Jan 192012

Yesterday I was quite tired so I slept late and napped in the afternoon.  I made a big pot of my infamous rice and beans in my pressure cooker, so I am not fit company for man nor beast.  I’m current with replies.  Today housework beckons.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:34 (average 4:01).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From RSN: Spanish judge on Friday re-launched an investigation into the alleged torture of detainees held at the U.S. detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, one day after a British authorities launched a probe into CIA renditions to Libya.

The twin developments demonstrated that while the Obama administration has stuck to its promise not to investigate whether Bush administration officials acted illegally by authorizing the use of harsh interrogation techniques, other countries are still interested in determining whether Bush-era anti-terror practices violated international law.

Hat Tip to Lisa G for emailing me the link.  I could not be more pleased.

From Crooks and Liars: On the heels of the announcement that Democrats gathered 1 million signatures toward the recall of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, activists have launched a campaign to draft Russ Feingold to run against Walker. Feingold is a former United States senator from Wisconsin who lost his last re-election campaign in 2010, but is still widely popular among progressives in the state and across the country. Feingold supporters can sign the petition.

While Feingold has said he does not want the job, I would be thrilled if he changed his mind.  I signed.  You?

From The Hill: House Democratic leaders are increasingly arguing that the next payroll tax package should not be fully paid for with spending cuts.

Top Democrats say offsetting the entire cost of a yearlong payroll tax package, as Republicans have demanded, is a bad idea in a fragile economy.

I disagree with the House Democrats.  Because these are Social Security funds, they must be replaced with tax increases or spending cuts.  I would favor  cut in fossil fuel company welfare.

From Current: Keith Olbermann, Ron Wyden and Marcos Mark Ruffalo discuss SOPA/PIPA.

The Democratic sponsors are clinging to the AFL-CIO, not the motion picture industry.  Kudos to Ron Wyden!




  17 Responses to “Open Thread–1/19/2012”

  1. TC, to be accurate this cartoon should say ” Not Yet”.
    Here’s my take -Obama supporters have been had -again.
    Obama is playing politics with XL. If he wanted to do something positive for our environment he should have cancelled the pipeline project in its entirety.
    What he did was end run the Republican and legal mandate to make a decision within two months. So, he simply tossed it back at them. Worse, he very specifically told them that they could re-apply. Now that effectively pushed it off until after the eletion -just whay he wanted. The XL pipeline and his winpy approach to decision making will bury him in this election. One would have to be blind to continue to support him. I for one am supper ticked at this decision as I wanted XL totally rejected and vowed to work against Obama if he didn’t do that. He wimped out again and made it a political, not a scientific argument.
    You might also want to know that all this is smoke and mirrors at the WH as the Keystone people are working a re-routing plan that wouldn’t have been ready until after the election anyway.
    Sad prediction: If Obama wins, he will approve XL shortly thereafter. At that point all you Obama supporters can feel bad and find something else to pontificate about. Wake up and dump this guy now as he is no friend of the environment.

    • I fear you’re absolutely right on this one John – everyone seems to be out celebrating – it isn’t a done deal, and it is an election year!  Obama is like a “garden snake” not quite as venomous as some of his republican buddies, but still a snake in the grass! I hope you don’t vote for Paul – go Justice Party or Green – and don’t let a fascist gain the throne!

    • If you perdition about Obama approving it if elected is true, what the difference between him an any one of the Republican candidates. Surely you don’t think there’s any chance a Repub would reject it and anger their big oil allies and cut off the cash flow? At least with Obama there may be a remote possibility, not much but some.

    • John and Lee, I think you are both mistaken here.  This was a permit application.  He rejected it.  They (or anyone else) have the legal right to submit another application at any time.  That is not his choice.  He was stating the law.  There is no way that he could have rejected it in its entirety, because the law is what it is.  Now, you two were among the ones calling out that Obama would approve it now.  You were wrong.  He did the right thing and deserves credit for it.  IF he approves an unsafe pipeline at some time in the future, criticize him for it then, not now.

