May 082012

Yesterday, installing my new UPS went smoothly.  It has a desktop widget that displays power information in real time.  I watched it for 20 minutes, and input voltage ranged from 93 to 122 volts.  In less than 24 hours it had to intervene 3 times.  Today my groceries for May are being delivered.  I hope to get the blog up and lings distributed first, but that’s very unlikely.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow is a R&R day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:46 (average 4:37).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Reason Number 203 That The GOP War On Women Is Very Real


That’s right. Almost all voted to trap women as second class workers.

From NY Times: Rick Santorum told [Frothmeister delinked] his supporters in an e-mail Monday night that he was endorsing Mitt Romney as the Republican presidential candidate and that “all hands on deck” would be needed to defeat President Obama in the fall.

This makes RMoney the Frothmeister designee.

From CBS: Democrats in Wisconsin today will nominate the candidate to face off against the contentious Republican Gov. Scott Walker in the June 5 recall election.

The most recent poll shows Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett in the lead — and with just four weeks left before the recall, Barrett and Walker are already taking swings at each other.

If a mangy, flatulent chimp, with BO and halitosis, who masturbates in public and throws feces at voters during campaign events, wins this primary… SUPPORT THE APE!




  12 Responses to “Open Thread–5/8/2012”

  1. 4:23  So far this one is yours, TomCat.

  2. 3:19 got you both this time!

    And the War on women goes on, and on and on, ad infinitum.

    I guess Frothy has another announcement to make tomorrow. Just sayin’ cause I heard it on the news a little while ago. I’ll be wiating with bated breath to hear what it is.

    Lose Walker! Lose!

    Wounded Knee is yet another black mark on our history. So sad that it is in our time.

  3. So what news organization is going to be the first to file a FOIA request for the voter registrations of the Domestic Terrorists arrested in Florida these past two days?

    I’ll bet any money that they are registered as Republicans and we already know that the Republican Fascist Nazi Party is the Party of Death.

    So it should come as no surprise to anyone what Republicans stand for.  If they can not win at the ballot box they will use the bullet box.  We have already seen this from them at Planned Parenthood Clinics where they terrorize those who go to them by protests, bombing clinics and even murdering doctors who take care of those who need legal health services provided by them.

    Have a great day.

    • Probably Faux, but they won’t release it unless they can use it for propaganda.

      I would not be surprised.

      They do consider violence a solution, not a problem.

  4. MoveOn — I’ll bet that the 7 Yea GOP votes were all women, and the 4 Nay Dem votes were all blue dogs or turncoats like Benedict Nelson!  Reason 203 and still adding!  The war on women is still going strong and won’t let up until every Republican/Teabagger is driven from public office!  If you won’t do it for yourselves, do it for your mothers, your wives, your daughters, your granddaughters!  Vote Democrat 2012 !!!  Vote Obama/Biden 2012 !!!

    Sanctimonious Santorum — This is amusing!  Is there anyone else other than Ron Paul, since everyone else has packed up their tents and gone home?  Let the frothiness continue!  NOT!

    Wisconsin — I read in the Huffington Post that Tom Barrett won the Demoncratic nomination in Wisconsin.  May the best man win the Governor’s chair!  Since it is between a man, Tom Barrett, and a rabid weasel, Scott Walker, in one month’s time, people will address Tom Barrett as Governor Barrett.

    Cartoon — Hearing about Wounded Knee is what got me reading about the First Nations — about the Lakota Sioux, the Mohawk, about Joseph Brant for which Brantford, Ontaio was named and where I grew up.  On Care2 there have been a number of articles lately about land claims and the suit against Anhauser-Busch for contributing to the plight of some Native Americans and alcohol.   The injustice and disrespect keeps going on.


  5. Republican Fascist Nazi Party calls for armed revolution if President Obama is re-elected.

    As Sara Palin would say “don’t retreat, reload”.

    War is coming to our streets and it may be sooner than we think. The Party Of Death wants to re-visit the Civil War again and this one will in no way resemble what happened in our country. In fact this will be worse and when we win there will be no mercy or compassion for these Traitors this time.

    Lincoln made a mistake not executing them after the war and it got him killed. No mistakes should be made this time, we should make sure to execute every one of them.

    Have a great day.

    • In fairness, it is a small rural group.

      Executing them all would make us no better than they are, plus, we would create martyrs around whose memories, more would form.  Long term imprisonment is perfectly adequate.

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