Feb 072012

Yesterday I must have been very tired, because I slept much later than normal.  I still got out, got my errands done and had enough time left to get my research in.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow I have paperwork and housework to do.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:37 (average 6:10).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From AP: Despite his slow start in nominating judges and Republican delays in Senate confirmations, Obama has still managed to alter the balance of power on four of the nation’s 13 circuit courts of appeals. Given a second term, Obama could have the chance to install Democratic majorities on several others.

Fourteen of the 25 appeals court judges nominated by Obama replaced Republican appointees.

Given enough time, Democrats in the White House can break the Republican stranglehold on the courts.

From MoveOn: What Would Have Happened To Detroit If Mitt Romney Were President

And some people still say there is no difference between the parties. How blind!

From Reuters: A former White House intern is speaking out about an 18-month affair she had with President John F. Kennedy while he was in office, revealing intimate details in a new book to be published on Wednesday.

Mimi Alford, who was 19 when she started her internship at the White House in 1962, discussed her secret sexual affair with the president in her book "Once Upon a Secret: My Affair with President John F. Kennedy."

Republicans are probably scurrying like mad, looking for a way to impeach him posthumously.




  8 Responses to “Open Thread–2/7/2012”

  1. 4:01

    Hopefully, Pres. Obama gets the chance to turn the Federal Courts around.

    Just ask Clint Eastwood about Detroit’s auto industry.

    If they can still impeach JFK, can we still impeach GWB?

    Great portrait of the RepublicanT Party of NO!


  2. 4:01  A tie with Patty and we are both more than 2 minutes under the average time.  I think this is a first.

  3. Does anyone else wonder if Mitt Rmoney took Charisma Lessons from Tim Pawlenty?

  4. To alter slightly and repeat a phrase made famous on TV’s Laugh In in the 70’s, “Here come the judges!  Here come the judges!”  It is unfortunate that even the law is partisan when what it should be is fair and unbiased.

    What would have happened to Detroit if Mitt Romney were President? — Once a chopshopist, always a chopshopist!  He would have let the companies fail and destroyed the entire US industry with no pheonix to rise out of the ashes!  I venture to say that with a Republican/Teabagger in the WH, the entire nation will be at risk of such folly.  I heard in one Rmoney speech that Rmoney would return the US to its former strength and glory — bull shit!  Rmoney would simply be the biggest bully on the planet and subject the US to attacks.

    If the Republican/Teabaggers even think of impeaching JFK posthumously, I’m with Patty.  Baby Bush and Cheney should be impeached if possible, or better still, turned over to the ICC for crimes against humanity.  Cheney would probably take the Milosevic exit strategy and Baby Bush would whine like a little baby — “I want my mommy!”

    Cartoon — While the others are obviously applauding, Newty looks more like he is rubbing his hands together in glee like the diabolically Republican idiot he is.  Sometimes I wonder who is worse, Newty or Rmoney?  I’ve come to the conclusion that they are equally bad just in different ways.  Good cartoon TC.  They are all poison!

    • Very true.

      Yep our factories would take root in Asia.

      See my reply to Patty.

      Newter is in trouble.  The Frothmeister has surpassed him.

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