Poll Results–12/27/2011

 Posted by at 12:02 am  Blog News
Dec 272011

Here are the results of our Naughty or Nice Poll.


And here are your comments.

From SoINeedAName on December 24, 2011 at 4:48 am.  


It’s been almost three decades now that are family has foregone giving gifts (except for the little kids). It was just an exchange of shopping lists – so instead, we now give to a charity in their names.

It’s like Thanksgiving – only with better decorations.


From Marva on December 23, 2011 at 5:34 pm.  


I’ve not been naughty or nice to any extreme, but I’m getting lots of presents: Several days with my granddaughters. They shopped til I dropped.




From TWM on December 23, 2011 at 4:02 am.  


don’t give a shit and always hand back anything that is given witha thank you but someone else needs this more than me unless it’s mailed then I just stick it unopened in a closet until it begins to smell.

I was the only one who fessed up to being on the coal list.  I hope Santa followed my request to contribute my lump to the senior citizens in trouble, because Republicans defunded their heating assistance.

Our new poll will also be a short one.  It’s on New Year’s resolutions.


  4 Responses to “Poll Results–12/27/2011”

  1. we didn’t celebrate – were we naughty?

  2. I celebrated a bit, but only because my 83 year old mother is like a 3-4 year old because of Alzheimer’s.Β  My cats gave her a Kittens calendar package which now is only good for the pictures because she can’t read, write or speak much, and understanding has flown the coup as well.Β  I gave her a framed picture of her new great grandson which she loved, but now has no idea who it is.Β  (Sigh!!!)Β  Alzheimer’s/dementia really SUCKS!!!!!

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