Apr 212012

My COPD is still pretty severe, and I had to run a few errands this morning, but I have enough gas left in the tank to post today.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow I have volunteer paperwork to do.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:01 (average 4:32).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Shocking! Barack Obama Reveals The American Values That He REALLY Believes In


The difference between his values and Republican values is that his are valuable.

From MSNBC: Romney blames Obama for factory closed under Bush


Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

This is to ne expected. Republicans are blaming Obama for everything they and Bush did.

From Washington Post: Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) isn’t sure whether he’ll support President Obama over former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. In a statement, Manchin said he had “some real differences” with both candidates. He told National Journal [wing nuts delinked] that the last three ears have “made it pretty rough” in his state, where Obama has never been popular.

I recognize that Manchin has to be right-wing, because of who he represents, but for a Democratic Senator not to support a Democratic President is the political equivalent of treason.  His name should be changed to Nelson Lieberman.

From Crooks and Liars: Here is the latest installment of tea party reporter Susie Sampson asking regular folks on the street about how they feel about Mitt Romney and POTUS.


Thou shalt not commit Teabuggery!



When distributing links to today’s articles, I have to skip Care2 as their login server is down,  I hope they weren’t hacked again.


  12 Responses to “Open Thread–4/21/2011”

  1. 3:25

    Obama is a failure on jobs?!?  All you have to do is compare the last three years of Bush with the first three years of Obama if you want to see what failure is.

    • Clobbered me.

      It’s SOP for Republicans to attack strengths with lies.  This is just like swift-boating John Kerry, a war hero.

  2. Your “New & Improved” posting schedule has me totally discombobulated.  So just a couple of fun things before heading to bed, but … “I’ll Be Back”

    People as Pixels Produce Portraits

    And a shot of Winston Churchill doing his best Ted Nugent imitation:
  3. MoveOn —  The Republicans (Greedy Old Pharts) have the same values as Mr Obama.  Here is their response to Mr Obama’s values.

    Hard work, that’s a value.Of course it is.  That’s why I am rich and you are not.  I work hard, you want nothing but  entitlements and handouts!

    Looking out for one another, that’s a value.Of course it is.  I look out for you and others all the time so I can make sure I squash you like the insect you are when I step on you.  That’s why we created the war on women and the war on the poor!

    The idea that we’re all in this together, and I am my brother’s and my sister’s keeper, that’s a value. —  Of course it is.  I’ll keep you as long as you serve MY purposes.  I’ll keep you as long as you keep providing sons and daughters for the military machine, fodder for my wars of aggression.

    The difference between Mr Obama’s values and Rmoney’s (GOP — Greedy Pld Pharts) values is that Mr Obama’s are valuable. If you believe they are the same, I really do have a bridge to sell you that goes over the swampland.

    From The Ed Show — Well, well.  A factory closed in 2009 right after Mr Obama took office is not a sign of his weakness.  A gypsum plant to boot which is dependent upon the housing industry which had tanked, and has still not recovered, so of course the plant isn’t open.  And who do Americans have to thank for the housing crisis?  Banksters who eschew any and all regulation. Recovery in the the housing market will require more Americans working and that is happening with Mr Obama despite the GOP obstructionists.  The GOP are trying to make everything simple when the problems are interconnected and not simple.  I was glad to hear Ritenauer, mayor of Lorain comment about what is going on in the city where Rmoney was making his remarks.  Unemployment down to 7.6%, below the national average from a high of over 10% just after Mr Obama took office, in other words, as a result of Bush/GOP policies.  The GOP have to be driven to extinction politically.

    Sen Joe Manchin — If this rightwing Democrat supports Rmoney, he should be booted from the Democratic caucus.  Having said that, one less Democrat would be hard to swallow especially when there are 23 up for re-election this year.  I guess it will have to be the bad dog box for him and a very short, tight leash!

    Susie Sampson — Before I listened to the tape, I figured she probably sat outside a Rmoney rally as it was finishing and got a handpicked bunch of GOP supporters.  Surprise she didn’t but the woman with the limegreen nail polish is off her rocker.  Now that is one low effort voter, and I must add, she just showed the entire nation just how stupid she is.  Sampson isn’t too bright either, but I guess, what do you want from a GOP reporter . . . er . . .  facts twister?  Teabuggery , indeed!

    Cartoon — No kidding!

    • I meant that they are totally different, because Obama’s have value and theirs do not.

      I fully agree.

      Rather than drop him from the caucus, just strip him of all important committee assignments.  That’s what they should have done with Joe LIEberbush.

      I agree.


      • On the values, yes I agree with you.  I was trying to counter a little like a Republican to demonstrate how different they are and why they have no value for Americans.

        My attempt at political ‘humour’.

  4. Thanks for the link Lynn!  I completely agree with you and TomCat – as usual the Greedy Old Prevaricators are doing the same old same old trick of blaming everyone else for what they have done themselves.  Trouble is that with the unthinking part of the world – this load of horse manure actually works(!).

    I think it must be true that decades ago, when Iodine was added to bread people were able to think better – now it has been missing for several decades from people’s normal diets and if they don’t eat lots of seafish etc  it really can reduce one’s IQ!  Sounds odd?  Well the lack of Iodine and the rise of the extreme version of right wing politics and their unthinking supporters have most definitely arisen together!  And there is said to be an enormous amount of undiagnosed and undertreated hypothyroidism about (I know – I was one – though I never lost my principles, it really does make it soooo much harder to think).

  5. 3:23

    All the vaslues which the GOP supposedly espouse are just talking points for them. Pres. Obama’s values are real.

    The video was incredible. It should have been a segment on Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert.


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