Jan 162012

Yesterday I fell asleep in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  I meditated upon Ravens and Texans, but went out, while meditating upon Giants and Packers.  Congrats to the conference finalists: the Ravens, the Patriots, the Giants and the Fortyniners.  I’m current with replies.  Today I have errands to run.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:25 (average 5:09).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube: Ann Coulter gets OWNED by Bill Maher


I still love watching the Coultergeist put her foot in it.

From Truth-out: Rep. Ron Paul and other right-wingers have lured many average Americans into their camp by creating a false narrative about America’s Founding, claiming that the drafters of the Constitution wanted a weak central government. But that’s not the real history, Robert Parry writes.

Click through for an excellent article that destroys the arguments of Tenther crackpots like Paul.

From Raw Story: Fox News commentator Brit Hume argued on Sunday that it was not “despicable” for Marines to urinate on dead Taliban soldiers.

Why am I not surprised that the Republican Ministry of Propaganda has taken that position.

From Me: Huntsman has dropped out and has thrown his support to Multiple Mitt.




  15 Responses to “Open Thread–1/16/2012”

  1. Tom, I am going to cite this article in many groups on care2.  I am sick of hearing about how we need to respect the “original intent of the Constitution” or everything is “unconstitutional.”  It actually is, with Paul, as I suspected.  He is using the Constitution to further his own racist agenda and disenfranchise millions of working Americans. And he is doing it by claiming to be a “constitutional purist.”

    Britt Hume can’t even fake journalistic integrity anymore.  Sad.

    • Angelica, Paul’s dogma adheres to the Articles of Confederation far more that to the Constitution.  Most of what Paul claims the Constitution means is a lie.

  2. 3:52

    Hasn’t Coulter died from anorexia yet?

    Ron Paul is still a Right Wing nut job.

    Brit Hume? What can I say?

    Sad, sad cartoon.


  3. 4:11  Patty was too good for both of us today.  Way to go, Patty.  You beat the average by more than a minute.

    If Hume thinks it is OK for our soldiers to piss on dead enemies, then he must also think it is OK for our enemies to piss on our dead soldiers.  What an asshole!  (Pardon my “french”.)


  4. The Constitution is just like the Bible and “The Wealth of Nations” to these morons. They’ve never actually read any of them. (Can they read?)

    • So true.  Having read all three, I can safely say that the Constitution is unrelated to Republican policies, the Bible is unrelated to Republican pseudo-Christian beliefs, and The Wealth of Nations is unrelated to crony Corporatism.

  5. I love when Coultergeist  changes the subject when she doesn’t have an answer for the previous question.  What a dipshit she is;  I wonder what will happen to her when the botox wears out?  Will the Repubs just prop her skeleton up, put a blonde wig on it and just play tapes of her spewing venom?  I think that’s a serious possibility.

  6. I love when Coultergeist  changes the subject when she doesn’t have an answer for the previous question.  What a dipshit she is;  I wonder what will happen to her when the botox wears out?  Will the Repubs just prop her skeleton up, put a blonde wig on it and just play tapes of her spewing venom?  I think that’s a serious possibility.

    All the wingers that try to pretend that the Founding Fathers were of this or that religion, get it straight they were deists of no particular religion.  And lets  not talk about the separation of church and state in the Declaration of Independence.  They all are going to have to take the next crazy train ’cause the first one is full.

    Brit Hume is an asshole; always has been and always will be.  What if that was your son or daughter  that were being peed on?  How would  you feel about it then, Brit?  It’s called desecration of a corpse and most civilizations deemed that a crime.  Dumass.


  7. Puzzle — With the relative homogeneity of the picture, I’m going to spout that I was only 15 seconds over the average.

    Ann Coulter/Bill Maher — So she stepped in the Santorum, eh!

    Ron Paul — Why does this uber rightwing nut job and his followers insist on re-writing history?  They’d probably try to convince everyone that the world was flat if they thought they could get away with it.

    Brit Hume — Didn’t Brit Hume used to be on NBC years ago?  I guess I haven’t seen him in years, and by the sounds of it, that’s a good thing.  Death is a part of war so you expect it.  But urinating on a dead body is not a part of war — it is stupid and despicable.  The dead are no longer enemy combattants so no further action should be taken other than to search them for booby traps.   I agree with Jerry on this one.

    Cartoon — Too right!  It is disgusting that the climate change deniers can’t see beyond the end of their noses . . . well unless it is dollar bills!

    Huntsman — I’m wondering if Romney gets the nod, will he ask Huntsman to be his VP since he threw his support to Mittens, but I’m not convinced they’re cut from the same cloth. Mittens is a ruthless flip-flop SOB and I don’t see that temperment in Huntsman.

    • Good going!


      They are Republicans.  Since truth offers no support, they invent something.

      I agree.

      No way.  They would never put two Mormons on the same ticket.  The Dominionist base would soil their shorts.

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