Apr 172012

Taking yesterday off was a good idea, as I’m rested and ready to go.  I’m spending most of the day in research and writing.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow looks good.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:40 (average 5:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Think Of This The Next Time You Fill Up Your Gas Tank.


This, not Obama, is the reason for high gas prices.  He is right that energy markets need more regulation.

From NY Times: Senior advisers to Mitt Romney said Monday that Mr. Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, was merely tossing around ideas, not making policy announcements, when his chat with donors about some significant changes to the tax code was overheard by reporters at a fund-raiser this weekend.


From LA Times: It was an extraordinary sight, even for Washington — a space shuttle flying over the nation’s capital atop a modified 747 on the way to its permanent new home, the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum.

It is a national shame that we have done nothing to update our capability for manned space flight in the last 31 years, since the shuttle entered service.




  8 Responses to “Open Thread–4/17/2012”

  1. 4:40  Looks like a tie today.  Patty will either beat both of us or neither one of us.

  2. 1) The oil profits are not only OBSCENE, they are criminal. Imagine what that amount of money could do in a depressed inner-city community. Imagine what it could do for our deficit….but no, it goes into the pockets of men who so filthy rich already that have no need for it, yet feel they just don’t have enough……sickening!

    2) I ain’t even gonna start on what’s wrong with that ‘toon picture……but you know I COULD, Tom! LMAO.

  3. MoveOn — Ain’t that the truth!  The big oil companies and the banksters who buy/sell commodity futures for a profit of course (probably with the help of big oil!).  I read a few weeks ago in a reliable source, damned if I can remember which one, that up to 40% of the price of gas is caused by banksters.  Gotta love those guys.  NOT!!!!!  And a tongue in cheek article has declared Exxon Mobil to be the VP candidate as selected by Rmoney!  No wonder — rMoney attracts Money!  http://www.care2.com/news/member/775377582/3244964

    NY Times — Yup, that was at the $50K per plate fund raiser in Palm Beach!  Martin Bashir had it in his video from yesterday’s Open Thread.  I’ll bet they were all just salivating over those tax changes.  More money for the faux job creators and Kraft dinner, on a good day, franks included on a special day, for the middle class and poor!  I’d bet he was having a weiner fight before I’d say that he was just tossing around ideas! 

    LA Times — National shame indeed!  How the hell are we supposed to ensure that Newty gets his colony in outer space so that he is no longer a threat to national security?

    Cartoon — You’re a little off in your depiction of the year!  I thought it was the 19th century that the Greedy Old Pharts were trying to go back to?! . . . not the 20th!  Good cartoon!

  4. 4:24 YAY!

    The gas companies are giving me agida.

    His policies are all hush-hush. And he had the nerve to cricize Pres. Obama for his comments to the Russians.

    How will the Newster start his space colony? Maybe Sir richard Branson will send him off. Hmm…

    Have you heard about the Secret Service investigating Ted Nugent for the contents of his speech at the NRA? “If Obama is re-elected, I will either be in jail or dead this time next year.” Nice, huh?

    • Ptuiffffphyyt!! 😛  😉


      Of course he didn’t.  Obama said nothing wrong.

      Sending him into space would pollute that environment.

      See today’s lead item.

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