Feb 032012

If Josh Fox were a protestor, posing as a journalist, to disrupt a congressional hearing I could understand refusing him access.  That is not the case.  Josh Fox is an Academy Award nominated documentarian.  The Republicans on House Science Committee’s Subcommittee on Energy had a good reason for refusing access to Fox.  They were putting on a dog and pony show disguised as a hearing.  In it they paraded lobbyists and representatives of the gas industry to “testify” on the safety and efficacy of fracking, in an attempt to minimize an EPA report, while refusing testimony from scientists with sound research data in opposition to fracking.  Josh Fox is an expert on Fracking.  He made Gasland.  To hide the truth, in my opinion, Republicans had him arrested.

3JoshFoxYesterday, Academy Award-nominated documentarian Josh Fox was arrested by U.S. Capitol police while trying to film a public Congressional Hearing. Isn’t this the kind of chilling free speech episode we Americans condemn when it happens in other countries?

The U.S. House Science Committee’s Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment was holding a public hearing, and Fox was there with his camera crew to get footage for a documentary film. According to press reports, the Subcommittee’s Chairman exercised his authority to bar filming by individuals without proper House of Representatives’ press credentials. Fox persisted, was arrested by Capitol Police, and charged with unlawful entry.

Fox says that he repeatedly sought permission in advance to film the public hearing, but those requests were denied by the House Committee. By all accounts, there was plenty of room for the camera, and the film crew was not interfering with the hearing. One Representative made just that point, and asked that the rules be waived so that Fox might stay. That request also was denied. It’s one thing to regulate media access if the room had been chaotic and overrun by cameras, but that wasn’t the case here.

Why should a documentary filmmaker, exercising his First Amendment rights, be denied the right to film a public hearing? If every person filming a hearing is required to have a certain press credential, Congressional Staff or the Capitol Police should have helped Fox obtain one, not arrest him… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Huffington Post>

Here is Josh’s side of the story, which he revealed in an interview with Ed Schultz.

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I have no doubt that Josh Fox had a Constitutional right to cover the hearing under the First Amendment.  Republicans denied that right.  They don’t want you to know that they are covering up the truth about fracking, so the Constitution does not matter top them.

Now, I have a major bone to pick with Obama on his fracking policy, but even on this issue, the Republicans are infinitely worse.


  19 Responses to “Freedom of the Press… Sometimes”

  1. Fox would never have been led away with a Democratically-controlled House. Chock this up as another in a growing line of reasons the Republicans must be thrown out of office! Regarding Obama’s position on fracking, that is a clear reason why we also need to het oil money out of government!

    • “Isn’t this the kind of chilling free speech episode we Americans condemn when it happens in other countries? ”
      Isn’t this America???

  2. http://salsa.wiredforchange.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=%2BMVwoCpcuUv2bDufuNZ3TDpy6qQEKRpX

    Thanks for including this TomCat – I have been involved with/in the “frack fight” for over 2 yrs maybe 3 now – have met Josh Fox on several occasions, and was appalled when Obama said what he did in the SOTU address – he sort of changed his pimps – from the banksters to the gasers – I hope the gas/oil industry receives the same “service charges” that he gave the banksters – all I can say is that O’s not one to “toy” with!  The above site contains a petition for Fox’s defense.

    I have seen “Gasland” several times and am looking forward to the sequel – if anyone hasn’t seen the documentary – look for it – it’s illuminating to say the least – the ignited tap water scene being the most “iconic” clip, however the rest of the oscar nominated film is one of the most informative on the subject – following the fracking biz throughout the US, not to mention the intended fracking of NY state and literally “yards” away from the reservoirs that source water for Syracuse and NYC – the entire Delaware River Basin is at risk – as well as the 16.4 million dependents on that water supply. This is Fox news at its best (little joke)!

  3. The RepublicanTs are afraid of the truth getting out.

  4. Denying an American citizen their First Amendment rights – just who do those people think they are?!?

    Oh, that’s right … they’re repubicons.  Never mind.

  5. Unless we the people  take control  it will only get worse—-The constitution is being ignored on a daily basis— “It can’t happen here “?  Oh yes it certainly can!!


    • Phyllis, I am convinced that the only reason we are not living in a Republican Regime where elections do not matter right now is the sheer incompetence of the Bush Regime.

  6. The US fights for democracy as long as it serves our economic interests to do so (oil, control, etc.).  As this instance points out democracy is not what is really valued…it’s economic gain.  But, if it is convenient and can give political power to your cause…then, by all means…say we value democracy.

  7. As Fox is being arrested, you can hear voices and discussion in the background presumably from the committee members.  One woman says “Where’s the transparency you keep talking about?”  I believe the chairperson made a statement that it was his right to make decisions such as this.  Did this person even think about what he was doing?

    Well it certainly seems that this chairman did not think and in so doing, denied Fox his constitutional right to free speech.  From the short clip, he was not protesting the hearings; he was not obstructing the proceedings with his camera or presence.  What he was doing is allowing people to see the truth of what happens in this hearing.  The committee might call this a public hearing, but I would beg to differ.  This tells me that there was stacking of evidence, bias if you will.

    I had not heard of Gasland but I will make a point of trying to view it.  As Lee says, there is fracking going on in New York State, but there is also fracking being allowed not far away in New Brunswick, Canada and probably other sites too, in addition to the dirty tarsands oil in Alberta.

    All this cloak and dagger, the citizens have a right to know what is happening.  Shame on the politicians who have sold their souls to the big oil and gas companies.  They must feel ashamed of themselves if they are trying to keep this hushed up.  I hope these politicians get to experience flames from their water taps.

    • That was a Democratic Congresswoman that you heard. 

      He knew exactly what he was doing.  It’s Republican policy to deny access to unfriendly press whenever thet cn get away with it.


  8. So what will be done about it?

    • Welcome Valhalla! 🙂

      The best way to prevent this kind of incident is to vote Republicans out of office.  This doesn’t happen when Democrats are in the majority.

  9. I just watched a presentation on Gasland and am appalled at the effects of hydro fracturing.  There is a big ballyhoo over the Keystone XL pipeline running through the US from the Alberta tarsands, and rightfully so.  But fracking is creating mega water problems and the outcry doesn’t seem as loud.  Why is that?  Is that because so many people are hurting for cash in these hard economic times that they are accepting oil/gas company money for the fracking rights on their property without considering the down side like flamable water from the kitchen tap, air pollution, destroyed water sheds?  People should be equally enraged by fracking as they are by tarsands oil.

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