Crappy Birthday Citizens United

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Jan 212012

The anti-Constitutional decision, known as Citizens United, instituted by five extreme activist Injustices, has been much in the news of late.  I considered joining the fray sooner, but decided to wait until the birthday of if this ignoble atrocity.  To make matters worse, Citizens United just hit home for me, as I have been bombarded with television advertising from faux-moderate Teabagger, Rob Cornilles.  Today I learned who is paying for it from a DCCC email.  Here it is in part.


We knew it would come to this. Voters in Oregon’s vote by mail only election have already started to receive ballots and sure enough Washington Republicans have swooped in with a television ad buy distorting Democrat Suzanne Bonamici’s record with half-truths, mistruths and lies.


Now we’ve learned her Republican opponent Rob Cornilles has received thousands of dollars from the billionaire Koch Brothers’ business PAC. This Oregon special election race is in its final throes and we need to have Suzanne’s back.


Be part of our people-powered movement and fight back. Help us raise $30,000 for Suzanne by Monday’s media buy deadline for her immediate rapid response operation.


Please contribute to Suzanne today for her rapid response operation before Monday’s media buy deadline.

That’s right.  Rob Cornilles is a Koch sucker. The five filthy fascists pictured above made this, and the pollution of other elections all over this nation, possible.

There are things Congress can do, if Democrats can get sufficient traction in Congress to overcome Republican obstruction, but the way to permanently undo this travesty requires a Constitutional amendment.  I’m sure you must have seen Robert Reich’s excellent video by now, but here it is just in case.

You can tale action at Amend 2012.

In the meantime, please join me in wishing Citizens United a very crappy birthday.


  13 Responses to “Crappy Birthday Citizens United”

  1. I live for the day when Citizens United is overthrown.  I imagine a scenario where Alito, Thomas, Roberts, Scalia, and Kennedy are recalled and the Koch Bros. are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    Not likely to happen, that latter thing.  But Bernie Sanders is giving me hope about the overthrowing of CU.

    Petition signed and also signed up to work in my state for CU’s overthrow.


  2. Have a Crappy Birthday, Citizens United!

    So, the Koch boys are sticking their ugly little noses into everything that is decent.  I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised.  They’re probably really ticked that their little boy, Scott Walker, is on the skids in Wisconsin.  And let’s not forget their brother by another mother, Herman Cain.  Then there’s that pipeline that won’t terminate at their Corpus Christi refinery.  Ooooo, they’re not ticked, they’re pissed!  So what better way to feel better than to stick it to the people using the Citizen’s United decision.

    Video is excellent.  Watched it previously and signed Amend 2012 petition then.


  3. WORST SCOTUS Ruling of my lifetime – bar none!

    At least in two separate Polls, both  small business owners and the general public are overwhelmingly opposed to Citizens United.

    • I am glad to hear that, because what I hear from my republican friends is always (with a lot of eye rolling), “Why are you against capitalism?”  They don’t get that allowing corporations to buy the government isn’t capitalism anymore and ensures bajillions will be wasted as corporate welfare.

      • My standard reply to that type of “gotcha” question:  We liberals/progressives don’t hate rich capitalists. We hate rich capitalists who don’t care about people who are NOT rich.  Kennedy was rich.  FDR was rich.  And they consistently cared about those less fortunate.  So you show me how Rmoney, Gingrich, Koch, etc. have consistently cared about the downtrodden.  (Plus since those type of question typically come from Talibangelical christianists, you can also gig ’em with the standard, “What would Jesus do for the poor?”)


    I’m so dismayed by these rulings, however my peewee brain would much rather simplify this entire argument and assume that it is easily corrected with an overthrow of the Citizen’s United decision – the above referenced article, which actually for me just complicates issues even further, at least answers a question that I’ve been pondering since the fight recently began, namely where are the voices of opposition to the “radical left” and why aren’t they feeling threatened! I think this article really should be shared – although it’s lengthy, is seems well worth the read and even investigated – it obviously is far more complicated than a mere “amendment” which in turn creates a whole series of further obstacles – including size of corporations, property rights, not-for-profit corps, a host of issues that if not properly worded an amendment may prove to serve as an obstacle to the “people’s” wishes!  It only led to further dismay for me – it seemed so cut and dry before I read it! Hope you all can make more sense of it than I – and that it creates further discussion as the author seems to indicate it warrants.

    • Lee, I have read it, and did not do a post on it, because thew only way to preserve it’s meaning is to re-post the whole thing.  There are no simple solutions.  Getting a Constitutional Amendment is most difficult.  The other solution is to keep a Democrat in the White House to appoint authentic Justices until the fascist five are outnumbered, a process that will take many years, because the goose steppers are the young ones.

  5. Have a very Crappy Birthday, Citizens United!

    What common-folk RepublicanTs don’t realize is that the CU was not a victory for capitalism but a victory for plutocracy.

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