Open Thread–12/2

 Posted by at 12:00 am  Open Thread, Personal, Politics
Dec 022011

Yesterday I felt pretty horrid and limited myself to preparing our Monthly Report and this Open Thread.  I am not current on replies.  Today we’ll see how I am as the day progresses.

Jig Zone Puzzles:

Yesterday it took me 4:06 (average 4:51).  To do it, click here.  Today it took me 4:47 (average 5:29).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes: all video.

From Why we’ll miss Barney Frank.


From Why #Occupy


From Two Lesbians Raised A Baby And This Is What They Got





  14 Responses to “Open Thread–12/2”

  1. Yesterday — 3:47

    Today — 4:26

    That’s more like it.  I’m back on track…except for the fact that you are not feeling well.  Hopefully, you will be feeling better soon.  Take care, TomCat.  We need your voice.

  2. You better get 100% because you are a needed voice! Looking at what you chose to serve on the thread today only proves what sort of voice you are! Thanks so much – I wish there were more who were unafraid to publish what you and MoveOn bravely did, and allow more listeners an opportunity to hear what that man had to say! these are the changes that will create a more tolerant society. GET BETTER! If I prayed, I’d be doing it for you – but since I don’t – I know some folks who believe in your deity and I’ve got them making a “prayer line” on your behalf – meanwhile I’m thinking good thoughts for your health!

    • LOL!  Thanks Lee.  I’m doing the best I can.  If you, of all people are resorting to prayer, you must be a truly dedicated friend. 🙂

  3. Sorry to see Barney leave.  We’re all going to miss his acerbic, no-holds-barred wit and wisdom.

  4. Barney Frank — what a straight shooter!  That is what is needed to fight the insanity and InsaniTea in this world.  Some of the people in that meeting were nothing more than loud mouth barbarians who have been so indoctrinated, it is pitiful.

    Why # Occupy — I  think the video was well done and I especially like the contrast statements towards the end.  I especially like the  last statement “It’s about acknowledging our problems so we can find the solutions to make a better future.  For everyone.”

    Zach Wahls Speaks About Family — What an articulate young man who spoke the truth with conviction, intelligence and integrity.  His parents must be so proud of him, and deservedly so.

    Cartoon — