Whitey Day in Brewerstan?

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Feb 052012

The Totalitarian Corporate Plutocracy of Brewerstan, formerly Arizona, headed by Death Angel Jan Brewer, may soon be announcing the highest holy day that particular regime could celebrate: Whitey Day.   I hate to even think about how the Death Angel’s gun-toting militias will celebrate it.

5whiteydayArizona’s unremitting campaign against its Hispanic communities has certainly reached an extreme, with the state GOP initiating a spate of radical anti-immigrant laws, banning Mexican-American and other ethnic studies, and ensuring that Spanish-speakers will never hold elected office. But one lawmaker is intent on turning the party’s xenophobic paranoia into a full-blown caricature.

Reacting to a Democratic colleagues apparently incendiary request to celebrate a Latino American day, State Rep. Cecil Ash (R) declared that he’d support the idea as long as there’s a holiday for white people too. “I’m supportive of this proposition. I just want them to assure me that when we do become in the minority you’ll have a day for us,” he said. Ash was “trying to lighten things up,” but when CBS 5 asked if he was serious about a Caucasian holiday, he offered an unequivocal “yes”:

ASH: Yes, I think it was appropriate. It was appropriate for the mood that was in the House and I think that if and when the Caucasian population becomes a minority, they may want to celebrate the accomplishments and the contributions of the Caucasian population the same way.

… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Perhaps they will celebrate by deporting illegal aliens that were born in the US.


  15 Responses to “Whitey Day in Brewerstan?”

  1. Let a “White ” person try to sue for discrimination and you will always be told your out numbered 5to1.

  2. I hope I never have the misfortune to have to step foot in that state – with minds like that – they can keep the grand canyon – I’ll look at pictures of the place – but will never feel the same way about it! (I’ll listen to the “suite”)

    • “Arizona, headed by Death Angel Jan Brewer, may soon be announcing the highest holy day that particular regime could celebrate: Whitey Day.”
      Who’s bringing the kool-aid?

    • Not all Arizonans are like that, Lee.  The ones that are gained power through deception.

  3. I am  speechless– (dont worry- it won’t last )  The appalling ugly audacity of  this just stuns me!!  At first I thought it was a joke ,Naive as I am- ! – What is going on in Arizona is a horror story- a nightmare—–!  How in the world can so many openly discriminatory laws be passed in the first place ?  Full blown caricature ?  Not only this latest insanity but every thing going on with the GOP in power , with the real Wicked Witch of the West  fronting the mess! A Holiday for Whitey!!! What absolute nonsense ! Any one except a blue eyed blonde needs to think about escaping the  hellishness that is now Arizona– A state I never want to set foot in–!!

  4. It’s true! The lunatics hold to keys to the asylum.

  5. A statewide First Nations Day!  How would the Battle Axe and her minions handle that one?  Wouldn’t surprise me if they replied with Columbus Day.  What a joke.

    You know, all these people like the Battle Axe, and any other Republican/Teabaggers, apparently have the mantra of “whites only” and really are insecure in themselves and are trying, with some success, to foist their insecurities onto everyone else.   What a pile of bullshit!

    There is a line from the Kevin Costner movie Robin Hood that I have always loved and it goes like this.  A little English girl in Sherwood Forest sees a Moor, played by Morgan Freeman, for the first time.  She asks “Did God paint you?” (oh the innocence of a child!) to which  the Moor replies “For certain little one.  Allah loves wondrous variety!”

  6. Maybe they’ve been out in the Sun too long. It gets fierce there sometimes.

    Otherwise–as Arizona goes, so goes the nation?

    I wouldn’t want even to cross that state without setting foot off the train. Do they demand “Your papers!” when an airliner passes through Arizona’s airspace, even without landing?

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