  2. I’m relieved to see that  some countries have a sense of justice and are pursuing what our wimpy president won’t!!!!!!!! I found that my entire “take” on this country changed when we decided we were to join the ranks of “torture” nation – we still have not reneged, we still have gitmo, we still have the torturers and the designers of the torture policy running free in our country – they should have been executed by now – the entire cast of evil – bush rumsfeld cheney tenet rice ashcroft and lest we forget yoo who drafted the god damned memo! I probably neglected some of the cast – but we should remember who they are for posterity’s sake!!!!!

    Thanks for putting up the draft Feinstein – signed it and facebooked! I’m with you on the House dems thing as well – we can’t jeopardize SS – it’s too much of an “issue” to allow any semblance of putting it on the line!

    • Lee, I am glad to see someone else do it, but when I voted for Obama, I knew that he had stated in no uncertain terms that he would abide by the promise Nancy Pelosi made in 2006 that Democrats will move forward rather than investigate the past.  I opposed it when she promised, and I opposed it when he agreed to it.  But I can’t feel betrayed, because I knew in advance.

  3. 3:12

    I’m glad someone is investigating the muderers.

    I signed for Russ Feingold.

    SS must continue to be funded and it should be done by removing the salary  for SS and increasing tax rates on capital gains.

    This small victory in the case of the pipeline is a postponement but any victory is better than an all-out defeat.


    • Beat my butt again!


      Just removing the salary cap will fix it.

      It was a rejection, not a postponement.  See my reply to John and Lee.

  4. 4:08  I should have been quicker.  Patty is killing us!  She must be young with quick reflexes.

  5. The Investigation — I’m glad to see the Spanish judge investigating Baby Bush et al.  I’m sorry to say that my own country, under the august leadership of MP Harper (read this last phrase with great sarcasm), did not arrest Baby Bush and Cheney when they were in Canada on speaking gigs.  Under the UN Convention on Torture which Canada signed and ratified, it had a legal obligation to arrest these two morons.  But Baby Bush wannabe Harper wouldn’t do it.  That’s his friend George!  In some respects I can understand why Obama didn’t do it, and now with a Republican/Teabagger dominated Congress I can understand why he still doesn’t do it.  But history will catch up to Baby Bush and Chenet one day, even if it is after their dead and knocking at St Peter’s door.  They’ll get a nice hot room!  No view!

    Feingold — I have heard nothing but good about Feingold (I’m not suggesting he’s a saint!) and I’ve only heard bad and despicable things about Walker (! am suggesting he is the devil incarnate!).  I’d like to Wisconsin have a win with leadership that cares about their welfare, and not its own.  Even I signed the petition ~#278.

    Payroll Tax Package — Spending cuts in the subsidies paid to fossil fuel companies works for me.  What about removing the income cap for SS contributions?  What about modest tax increases for the wealthy?  They have had it too easy for too long.

    SOPA & PIPA — Kudos to recognising and drawing the line between censorship and protection of copyright.  When even the architects of the legislation are backpeddling, you know the groundswell is registering.  These are the kinds of things that people need to do — let the representatives know you are watching their every move.

    Cartoon — What part of NO did you not understand Republican/Teabaggers?  I thought it was amusing in the first part of Keith’s show that Boehner, in responding to the No! decision on the pipeline is now touting the loss of 100,000 American jobs.  He keeps changing his numbers.  Also liked that Keith exposed Boehner’s investment in many of the companies that would be involved in the pipeline.  Me thinks that is a big conflict of interest!

    Personal Note — I hear they’re having a sale on Febreeze air freshner at Walgreen’s — 2 large cans (1 litre size) for $4.  That should help don’t you think?!


    • I agree about both Spain and Canada.

      Feingold is a progressive’s progressive.



      If I went to Walgreen’s to get it, they’d throw me out of the store.

  6. I had just watched the South Carolina Debate for Republicans on CNN.  Here in NYC

    Mitt Romney seemed like he was reading off of cue cards when he was trying to sound sincere, and a schmuck the rest of the time.  Santorum, like a kid at his High School Graduation.  Ron Paul, the old man of the group, bent over, smiling… just a happy guy, hanging in there.  Newt … surprisingly, not too bad.  The audience applauded him often.  I liked his view on immigration, and other issues.  Stay tuned …

    • Welcome Pat! 🙂

      I can’t comment because I didn’t see it, but you ought to take everything any of those four say with  ton of salt.  I have documented dozens of lies from them in articles here.

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