Jan 022012

Yesterday was a day for football, not news, so I spent most of the day meditating upon the Ellipsoid Orb.  I would have preferred for the Broncos to win their way into the playoffs, and will be surprised if they make it out of the wildcard round.  I’m current with replies.  Today is the Rose Bowl.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:53 (average 5:10).  To do it click here.  How did you do?

Religious Agony:


Short Takes:

From Think Progress: Just weeks after the solar industry installed the one millionth system in Germany, the country’s solar trade association announced that the technology accounted for 3% of total energy generation in 2011 — increasing 60% over 2010 to 18.6 terawatt-hours (18.6 billion kilowatt-hours.)

Kudos to Germany.  The US should be investing in this, not war.

From Huffington Post: Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), who is expected to do very well in the Iowa caucuses this week, aggressively fended off accusations on Sunday that he has engaged in 9/11 conspiracy theories.

Have you ever noticed that, the more guilty he is, the more indigent he gets?




  16 Responses to “Open Thread–1/2/2012”

  1. Solar Energy — That is great that solar is starting to make an impact in Germany.  Equally interesting were the comments to the article.  Certainly wind and solar are good alternative energy sources.  I wonder what places like northern Canada and Alaska would be like in the wintertime using solar?  I lived in an area of northern Canada where the sun rose about 9:30 am and set about 3:30 pm around Christmas.  Some days were sunny during the winter while others were packed with snow clouds.  Wind was bountiful usually, but solar?  I don’t know the mechanics.

    Ron Paul — I thought the advertising for swiffers with its “round, round I get around” song from the Beach Boys (?) was a good leadin to the story — very poetic!   You’re right TC, he gets very indignant when pushed.  I saw another short clip within the past week or so when he was going to be asked questions, and he didn’t like the question or tone of the woman asking the question so he removed his microphone and left.  He is such a control freak — he wants everything within his control nice and tidy.  So how would he handle being POTUS if he can’t handle a few questions by reporters?  If nothing else, these incidences just show how totally inadequate he is.

    Cartoon — Oh, one of the Churches of the Elipsoid Orb!  Meditation starts at what time?  You’ll be very meditative over then next what 5-6 weeks!

    • Lynn, I can’t see solar as a viable option for Alaska and Northern Canada in winter, but wouldn’t wind be a good source there?

      Good observation.  I agree that he does not have the right temperament for the job.

      Indeed I shall. 🙂

  2. I have a difficult time looking at success in Solar anywhere now that a Republican Mayor is reneging on a solar deal with my son’s company – threatening it’s survival – rather short-lived if it fails – and indicative of just how difficult it is for small start-up companies to affect change in this country – the mayoral change occurred after the deal had been made – and while penalties must be paid for breaking contracts – seems there is more willingness to fatten the pockets of the oil magnates than bring a little “sunshine” in the lives of California residents – or advance non-fossil fuel in this country!

    Ron Paul is an a-hole – and the more that is brought to “light” – the more relieved I am that one of my brothers and some of my friends on C2 might hear how the duck quacks.

    I can’t get involved in America’s most lucrative sport – sorry!

    • Lee, I certainly understand why you are angry about that, and I would be too, but is there cause to begrudge the progress others have made?


  3. PS – since I’m on the opposite side of the continent – your responses come much later than my waking hours – thanks for the illumination on O’s defense budget, but much like Lynn’s response – I fear it becomes a step stool for further republican shenanigans and abuse of power – I understand that it is a military budget, but just how easy is it to erase an amendment and return the original fascist proposal! That’s the point I was trying to make, but Lynn did a far better job of expressing!

    • You’re quite welcome Lee.  Consider this.  Republicans, given the opportunity, will abuse power however they want to abuse it, whether or not this law is on the books.  They always have an excuse handy.  To revoke this would only take the appropriate language, either in a stand alone bill or in any NDAA.  There is an NDAA every year.  To do it we will need the votes for passage in the House and to overcome the Republican filibuster in the Senate.

  4. I was too pissed off yesterday to comment..Obama lied flat out when he said he would veto the DAA if it came to his desk with those rescission provisions in it. And an executive letter has no weight of law behind it and if you think I believe him when he says that American citizens caught on American soil under a suspicion of terrorism will not be treated under those articles but have their full constitutional rights than you must take me for a fool.

    Remember he was going to cut the hell out of the Patriot Act, close Gitmo and return other lost civil rights to the American people like needing a court order to have your home invaded by the militarized police forces? No he is just another piece of shit power hungry politician who consolidated even more power in his office and that of his predecessors. Can you imagine, God Forbid Romney, Paul or Perry having the power to pick up their political enemies because someone accused them of a suspicion?  He said he would flat out veto it…better to veto that nazi bullshit and have it overridden by congress and then refuse to enforce it than “with hesitation or regret” or whatever the hell the POS said when he finished his lie by signing it on a Friday night when everyone was looking not at Hawaii but what brand of liquor they were going to get blown out with. We are now legally in a war zone and a third world country with tin dictator without balls.

    I may vote for him but I will never trust him. Fool me once shame on you (2008) fool me twice…

    • Mark, I felt the same way until I actually read the bill.  Section 1021 protects US citizens.

      Democrats proposed to strip the unconstitutional provisions out of the PATRIOT Act and passed it in the House.  Republicans blocked it in the senate.  On Gitmo, Congress passed legislation that he cannot bring detainees into the US.

  5. The fact that R & D for developing alternative energy sources is critical from both a national security (less dependent on foreign oil) and global warming perspective – and yet repubicans obstinately choose to block it at every turn just boggles the mind.

    Sorry, but having grown up in Illinois and being a Big Ten fan – plus realizing that Wisconsin has to deal with Scottie Walker – I think the Badgers could use a little sunshine in their lives.  On Wisconsin!

  6. 4:29

    I may be a Husky, but this is one time I will root for the Ducks.  Go Oregon!

  7. Congrats, TomCat.  Oregon wins!!!

  8. I’m glad that Germany is taking the route of solar.   It’s clean and sustainable.   Now if our Congress could get their heads out of their asses, we could have both wind and solar.

    Have you ever noticed  that when Repubs get caught in a lie, they deny it completely?  Michele Bachmann is famous for doing this.  Whenever they do that, I always say “Well then, let’s go to the tape”.  That usually shuts them up right quick.  I often wonder why they don’t go the tape more.  Maybe, after they got busted, they would stop doing it.

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