Santorum Unvetted

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Jan 052012

I guess this is one of those ‘When I’m wrong, I say so’ moments, because I never even imagined that Rick “Google Me” Santorum would end the Iowa caucuses in a dead heat for the lead?  How could such a thing have happened?  As I see it, there are two reasons.  First, he is not Romney.  Second, he is the only ‘not Romney’ candidates left that has not crashed and burned, except for the perennial candidate who has never mattered and never will. The reason Santorum has not crashed and burned is that nobody else took him seriously, so re remains unvetted.  Given Santorum’s proclaimed fixation on connections between men and dogs, it’s time for a trip to the vet.

SantorumHat…This is an embarrassing state of affairs for Romney, who outspent Santorum by nearly $4 million. And it’s the culmination of a clownish early primary campaign that’s seen 3 out of 4 GOP voters desperate for anyone-but-Mitt.

Indeed, for all of the Warholian drama, in which everyone from Michele Bachmann to Rick Perry to Herman Cain to Newt Gingrich to Ron Paul has been a frontrunner for 15 minutes, the one constant in Iowa and the GOP race nationally has been Mitt Romney’s inability to crack 30 percent support.

Call it The Romney Ceiling. And its durability nearly led to an astonishing victory in Iowa by the raging mysogynist, racist, Islamophobe, and gay baiter Santorum — who was last seen on the national stage getting trounced by 18 points in his failed 2006 senate reelection bid in Pennsylvania.

Rick Santorum is the bottom of the GOP’s not-Mitt barrel — a C-Lister par excellence. Yet he lost to one of the best funded candidates in the history of politics by a mere eight votes.

It seems impossible that the detestable, unvetted Santorum won’t crash and burn in the coming days as the media dredge up his inflammatory declarations denigrating women, blacks, gays, and Muslims… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Rolling Stone>

Who could possibly be better at vetting Santorum that Rachel Maddow with Eugene Robinson.

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What a vile hypocrite he is!  He put his criminal pal, Ensign, ahead of his so-called family values, but saying a Democrat in a far less heinous situation should resign.  He is a poster child for corruption and earmarks.  He supports torture.  He supports banning birth control.

The beauty here is that Santorum’s most hateful traits will likely cause him no problem with the rabid Republican base.  Nevertheless, I will not predict that he will get the nomination.  We should be so lucky, but the other jackals are about to savage him.


  27 Responses to “Santorum Unvetted”

  1. As a Brit, perhaps I  shouldn’t comment but I will. What kind of moron votes for this kind of moron? I’m astounded.

    • As an American, I know exactly what you are saying, Jack.  Having seen this kind of stupidity there, in British politics, it is easier for you to see it in our politics, here.  Wish all of us Americans could see it.

      There are a lot of us that are tired of these hypocritical imbeciles in office, ever since “the boy who would be king” (George Bush, Jr).  Of course, it is one of your fellow countrymen that owns the network that our GOP uses as it’s propaganda arm.  But then, as you clearly have seen, idiots in large numbers are dangerous to any society.

      • God knows we have our fair share of wankers (to use a delicious British term) but I’m confused about the reference to the network owner. If you mean Rupert Murdoch then I’m pleased to say that he’s Australian who conveniently took up American citizenship.

      • Welcome Chris. 🙂

        Jack is correct.  Murdoch is a native Aussie who owns a big piece of the media in both the US and UK.

    • Jack, I put it down to a combination of factors.  The Republican spider has more than one web.  Some of the big ones are, fear, hate, ignorance, aristocentrism, fanaticism, and laziness.

  2. I believe he’ll go the way most fecal imbued fluid does! He’ll have support in those states where santorum is given the most attention one way or another – do I see the bible belt unbuckled and pants down to the ankles – ah the way of dixie!

  3. I am seriously worried that large swaths of Iowa appear to be as DNA-challenged as Ohio south of Interstate 70.

    • You forget about Athens in SE Ohio.  If you have not been you should visit.  I am more worried about the areas in Ohio of unending sprawl (e.g. Walmart after Walmart… even more challenged DNA to let that happen), and that the current governor of OH actually got elected.

    • You probably should be, if i understand your demographics.

  4. Romney being Santorumed couldn’t have happened to a better guy. One POS get jammed up the rectum by another lubed up POS.

  5. Well, it looks like you have all Googled Santorum.  Now to add to that “frothy mix” – here’s a link to his “Top Ten Most Outrageous Statements” (with so many to choose from, I have NO idea how they narrowed it down):

  6. Hypocrite, TomCat? You mean typical far-right Republican, don’t you?

  7. He is a part of what I call– (to meself)  the Alice in wonderland syndrome .. or Down the rabbit Hole , cast of characters inhabiting the wonderful world of OZ — ie the new GOP-

    I have come to the thoughtful opinion what we are seeing is not real- never was– just the try outs for a new Off ( way off)  Broadway roadshow— Surely this cast of demented dimwits  can not possibly- in their own mind , or anyone else be considered for even a walk on , much less the supreme role of POTUS– the most powerful position in the world–

    So given that certainty– it is all really taking place in Wonderland– not for real– so we can all wake up now– and by all means stash the funny smokes– the hallucinations are getting out of control!!!

    • I hear the orchestra tuning up! I’ll play Pat Robertson – great music I hear – what did the reviews say?

    • Phyllis, Wonderland is about a rabbit hole.  Santorum is about a different hole. 😈

      Dang!  Now I’m taking lessons from Lee! 🙄

  8. I get the impression that Santorum thinks the US needs saving from just about everything and that he’s the guy to do it.  I think that the US needs saving from all Republican/Teabaggers, but especially Santorum.  If his own ideas, discrimination and double standards that they are, aren’t enough to hang him, getting Newty’s vote of confidence can’t help.

    Rachel Maddow talked of vetting and how Perry seemed all too willing to vet Romney.  Like Rachel said, it wouldn’t surprise me to see Perry vet Santorum.  And if Santorum continues to pick up in the next 2 primaries, I think that MSM will start hauling out the dirty linen, well except for Faux Noise of course.

    I watched the videos and read the articles, and this idiot gives new meaning to hypocrisy.

  9. Santorum belongs in a sanitarium.

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