Bye Bye Benedict!

 Posted by at 12:03 am  Politics
Dec 282011

Some Democrats are mourning the retirement of Ben Nelson [DINO-NE], aka Benedict Arnold Nelson, because it may make it more difficult for Democrats to retain the Senate.  I disagree.  Nelson even took Grover Norquist’s pledge! Much like Blanch Lincoln, formerly [DINO-AR], I doubt that he could have won reelection, because Republicans are no longer content to be represented by an unofficial goose stepper, and Democrats don’t want him.  According to Jamelle Bouie, he strove to embody the worst of the Senate.  Many of the leftists now opposing Obama claim that he had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate.  It was never filibuster proof because of Nelson and Lieberman [ASSHOLE-CT].  For example, Nelson wielded the vote that blocked the public option.

Cenk Uygur has the right idea.

Good riddance indeed.


Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska will announce today that he is retiring after two terms, a serious blow to Democratic efforts to hold onto their majority in the chamber next November.

Nelson is scheduled to hold a press conference back home in Nebraska as early as today to make his decision official, said several Democratic insiders close to the leadership.

The 70-year-old Nelson was considered one of the most endangered Democratic incumbents this cycle. GOP-affiliated outside groups have already dumped hundreds of thousands of dollars into TV ads bashing Nelson, while the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee spent over $1 million on their own ad blitz to bolster his image.

The White House and top Senate Democrats, including Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (N.Y.), had quietly mounted a pressure campaign to keep Nelson from retiring. Nelson has more than $3 million in his campaign war chest, and his approval rating solidified after falling over the last several years.

But with Nelson stepping down, the Democrats’ hold on the Senate is in serious doubt, although Democratic leaders believe they can still do so. Republicans are expected to pick up control of the Cornhusker State seat, although popular former Sen. Bob Kerrey (D) has been talking to top Democrats about possibly running again…

Inserted from <Politico>

Ed Schultz agrees that Democrats should not be sad over this.

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I have stated several times that extreme DINOs like Nelson should be challenged in the primary and receive no party support in general.  Long term this is plus.  Bye Bye Benedict!


  19 Responses to “Bye Bye Benedict!”

  1. Americans call them ‘DINOs’, Canadians call them ‘turncoats’.

    One thing I have never understood is how a politican could be elected under one party banner, and then switch to another with the constituents having no say in the matter.  I’d like to think that voters vote for the best candidate and ignore the party affiliation, or at least that is secondary.  But I’m not naive.  I know many vote along party lines.  In 2006, David Emerson was elected in a Vancouver constituency under the Liberal Party of Canada banner.  Between election day and the swearing in of the Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, Emerson crossed the floor and became a Conservative cabinet minister.  He was elected to represent his constituency as a Liberal but never sat as a Liberal.  All hell broke loose but nothing changed as far as his status until he retired from politics a few years later.  This is perhaps a little different in that Nelson didn’t exactly cross the aisle, but clearly he was elected as a Democrat and owed his constituents that loyalty.  By taking the Norquist oath, he is clearly aligning himself with the Republican/Teabaggers and by regularly voting with them, and not with Democrats, he is a  Republican/Teabagger in everything but name.

    If an elected representative can not honour his original obligation, then the position should be forfeit, such disrespect for constituents should not go unpunished.  I believe that when this happens, the seat should be declared vacant and a bi-election called.  Further, I believe that money spent by the party that he agreed to represent should be recovered from the candidate or the new party affiliate.  A trust has been broken so how can the constituents have faith in his ability to represent them.

    Bye bye Benedict!

    Next up, Lieberman!


    • Lynn, there are times it can happen.  Arlen Specter was a moderate Republican, being pushed aside, because he only goosed stepped most of the time.  For him to become a Democrat was a sensible move.

  2. I hope someone takes the 12 year long dildo out of the left’s ass now and insert it in his and his true party’s, where it belongs. Now if we can get a 61 seat majority in the senate (never say never) we may wind up with a public option or a president exposed for a liar.

