1944 — D Day in Europe!  Wouldn’t it be nice to say that June 5th, 2012 was D Day in Fitzwalkerstan — Democrat victory day — and June 6th the first day of a new Democratic democracy!

    Unfortunately I found Mike Tate to be evasive answering questions about the lack of DNC support.  I agree with Ed, the DNC needs to get off their collective butts and do what is needed.

    Karl Rove — what a slimey little POS!  Beady eyes, sanctimonious and smug look on his face.  And then Scott Walker using unverified, and probably unverifiable, emplyment growth figures.  The Republican/Teabaggers personify greed and corruption to the core.  May they go the way of Rome — rot and decay from the inside out from their greed, corruption and excesses!

    Vote Democrat 2012 in Wisconsin!!!  Vote Tom Barrett 2012 in Wisconsin!!!

    Vote Democrat 2012!!!  Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!

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