Birtherism in Brewerstan

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Mar 032012

Crazy things often happen in the Totalitarian Corporate Plutocracy of Brewerstan, formerly Arizona, and Maricopa County Sheriff Arpaio did not earn the nickname “Crazy Joe” without cause.  Although the notion that Barack Obama plotted in the womb to have his birth certificate forged, so he could disguise his Kenyan birth, and thus assure his future path to the Presidency, has been thoroughly disproven, Crazy Joe has gone birther!

3romney-arpaioHaving gained national attention for his strict anti-immigration practices and racial profiling of Mexicans, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona is now pointing his target at President Obama. While the "birther" movement — spearheaded by the Tea Party who called into question the validity of President Obama’s American citizenship — has quieted down since the Obama administration released his birth certificate to the public in April 2011, Arpaio is launching an investigation…now.

Some critics of the sheriff believe that he is doing this to secure votes for his re-election as he is seeking a 6th term. Others believe the media attention around this investigation is to cover up Arpaio’s own legal troubles.

There is currently a federal grand jury investigation into Arpaio for:

  • Criminal abuse-of-power allegations since at least December 2009, focusing on the sheriff’s anti-public corruption squad.
  • Racially profiling Latino, basing immigration enforcement on racially charged citizen complaints and punishing Hispanic jail inmates for speaking Spanish.

… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Loop 21>

Alex Wagner provided more detail on this story and the investigation into Arpaio.

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Frankly, it seems perfectly clear that Arpaio needs a new perspective from the inside of his own jail, but he provides an excellent example of the type of diversion tactics employed throughout the Republican Party.  Tragically, some are stupid enough to believe them.


  9 Responses to “Birtherism in Brewerstan”

  1. In my mind, the only reason that the GOP is bringing up yet again, the birther issue, the women’s health rights, the contraception issue is because they lack any plausible plan to get the country back on its feet and they are hoping to divert attention away from their ineptitude.  If they dazzle the electorate with their fancy footwork (aka bear scat!) then maybe the electorate will not notice the lack of plans for anything other than their 1% and corporate masters.  Well GOP, don’t count your chickens yet!

    As far as Sheriff Joe goes, he needs to be charged, tried and convicted and spend time in his own jail, maybe even in solitary confinement.  A nice touch would be only Spanish speaking jailers around him.

    • “Frankly, it seems perfectly clear that Arpaio needs a new perspective from the inside of his own jail, but he provides an excellent example of the type of diversion tactics employed throughout the Republican Party. Tragically, some are stupid enough to believe them.”

      Sheriff Joe Arpaio needs pink underware and a view from inside the Can (Jail)

    • I cannot agree more , or put it clearer– Another straw target- to deflect attention– works every time doesnt’ it ?


    • Amen to all of the above!

  2. Who can forget that Rmoney made Sheriff Arpaio his Honorary Chairman back in his 2008 campaign.  And now Obama’s campaign press secretary, noting that Rmoney’s staff has been trying for weeks to get Arpaio’s endorsement again, is having fun tweeting about the Birther nut’s imprimatur: “Still want it?”

    I got Obama’s cool “Made in the USA” t-shirt, with his Birth Certificate on the back.  (Just click on the provided hyperlink, and you can get one for just $30 – not bad, but only have ‘L’ left.)
  3. I hope Joe gets convicted for any crimes he has perpetrated..then he can investigate first hand some of those sex crimes he ignored.

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