Mar 172012

Today my eyes were sufficiently recovered to put together a slate of articles, albeit just barely.  This illness has my schedule turned around, so don’t depend on me posting at a specific time, until my body lets me know what my sleep schedule will be.  I’m not current on replies, and do not intend to catch up, but I am very grateful for all the good wishes and kind thoughts so many of you have left over the past week.  Tomorrow, I need to go out to run a couple errands.  When, if, and what I can post will depend on how my eyes are then.

Jig Zone Puzzles:

On 3/10 it took me 3:31 (average 4:29).  To do it, click hereOn 3/11 it took me 3:46 (average 4:35). To do it, click hereOn 3/12 it took me 5:16 (average 6:42). To do it, click hereOn 3/13 it took me 5:03 (average 6:02). To do it, click hereOn 3/14 it took me 4:44 (average 5:24). To do it, click hereOn 3/15 it took me 4:31 (average 5:02). To do it, click here.  Yesterday it took me 3:49 (average 4:19). To do it, click here. Today it took me 5:16 (average 6:50). To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: The One Question That Will Stump ALL Your Republican Friends


The truth is that they create lies, not jobs.

From Business Week: The Supreme Court rejected requests from news organizations Friday for live, televised coverage of this month’s historic arguments on President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, but agreed to release audio recordings of the proceedings on the same day.

The court will post audio files and transcripts on its website ( within two hours of the end of the proceedings on each of the three days set aside for argument, March 26-28.

Those arguments should prove most interesting.

From Huffington Post: After a series of Republican ethics allegations, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee launched on Monday. The website will feature the Republican members of Congress who have faced scandals and ethics questions since the GOP won the House in 2010.

In a statement released Sunday, the DCCC contrasted the allegedly ethically-challenged politicians with House Speaker John Boehner’s "zero tolerance" policy for lawmakers who have breached ethical standards.

"Voters are finding out that Republicans leaders have zero intention of carrying through on their zero-tolerance pledge for Republicans’ ethics scandals and corruption," said DCCC spokesman Jesse Ferguson.

That’s a site to bookmark!




  2 Responses to “Open Thread–3/17/2012”

  1. Puzzles — I was one minute UNDER the average on ‘Cat on Back’ which just goes to prove what I said previously — I do better with cats.  Cats rule . . . especially in my house where my 3 cats weigh 70 pounds!

    MoveOn — MoveOn has so many of these wonderfully simple, but poignant presentations!  Just goes to show, despite their protestations to the contrary, that the millionaires, billionaires and corporations are not the job creators that they say they are!  They are addicted to wealth and power — addicts all!  And no better proof than Mrs Fartfuhrer in Fitzwalkerstan who says her husband could earn real money in the private sector. 

    SCOTUS — Well I wonder how much the take on these hearings will differ from MSM to Faux Noise.  Should be interesting.  And I wonder how much SCOTUS can screw the American people yet again.  Afterall, the 5 Injustices are bound to be involved up to their collective scrawny necks.

    Huffington Post — Republican/Teabaggers and ethics.  Now THAT is an oxymoron!

    Cartoon — Yup!  Looks like this woman just came from the Republican/Teabagger’s gym!  She was the punching bag!  Good graphic and so true.

    • Goon one, Lynn!

      I like them too.  Another is coming today.

      I think you’re right.

      Those are morons too!! 😀


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