  3. Maybe Ben will now have time to shop for a better toupee to wear … not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  4. Personally, I think this discussion is not hitting the mark.  What is the improved situation without Ben Nelson?  The most important vote Ben Nelson made in the Senate was for Senate Majority leader, and that vote was determined by his party affiliation.  Is the desire here is to have Mitch McConnell set the Senate’s agenda?  to have Republicans head all committees?  to not even have progressive priorities see the light of day?

    Tom, you just talked about not  staying home on election day as an act of protest against Obama.  It is not because Obama deserves our vote.  If the world was just, he would be arrested for violations of international law, (though he would need to get in line behind all the Bush gang, and our other Presidential criminals and their cohorts for that matter).  We are personalizing political office, but the political poster boyz and girlz are secondary here.  Millions, indeed billions, around the world are impacted by what comes out of the Halls of our Congress.

    I don’t see a liberal waiting in line that would take Nebraska.  I don’t see a contribution to the good, or a net improvement with his Republican replacement.  The focus of this conversation should be what is the impact of Ben Nelson’s likely Republican replacement, not is Ben a good person. Going after Ben amounts to a personal vendetta, when smart politics makes the best of each situation.  Reagan got his way with a “big tent” Republican party.  Congressional control was much more important than any individual votes party members made.  It was a tactically superior strategy.

    As far as Ben himself, if he was indeed corrupted by money, he should  be a member of a Congressional chain gang.  In our justice fantasy here, our Congressional criminals should be wearing bright orange jackets, and cleaning up our roadsides — at least they would be making a contribution to society.

    But we lose the war when we focus on Ben, and our scenic byways at the expense of what greater is at stake here.  The conservative agenda is causing widespread casualties and suffering with decisions on healthcare, safety-net programs, inaction on climate change, the failure to regulate financial institutions and environmental criminals, and so on, and so on.  What do you say to the casualties — it felt good taking Ben down because he wasn’t a “real” Democrat?

    • Paul, I think we had this conversation before about Blanche Lincoln.  Your point is well made, and when it comes to the general, I would favor the DINO over the republican for that reason.  The negatives are also important.  Every committee Nelson sits on gets an extra Republican vote that he used to kill the best provisions of many pieces of legislation.  Also, Obama is still taking heat for failing to get his programs enacted when we had a super-majority., when it never really was.  But the bottom line was this.  Nelson’s corruption was so far over the top, that trying to prop him up was pouring money down a rat hole.  He could not have won a third term.  It’s better to invest in the campaign of a progressive who stands a better chance of winning, like Elizabeth Warren.

  5. — As far as Ben goes– ‘Good riddance to bad rubbish ‘  … Now where from here ? “The conservative agenda is causing widespread casualties and suffering with decisions on healthcare, safety-net programs, inaction on climate change, the failure to regulate financial institutions and environmental criminals, and so on, and so on.” ( paul frank )

    Seems to me the most important issue is to regain control  and stop the GOP Conservative agenda– We can continue to run Ben Nelson down– or we can focus on going forward—- President Obama has disappointed by not  walking on water– oh well– He is what we have—a given– ;  I think we would do better by not spending so much energy focusing on his failures , but on building upon what he has done and is doing right– There is not a one of them now in office that would not be subject to personal attack–waste of time and energy—- Where do we need /want to go from here and how do we achieve  that goal ? We have sat back and pointed fingers– by doing that we have gained nothing— old  and true- we cannot control what is past– How do we want our future to be , and how do we achieve a better future—   ??




  6. Cenk said that the DCCC has spent millions of dollars to upgrade his image.  That’s like trying to polish a turd.

  7. Nelson is an idiot – but I don’t see many real democrats from Mid-erica any more – I don’t think you have a moderate anything in Nebraska (better watch out my daughter-in law’s folks are from there)! I have all but given up on the country – so while I’m horrified by the right winged pulicons and the demogogues – who cares! the country has lost it’s integrity and the sheep will follow the shepherd who’s got the most money (idolatry I guess)! Too many golden calves running for office!!!

  8. Ome down, and a bunch of other sleazebags still to go. Nelson was a pompous, self-serving mediocre jerk who will always stand as a poster child for the type of person who should NOT be elected to the Senate! Now if we could only do away with the equally pompous and worthless Mitch McConnell, Jim DeMint, Rand Paul, et al, ad nauseum…

  9. I have a Democratic candidate to take his place!



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