Profiting from Racism

 Posted by at 3:07 pm  Politics
Mar 192012

The Republican Party has opened their arms to all manner of hatemongers, especially racists.  But just to support racism is not enough for some Republicans.  They are not content unless they can make a profit from racism.

RepublicanRacistsPresident Obama’s critics hate being labeled racists, but occasionally it’s hard to argue with the charges. Paula Smith, the owner, is defending a popular bumper sticker that is igniting debate on race and spawning widespread condemnation.

Don’t Re-Nig in 2012,” reads the sticker — a not-too-subtle play on a word that invokes one of the most repulsive racial epithets to attack the country’s first black president. Yet, Smith sees absolutely nothing wrong with it

…Perhaps most upsetting of all is the fact that the sticker is currently the site’s top seller [racist delinked]… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

I didn’t want to make claims without actually seeing the site myself, so I checked it out, and it is unquestionably a pro Republican business.  Of their top ten stickers, six are anti-Obama, two are right-wing, and two are tasteless, but apolitical.

Now I am not claiming that all Republicans are racists, but the existence of a party that panders to racism, bigotry, homophobia, misogyny and more, as the Republican party unquestionably does, is an insult to the vast majority of Americans.

Every Republican in office is one Republican too many!


  20 Responses to “Profiting from Racism”

  1. The Republican Party has opened their arms to all manner of hatemongers, especially racists. But just to support racism is not enough for some Republicans. “

    Smith sees absolutely nothing wrong with it While at a local Credit Union a wife of a Retired Air Force Veteran voiced to me that we need to remove President Obama from Office…. I said, Contrary – We will Re-Elect President Obama in 2012 to finish cleaning up the mess that the last Republican made of our Country. She moved away from me like I was sick…. Priceless

    • I bet the fool did not realize that Obama has tried to increase Veterans’ benefits while Republicans have tried to cut them.

  2. This has been all over Yahoo news for the last day or so, It’s entirely disgusting.

  3. Seems like a floodgate to all that is ugly has been opened , with the vile vomit of hate that has been hiding , now released with an overwhelming stench–

  4. How can she not think it’s racist?  Repubs are not only racists but ignorant as well, but we already knew that.

  5. Anyone who doesn’t think this bumpersticker is not racist is either a Republican/Teabagger or the village idiot! — or both!!

    It was interesting reading some of the comments on Think Progress.  One made reference to Herman Cain as proof that Republican/Teabaggers were not racists.  I assume that this person has not heard of smoke and mirrors deception!  They try to dazzle people with their footwork in hopes that people don’t notice that the RTs are trampling all over them in high fashion!

    Every Republican/Teabagger in office is one too many!!!!!

    • Cain is a typical case of Republicans seeming to support a straw candidate, whose flaws are so in line with their racial stereotypes, that they end up “proving” their own racist arguments.

  6. It may be true that not all Rushpubliscums are racist. But it is absolutely true that most racists are Rushpubliscums.

  7. I’m back. It took some fancy footwork on my computer but I found you. i can’t get onto care2 at all. I don’t know what happened and they won’t respond to me. So I will just check your blogs out here from now on.

    As far as their racism goes, you know the old saying ~ “some can’t see the forest for the trees.” I think this aptly applies to them.

  8. Come on, TC – let’s be fair.  Racism, bigotry, misogyny, etc. most certainly do NOT run in the republican Party. 
    Hell, they GALLOP!

    So should we really be surprised when a Party that’s rooted in rage, fueled by racism, and acts without any grounding in reality royally f♥cks things up when it gets power?

    I’m not sure how the teacher scored this Biology question, but I’d give it an “A+”
  9. I see it everyday, I hear it everyday and I know that it most definately does exist in the Rethuglican party and most often openly displayed with disgusting pride in their hatred of all people, places or things that are ‘Other’ by Teabaggers, who are the worst about it. Dawg help me, I am outnumbered and out-gunned here in the Armpit of the Conferderate Fascist States of AmeriKKKa, Inc…AKA SE Texas.

  10. The thing the Republicans hate most of all about his bumper sticker is that it’s true!

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