May 172012

My apartment is finally bleeding off the heat.  It’s 45° outside, 69° in the breezeway enclosure, and 78°at my desk with fans going.  My COPD is still pretty severe.  I’m current with replies.  For tomorrow, we’ll see how today goes.

Special Report:

I spoke with Lee Evans on the phone.  He is still without a computer and misses you all.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:12 (average 4:44).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: BRILLIANT! Short Film Explains Secret To Happiness—And It’s Not What You Think


I represent this because, during the time I was rich, I was also the least fulfilled and most miserable.

From NY Times: Add fish and oceans to the long list of environmental issues that House Republicans do not much care about. Last week, the House voted to deny further financing to a federal program that helps regulate commercial fisheries and has been increasingly important to the recovery of several at-risk species. For good measure, it also killed financing for a worthy effort by the Obama administration to improve the health of America’s coastal waters.

If Republicans take power, all we have to lose is the planet.

From ABC: Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich announced Wednesday he has decided against running for Congress in Washington state, where activists had urged him to launch a campaign. In a statement, Kucinich signaled the end of his 16-year congressional career.

I’m sorry to see Dennis go.  I could not support him for the Presidency, after he said his choice for VP would me that malignant corporate racist, Ron Paul, but he was a strong voice in the House for peace.




  13 Responses to “Open Thread–5/17/2012”

  1. 3:15  Every piece seemed to fit today.

  2. You’re right. The short film is brilliant. I live a very simple life and even though I don’t have much, I’m happier than most people I know. Sadly though, I have to go buy a new riding mower because my leg is getting worse and I can no longer mow my half acre of Paradise with a push mower. So, off I go to Sears to get deeper in debt. This is not something I want to do!


  3. I want to say how much I enjoy your current graphics highlighting memorable political moments in our nation’s history.  They are a great reminder of our great (and sometimes not-so-great) past, and are much appreciated.  Thanks!  And be sure to say “Hello!” to Lee.

    And you probably read this week that minority babies are now the new majority, outnumbering white babies.  Well, you can imagine the concern this has created for conservatives, so a well-respected journalism outlet interviewed folks on the street for their reactions, and this one was gem:
    “I have faith that Bristol Palin will have enough children to tip the balance.”
  4. Your video is dead on, Tom! So right and so true! I have never been rich and do not care to be. I have what I need and if I need something I do not have I save up enough money until I can have it. I owe no corporation anything. I have no credit cards and the only ‘bank’ I owe is for my home. That is the only debt we have now. Can’t wait to get that is off my back when I am 67! If I live that long. We live very simply and conserve on everything we use and we don’t eat much. We do alright. We do live in fear though that the Fascists will get their way and do away with Social Security/Medicare/Disability and privatize it (ergo we loose everything in the NYSE). That alone will kill off a lot of people and we will see a lot of elderly suicides if that comes to be. We cannot let it come to be!!!!!

    Glad to see you back my friend. Was worried about you! Take care of yourself.

  5. MoveOn — Wonderful video.  I recognised this a number of years ago and I still have my little consumerism quirks like buying books to read, but overall, life is a lot better when you’re not trying to keep up with the Jones!

    Just like Republican/Teabaggers, fish out of water!  May they always be out of water!

    Cartoon — Segregation.  I never did understand that when I was a kid.  Of course we heard about it, but my experience, even in the 50’s and 60’s was one of inclusivity.  I experienced racism from my American grandfather and hated him for it.  I experienced some racism directed at me in highschool.  But when I see someone, I see a person with a beating heart who thinks, loves and cries just like me.  Thank goodness people like Rosa Parks, MLK Jr and many others had the  courage to move forward.  The US cannot allow criminals like the Koch brothers turn back the hands of time.

    • I have mine too: a roof, food and a fast Internet connection.

      …and out of fish too!

      The Koch Brothers successfully re-segregated a couple sschool districts in SC.

      • I know they were successful in their initial segregation bid in Wake County which I thought was NC, until a further vote toppled it.  Did not know about additional ones.  What complete racist bull shit! (we’re past bear scat!).  I’d like to drop these two racist morons on a tiny Pacific atoll with no communication devices of any kind, no other people, and no implements, bare assed to the Pacific sun!  That would probably teach them a thing or two, if it didn’t kill them first!

        • You’re right.  The distracts were in NC. and there was a vote that kicked the Koch suckers off the school board.

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