Obama Occupies Osawatomie

 Posted by at 12:00 am  Politics
Dec 072011


A hundred years ago, Teddy Roosevelt gave a speech at Osawatomie Kansas that laid the foundation for the progressive movement.  Here is the text of TR’s speech.  It’s worth the read.  Today, Barack Obama followed in TR’s footsteps with the finest oratory I have seen from him, as he identified and supported the progressive values of the 99% movement.  I have been unable to find the complete video, but I do have a link to the text of the speech and four videos from some of my favorite commentators.

Here is the complete text.

Ed Schultz covered the story.


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Then he interviewed Jonathan Alter and Thomas Frank.


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Keith Olbermann covered the story with Robert Reich.


Rachel Maddow covered the Story with Sherrod Brown (D-OH).


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All seven had something in common.  They were excited by what Obama had to say.  So was I, but to have meaning, the walk must matched the talk.  If it does, why has he waited so long!


  19 Responses to “Obama Occupies Osawatomie”

  1. You know Tom I hate to be the one to say this but Obama is long on talk and short on action. he did not define any concrete resolve yesterday in his speech and he is no Teddy  Roosevelt because TR walked the talk. This presidents orates like a song bird but acts more like prey. This may change for the next 10 months a bit but then it will be the same old same old.

    I have not been able, even though I know it’s there somewhere, to find his 3Q financial disclosure statements so I can know who he really is working for. Words just won’t work for me anymore and i think he deserves his upside down approval rating. Like I said i will vote for him but I will not support him in any way until I see a reason why here in Detroit. (All politics are local)

    • Whether you’re in Detroit or Dallas or Dubuque, allow me to provide you a reason to actively support this president in next year’s election: because the alternative is just TOO DAMN SCARY!

       Let’s not forget that when Roosevelt gave his Osawatomie speech, he was two years out of office.  So name a president – any president – who hasn’t disappointed their supporters.  Name a president – any president (maybe Lincoln, but certainly NOT Teddy Roosevelt) – who hasn’t faced a more polarized landscape with an opposition party brimming with enmity and hell-bent on doing anything and everything to see “that he fails.”

       People can bitch all they want about the shortcomings of Pres. Obama –Lord knows I’ve done my fair share.  But if people want to use that as a reason to cut their nose off to spite their face, then they’ve lost ALL rights to be bitching about a Pres. Romney or Pres. Gingrich – because THAT is the alternative!

      • Amen Nameless!!!!!

        I am a Canuck and the choices the US makes at the ballot box do eventually affect me.  The GOP will be absolutely disastrous for the US, for Canada, and for the world.

    • I agree with Nameless and Lynn.  In 1/2013 the President will be either Obama or a Republican.  With Obama, we have the hope that he will be better, because he will no longer be restrained by the need to raise huge amounts of money to be reelected.  A Republican in office would be a circus, and we can’t afford another clown.

      • OK you have all stated reasons of fear to support him…wonderful…where are the teeth in anything he has said. Clinton if you remember faced not only an obstructionist congress and got things done he also was being impeached by the house at the same time. The man has no spine that I have seen and only gets my vote as the lesser of two evils. I will not contribute, time nor money to him as Wall Street and other lobbyists are doing just fine in the money department. He is JUST ANOTHER PUBLIC TEAT SUCKING POL He is a good a face for the 1% as any.

        If you fear your government what are you doing about it besides talking about it on a blog? Tom you are excused from that question because of your 4f health status.

        • No need to excuse me, Mark,  Those of us who can only talk on blogs also have a role to play, and I think that my role educating people is a very valuable one.

  2. I love the words, Obama is perhaps the greatest orator the US has seen in several decades, but in the end I will agree with TWM – this do-nothing Congress must follow suit – I don’t know what the President has to do, but it must be more than talk. This speech was a long time in coming, and it speaks to all of us who recognize the change that’s needed, how do we get rid of the corporate control of Congress? It’s shameful and disgusting that Obama needs to go to the lion’s lair of Wall St to get enough backing (and at what promise in return?) to even run a campaign! We need the assurance that he can stand up against his donors and slap their behinds after they endorse him – so TWM is absolutely right, and I’m so tired of speeches that so excite me and to see the same results – I gave to Obama’s campaign out of my poverty the first time around, I worked over 150 hrs on the phone to get him elected – I’m not repeating that this time around – he’ll get my vote, but not my sweat or a buck of food out of my mouth! I’m even poorer now than I was when he entered office – this is NOT the “change” I worked for! Yes I’m thrilled by his speech, as I have been before, but we need – as S. Brown said some regulation at the top.

  3. Wasn’t it Teddy Roosevelt that said “Speak softly and carry a big stick”?  While he used it referencing his approach to foreign policy, it certainly has possibilities with today’s recalcitrant Congress.

    Mr Obama’s speech was strong, full of hope and it highlighted the Republican/Teabagger obeisance to the 1%, including corporations, and their welfare when they should be suppporting the country, ALL the country.  Now, I think Mr Obama has to keep hitting them with this big stick, the big stick of unity in purpose and equality, time after time until they acquiesce.  And he needs to come up with tangible plans that support the prosperity of the people, and that the people can understand.  Unfortunately right now, he can only do so much with the card hand he’s been dealt.  When he can use executive orders legitimately, I think he has too because the Republican/Teabaggers are still a monumental obstruction with one stated goal — to make him a one term president.

    These were all good videos and the speeches were filled with hope.  I thought Ed Shultz was so excited he was going to have a coronary.  Rachel Maddow was on the mark as was Keith Olbermann with Robert Reich, although Keith needs to lose the fur on his face!  Reich is very good.


    For those wanting to view the entire speech, click on TomCat’s “Here is the complete text” link and look to the right..  The video, all 55 minutes + is there.

    • Teddy was referring to the military.  A progressive at home, ge was an imperialist abroad.

      The video will be on tomorrow’s Open thread.  It still had not been posted when I posted the article.

  4. I still have HOPE.

  5. I still have lots of hope– but it is time for him to walk the walk—– I will vote for him again– but it is  time ;  use the bully pulpit you were given Mr President—

  6. One thing I want to tell you all.  After reading all your comments (Care2 and here) and reading the speeches and watching the videos, I feel an excitement in the air around the direction that things appear to be turning.  I hope this transformation continues for your wellbeing and that of the country.  As a Canuck, I can’t vote of course, but I firmly, and without equivocation feel that Mr Obama is the right person for POTUS.  As a manager in business, I know that I am only as good as the support I get from my team.  I can be the best manager, but if I don’t have team support, I can’t succeed.  Mr Obama is no different.  It is important that you support him.  Don’t be afraid to tell him how you think he’s doing.  Be positive and offer possible solutions, your view.
    Mamabear said “Obama was never a god who walk on water much less change washington over night.” and she is right.  Nothing can be changed overnight AND one person is incapable of changing things.  It takes a team to do that!  Mr Obama has his faults like we all do, but please try to stay excited or get even more excited about the possibilities if you just stay the course.
    Personally, I’ve printed out his speech and that of Teddy Roosevelt, and I’ve done up the clips from his 2004 speech.  Even though I can’t vote, I want to stay excited for you!

    • It was an exciting speech, Lynn. It’s sad that some are so pig-headed as to cut off their nose to spite their face.

      • Pig headed?  Name calling now Tom…is that because I won’t goose step with you. …it’s ok bye no more from me.

        • Everyone, to set this straight, Mark and I have been in touch and corrected the misunderstanding.  He thought I was referring to him, and I was not.  I was referring to the stay at home on election day people.

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