Republicans Murder Liberal Cat

 Posted by at 12:03 am  Politics
Jan 242012

I understand that Republicans carry a lot of hatred, inflamed as they are by disinformation from their candidates for office, and by even more extreme lies from the Republican Ministry of Propaganda, aka Fox.  However filled with hate they may be, there is absolutely no excuse for them to express it in a hate crime against a defenseless animal, just because the pet’s owner is the Campaign Manager for a Democrat.

24liberalcatThe campaign manager of Arkansas Democratic congressional candidate Ken Aden arrived home last night to find his child’s pet cat murdered on the front porch with the word “LIBERAL” scrawled across its lifeless body.

Aden’s campaign manager, Jake Burris, lives in central Arkansas with his four kids. Blue Arkansas has more on the scene at Burris’s home (emphases are ours):

Last night, Jake and his four kids had come back to their Russellville home. As they were getting out of the car, one of his children discovered their family cat dead on the front porch. One side of the animal’s head had been bashed in and an eyeball was hanging out of its socket. But there was something even more horrifying to be found on the corpse. Written across the animal’s fur in black marker was the word “LIBERAL“.

…Pope County, where Burris lives, is a highly-conservative area of Arkansas… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Of course the Republican candidate running against Aden disavowed and denounced the act, to save face, but the tenor of Republican hatred building up ever since Obama and Biden defeated McConJob and Mooseolini fueled this act.


  22 Responses to “Republicans Murder Liberal Cat”

  1. What kind of sick, depraved non-human murders a defenseless cat?

    Is this the Republican’s plan for us 99 percenters, to bash in our skulls so they can steal what little money we have left?


    • Welcome Greg! 🙂

      I would hope that the majority of rank and file Republicans are as horrified as we are.

      I wouldn’t go that far.  Alan Grayson said it best.

  2. Sick!  Yes the Liberals believe all people no matter your color,gender  and sexual orientation . And if you are for the rights of all Americans and not a republian/teabagger you are nothing more that scum of the earth.  The republians/tea party has to go.

  3. Domestic terrorism, pure and simple. I lived in Arkansas for seven miserable years. This disgusts me, but it doesn’t surprise me.

  4. is a time to wake up to who we truly are, and to awaken with vibrant energy to aliveness its time to wake up! we have lived so long under the spell of hierarchy, from god-kings to border lords and party bosses. wake up, grow up and deal with here and now be silent no more be heard for all the voices that are lost in translation.. we, the people of the world denounce any claims of our ownership, we must light up the darkness Confident that with a new sense of life, we will be what we were born to be: FREE.
    we are what we make of our lives,living to create an unearthly legacy and plunder becomes a way of life and darkness becomes the only view this disease of our short sighted world to think life is worthless under the constant threat of death and imminent destruction with the ability to construct rational arguments on behalf of our own points of view for sacking the pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness but when we watch something carefully, we are said to be “keeping our eye on the ball,” and so it can be said persons who lacks these qualities are blind and in need of help the results are not open to interpretation and the conclusions are of self worth because self worth makes life worth, living. to devalue anything we stand to lose everything.
    life has value beyond measure
    Peace and Love

  5. This is nothing new to Republican Fascist Nazi’s.  Do not forget that one of these Republican Nazi’s a few years ago or so killed the Arkansaw Democratic Party Chairmen in his office.  He walked in and shot the Chairperson and was later killed by police when pulled over.  Many Reichwing books by people such as Hannity and Beck were found in the killers home.

    I say that the only cure our country has left to restore our Constitution and Rule of Law will be when each and every one of these Republican Fascist Nazi’s have the backs of their necks feel the sweet kiss of Madame Guillotine as she cleaves their heads from their shoulders.  Only then will America be restored to its greatness.

    No more Abraham Lincoln compassion and mercy by turning the other cheek like he did after the Civil War.  Lets do what we did at Nuremberg, prosecute, imprison and execute every single one of them.

    • AP, my friend, I must disagree.  If we call for the death of violent Republicans we become like them.  We are better than that.  Therefore. integrity demands that I condemn all calls for violence, even when they come from a long time friend.

  6. Made me feel sick , so illustrates the mindless depravity that has taken control of the GOP— and Yes I do think this act of cruelty against a helpless pet does indicate the depths they are capable of..

  7. Words … fail … me

  8. First of all, I have to tell you that this story sent me crying like I haven’t done in a long time.  I lay on my bed with my 3 cats, one licking away my tears and the other 2 touching my face as I cried.  I fell asleep finally in their ‘sweet embrace’ after we all said kitty prayers for the cat and his family who must be enraged and fearful.

    Yesterday, somebody said that they didn’t think that the Republican/Teabaggers were a party of death, and here is how TC replied:

    “Nobody on the left is making death threats.  Nowhere on the left are we taking Psalm 106 out of context and using it as a prayer for Obama’s death.  Nowhere on the left are we showing up to political events packing weapons.  Nowhere on the left are we proposing Second Amendment solutions.  Nowhere on the left does the right to life begin at conception and end at birth.  Nowhere on the left are governors cancelling scheduled transplants, causing the death of the patients, to cut taxes for millionaires.  And nobody on the left pasted a bullseye on Gabrielle Giffords.  Calling the Republican Party the Party of Death is not hateful.  It is accurate.”

    Here is yet another example, albeit, an example from an extremist.

    I agree that this is a hate crime, but I also consider this a death threat, one that warrants prompt and detailed investigation with appropriate charges laid and a rigorous prosecution.  My fear is that it will be chalked up to animal cruelty and not be investigated further.

    When there were death threats in Wisconsin against recall volunteers, I said that Scott Walker needed to be held accountable for the actions of his supporters.  And I say the same here.  It is not enough that the Republican/Teabagger candidate disavowed and denounced all knowledge of this atrocious and heinous act!  He must be held directly accountable.  These types of actions cannot be allowed in a civil society.  People, and I use the term loosely, like Limbaugh, Beck, Fischer, and Hannity need to temper their rhetoric at the very least, but also must stop inciting violence and extremism.  Even they have freedom of speech, unfortunately.  To quote Anon Paranoid above

    “. . . Do not forget that one of these Republican Nazi’s a few years ago or so killed the Arkansas Democratic Party Chairmen in his office.  He walked in and shot the Chairperson and was later killed by police when pulled over.  Many Reichwing books by people such as Hannity and Beck were found in the killer’s home. . . . “.   

    These are not he first instances, and unfortunately, not the last I’m sure.  I don’t believe in capital punishment, but I do agree in lifetime incarceration and that is the only fit punishment for these thugs.

    These actions only serve to intimidate, to build a climate of fear — fear for one’s own life and that of the family; fear to vote as conscience dictates; fear to enter into healthy discourse about matters that affect all people.  Fear and intimidation tactics are what we see in other countries, third world countries, in trying to influence or pressure the vote, one way or another.   I believe that the Republican/Teabagger party has pushed the US into 3rd world status and in order to reclaim their place in a civil society, the Republican/Teabaggers must go into history.

  9. There are too many violent people out there being egged on by deranged apocalyptic rhetoric.

    If they’d do it to Dr. Tiller and Rep. Giffords, they’d do it to a cat.  Or to you or me.

  10. This is savage and un-American behavior by a cruel and heartless band of crazy, far-right thugs. Indefensible and shameful. These vicious people belong behind bars for life.

  11. Words fail me.

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