May 032012

So far today has been a zoo, because during the night, my UPS died, so this morning I got to completely reconfigure my computer corner to find places to plug everything in.  I ordered a replacement, because this building’s wiring is over 100 years old, and we have frequent interruptions.  I’m current with new replies.  Tomorrow I have online grocery shopping to do for the month.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:05 (average 4:14).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: One Shocking Fact That The Banks Don’t Want You To Know


Such extreme waste of this resource certainly is shocking.

From LA Times: While seeking the Republican nomination for president for much of last year, Michele Bachmann urged voters in her party to support her as the true conservative in the race — a plea that was an implicit dig at front-runner Mitt Romney.

But four months after dropping out of the race, the Minnesota congresswoman will endorse the presumed Republican nominee at an event Thursday in Portsmouth, Va., according to campaign officials.

From AlterNet: Jon Stewart: Romney Won’t Pursue Racist Policies Because He’s a Mormon — He’ll Do So Because He’s a Republican


He missed on one point. They hate Obama more than they love Republican Supply-side Jesus.




  11 Responses to “Open Thread–5/3/2012”

  1. MoveOn — What a sad statistic!  While the banks aren’t in the property rental business, or at least that is what we would essentially say to our clients asking about foreclosure etc, they have a social responsibility, which in the US they don’t seem to exercise too well.  What about renting out the properties for social housing!  There would have to be reasonable guidelines re up keep such as mowing the lawn etc but this would allow housing for those without and the banks to be socially responsible.  When houses are left empty with no electricity etc, they deteriorate so fast and become knock downs.  Seems reasonable to me, but then I’m a flaming liberal and bankers are tight assed conservatives.

    Guano Girl — I hadn’t heard of her for a while and was revelling in the peace and quiet.  Then she appeared in the news with Ron Paul sponsoring yet another abortion bill.  Ughhhhhhhh!  And now here she is in all her magnificence (NOT!!!!!) throwing her support behind Rmoney.  This fête is definitely on my list of things to do anytime soon.  I don’t know why she is making a big thing of it — they are all going the way of the dinosaurs!

     Jon Stewart — Funny but I wish I could see it without 15 second breaks every 8 seconds.  Particularly liked the line by Bryan Fischer “What does it mean when the guy in the White House worships a false god?”  He should talk, NOT!

    Cartoon — Newty is an evangelical pseudo Christian who likely believes in being reborn.  Let’s just hope he isn’t reborn any time soon!  Once is more than enough with him.

    • Excellent points.  It’s just Bankster greed.

      Frankly, I think it’s funny as hell.

      Sorry about that.  Either your connection or their server must have been slow.


  2. 3:41 Apt puzzle for spring.

    I’ve often wondered why the banks prefer to have empty houses in disrepair instead of working a deal with the ousted home-owners.

    Bachmann’s endorsement was barely lukewarm. The convention should be a hoot! “Send lawyers, guns & money…”

    They simply HATE our president. They don’t really need a reason other than his race. Save us from faux christians!

    Maybe Newtie will open a new zoo…


    • Beat me!

      Since they sold the loans and are just servicing them, Banks get to chare the investors more to foreclose than they could make by making a deal.


      Amen to that!


  3. Hey, kids – have you gotten your new “WTF Ring” yet?  Well, if you’re a good Mormon, you can, you know.  Read about how in the “Mormon Tabernacle Enquirer” (Link just below – and that’s REALLY its name)
    Recognizing that teens in particular need their own powerful cultural symbols as they form their identities, the Young Men and Young Women general leaders have created a new WTF ring.
    “‘Win the Fight’ is the new rallying cry for today’s Mormon teens,” said Sister Janiece P. Pratt, Young Women general president. “Imagine a youth adviser teaching her girls about the moral dangers of skinny jeans. The girls might be tempted to roll their eyes. But now, the adviser can say, ‘Come on, girls, WIN THE FIGHT!’ And the girls can hold up their rings together and chant in unison, ‘WTF!'”
    [Emphasis added]
     NOTE: You got to scroll down in the link to get to the story

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