Pig Pile on Romney

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Jan 092012

I did not watch most of yesterday’s Republican debate.  When I awakened this morning, it was over, except for the last half hour.  I was impressed with the candidates’ ability to string lie upon lie about themselves, while at the same time, being truthful about the faults of the other candidates on stage.  Most of what I saw was a desperate pig pile (apologies to any pigs who may be offended) on Romney.

9DebateReporting from Concord, N.H.—

In the most contentious debate of the GOP presidential campaign, Mitt Romney got a long-anticipated pummeling from his Republican rivals Sunday morning, just two days ahead of the New Hampshire primary.

The Republican front-runner had floated above the fray less than 12 hours earlier, in an another network debate. But when he joined the rest of the GOP contenders on NBC’s “Meet the Press” for a rare morning confrontation, he found himself on the receiving end of a fusillade of attacks — for his shape-shifting on issues, his political ambitions and his record as governor of next-door Massachusetts.

“Can we drop a little bit of the pious baloney?” Newt Gingrich asked after Romney contended that, unlike others on the stage, he wasn’t a career politician. Gingrich pointed out that Romney had run for the U.S. Senate in 1994 and for the presidency in 2008, losing both times.

“You’ve been running consistently for years and years and years,” Gingrich said. “So this idea that suddenly citizenship showed up in your mind — just level with the American people.”

The former House speaker labeled Romney a “timid Massachusetts moderate” and predicted he would have “a very hard time” defeating President Obama if he became the GOP nominee.

The withering remarks came as Romney proudly boasted that he had “not been a lifetime politician” and that “for me, politics is not a career.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <LA Times>

Here’s video of Santorum and Gingrich attacking Romney.

They are right, just as Romney was right in his earlier attacks against them.  The beauty of the Republican field is that they all are vulnerable to attack, because all have proven their unfitness to be President.

While I have no doubt that Romney will take NH on Tuesday, I hope that others can close the gap on him in South Carolina so these jackals will expend their financing and keep savaging each other right up to the convention.


  23 Responses to “Pig Pile on Romney”

  1. If you’re going to play in this barnyard, you’d better wear hip-waders because the slop is going to be thick, high and smelly.

    Just like with sharks, if there is blood in the water, they will go on a feeding frenzy, no matter if it be one of their own or another animal.  With Mittens running at the top of the pack, it was bound to happen that the others would bloody his nose and go after him.  They’ll go after him, especially Newty and Santorum because he went after them and he is different — not only is he being accused of being a moderate, some of his words and actions in the past paint him that way, but he is not meeting their definition of a professional, and to boot, although not said in this forum, he is a Mormon.  For Newty and Santorum, that is blood in the water!  He is being called a quitter.  As the race progresses, it will be interesting to see who the next target will be.

  2. For once, I was glad to hear Gingrich shoot his month off, because for once, he told the truth. Romney HAS been running for President for years – and years – and years. He is the quintessential political whore who will say or do ANYTHING if he smells a vote in it for him. But those in the know (all of us here) are well aware that a vote for Romney is a vote for the 1%, and that he has proven it time and again by laying workers off and shipping their jobs to China for the net result of his own personal profit. Job creator? Maybe for CHINA, but not here! One who understands the economy? What a hideous joke – all he understands is naked self interest and exploitatiion. “Massachusetts moderate” or not, this man is NO FRIEND OF AMERICAN WORKERS!

    • For once  Jack, I disagree.  When he lost in 1994, he went back to business.  I wouldn’t believe a word that Newtie would say in church with his hands on a bible.  He has sold out everyone for a buck.  He’s a lying, cheating scum bag.  At least Romney had a career – all these other jackasses are not only complete morons, but they are career politicians as well.

    • He’s just a corporate raider trying to buy his way into office.

  3. Huntsman won the debate in my opinion – defending his abnoxious support of the Ryan plan, and then declaring what is causing partisan division – namely his “serving the country”, like his sons as soldiers, he as ambassador to China under Obama no less!  He at least defended his positions in the most presidential of all the candidates thus far, which is comparing the beauty of skunks – they all look and smell the same! Newt was himself – a little fouler than usual, and Romney never looks good when he squirms! All in all it was the most substantial of the debates, probably because you had Gregory as a moderator – someone who knew what questions were substantive and revealing, although the answers were never to the questions asked ( a little too much to ask ).

    • I agree that Huntsman had the upper hand in the debate. He will never be the nominee because he worked for Obama, although he may pull it off in the NH primary.  Back in the 1960’s Henry Cabot Lodge won the NH primary in spite of being JFK’s ambassador to Viet Nam.

    • You really shouldn’t malign skunks like that 🙂 They don’t all look alike, and unlike the Republican candidates, they’re very intelligent animals and they only really smell when attacked or injured.

    • I agree that Huntsman was the best in the bunch and he may do well tomorrow, but he will lose his appeal when the campaign turns south where a KKK member is considered a moderate Republican.

  4. I saw the debate  A good one  Yes they were all piling on Romney.  Don’t count Huntsman out.  Working for Obama may be a golden ticket.  But of course why would they want someone who could actually challenge Obama?  Oh I know with all of there huffing and puffing they really want Obama to win.

    • Mama, they would like nothing better than someone who could challenge Obama, while goose-stepping with the Regime.  Finding someone is a tall order.

  5. I watched both debates. This one was far superior to the one on ABC Saturday night. David Gregory is by far the best moderator I have seeen so far in their hundreds of debates in this race to the WH.  At least he asked some tough questions. All the other moderators to date have pandered to the politicians.

    Too bad you missed it Tom. Mittens was so upset he was stuttering again. He got really miffed at Sanitarium when little Ricky tried to answer a  question Mittens asked during one of his tirades.


  6. As much of the debate as I did watch- was really entertaining– hard to believe these asshats really are contenders for the most powerful position in the world—-Disgusting really—

    Huntsman tho– seems to be the best in the bunch– dont agree with him 100%— but he seems to have enough sense to find his way around the block , and to be in touch with reality; Huntsman could be a real challenge to Obama– Howver as  crazy as the GOP is at this time , Huntsman does not fit in—

    • Huntsman is not sufficiently bigoted and hateful to get the nod, but he still  big opponent of worker’s rights, gay rights and women’s rights.

  7. I still see Romney as  the most moderate in the group, with Huntsman coming in second.  All the rest are batshit crazy.

  8. The Huntsman attack was withering. It’s getting harder and harder to see Willard running away with this.

  9. Romney is all done. It is one thing to be out of touch. It is dangerous to not even have hint that you are.

    • Welcome, John. 🙂

      I’m inclined to disagree about Romney being done.  The Neocon, Corporacon, and Plutocon wings of the Regime appear to be lining up in support of him with the Theocon and InsaniTEA wings having fits, because they know they will be kicked to the curb.

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