Deborah Has a BIG Mouth ;-)

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Blog News
Dec 302011


Normally I discuss who the winners are and their histories at Politics Plus in this segment, but we have a unique situation.  This is the first time someone has won this award with their very first comment here at Politics Plus.  Therefore I know nothing at all about her that her comment on Snyder Goose Steps Backward does not reveal, except that she came to us from Care2.  So we know she is a Michigander, that she strongly disapproves of Snyder’s totalitarian regime, and that she writes an excellent comment, so much so that I hope she becomes a regular here.  Congrats Deborah! πŸ™‚


  7 Responses to “Deborah Has a BIG Mouth ;-)”

  1. Congrats Deborah and a great post!!!!! I am relieved to no longer be the Big Mouth. Hope we see more from you! Congrats again and have a fabulous and safe New Year’s!Β  πŸ˜€

    • Thank you, Lynnn. I was a little surprised when I read my email about this as I have never heard of this site before. I joked with my mother about it and forwarded to a few other people. I don’t keep up with all my emails from Care2, which sent me to this site, but there is so much going on that the majority of the public is unaware of it is scary. I have found a small group of people who help keep me informed as to what the newspapers and local news on TV never even talks about, like Snyder’s take over of Michigan, online.Β  I live in Flint, #4 last month of Rick’s “emergency managers” takeover. Flint city, which is only running on the fees it gets from the water bills right now to keep us sort of operational, are stuck paying Michael brown $178,000.00 a year. No one is worth that much money, especially when we have now here. The water rates have had 2 increases in a 6 month period this year and an 85% increase on our monthly bills, I used to pay about $27.07 a month and now the same amount is about $61.49. I am letting everyone I know just what is happening to Michigan and over 90% don’t even know.

      I look forward to checking this site and see what is new. Have a great year and again, thanks for the compliment, Deborah.

  2. Congrats on your impressive “Big Mouth”Β  Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think I’ve actually seen X-Rays of it in action …

  3. SoINeedAName, that can’t possibly be me, I have several partials and a bridge and I don’t see them in the x-ray. Have a great new year. Deborah.

  4. Wow – what luck! Β Congrats and welcome to the snark party.

  5. Thanks to all who are making Deborah one of the family, πŸ™‚

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