Dec 042011

Yesterday I did not feel much better, but had to make a trip out to the corner store.  It felt like a major expedition, and I had to stop twice to rest, although it’s less than 1/2 mile.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  I am blessed, because the worship between my Broncos and the Vikings will be televised here.  I plan to rest after the meditation.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:52 (average 5:08).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From You Tube: 75 Years in Prison For Videotaping Police (H/T: Phyllis)


This injustice must end everywhere!

From CNN: But according to the conservative website, they really have asked Trump to be the moderator of a real GOP presidential debate, hoping the men and women who desire to be commander-in-chief will show up to be quizzed by a reality TV show star.

If this "debate" is real, it will represent one of the stupidest ideas in the history of presidential politics, and if the Republican National Committee has any decency, they would quickly denounce this madness and say none of its candidates will bother even responding to this stunt.

The way Trumps runs off at the mouth, it will be a miracle if any of the other goose-steppers can get in a word edgewise.

From Think Progress: Police officers in Springfield, Missouri, arriving to arrest protesters there, ran into a bit of trouble last month when they locked themselves out of their van. “Mic Check! The police seem to have locked themselves out of their van!” said protesters.






  9 Responses to “Open Thread–12/4/2011”

  1. 3:38

    Blind justice! Our judicial system is all screwed up.

    Trump will never let anyone have the last word on any subject. He’ll keep interrupting them to hear the sound of his own voice. I’m looking forward to watching this debate.

    The video of the Springfield MA police is hilarious.

    Herman Cain was exposed and doesn’t like it.  A real blow to his enormous ego.


  2. A cameo of life – from horrible to hysterical – thanks TC – Middle America needs a lot of help – I wouldn’t want to be in Cain’s shoes when he gets home! 0-0-0 is what his wallet’s going to look like when his wife and paramours are done with him!

  3. 75 years — If there is no death penalty, then premeditated murder gets you life in prison.  Period.  At 42 yr old, 75 yr is a life term.  Just a tad disproportionate wouldn’t you say?  However what bothers me a lot more is that he has even been convicted!  So now the police have more rights than the average citizen?!  There is no two ways about it, policing is difficult, but so it seems is being an ordinary citizen.  I know of some officers that will do anything to cover their butts when they have done something questionable in the line of duty.  So why shouldn’t they be held to account?  In this Illinois case, why is it ok for the police to do the very thing that this ordinary citizen has been convicted of?  Seems that justice is not only blind, but gone on vacation!

    The “Debate” — It actually might be refreshing to have Trump, lame ass that he is, host a “debate”.  You wouldn’t have to watch and be confident that you didn’t miss anything.  On the other hand, it might be fun to watch a bunch of idiots try and get a word in edgewise!  GOP Follies!!!

    Springfield Police — One of life’s most embarrassing moments and you didn’t have to call ‘Candid Camera”!  It was already there.

    Cartoon — What self respecting person would be caught posing with this egotistical womaniser?    I heard yesterday that he is now a former GOP candidate for the GOP presidential nomination, or in other words, a has been.  Good riddance!  I wonder how his other brothers by a different mother feel about all the money spent only to have the skeletons fall out of the closet?  Maybe they were hoping Cain would deflect attention from Newt!  Ok, time to find out more about Newt!

    • Assuming he was convicted on all counts, they would run the sentences concurrently, and probably suspend the sentence, but for him to be arrested at all is absurd.

      I think I’ll plan ZZZ.


      On to Newter Newt!

  4. 3:44  Patty is killing both of us.

  5. Cartoon — Something I found in my e-mail stack that I thought was appropriate to Cain
    “Behind every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a  successful man is usually another woman.”


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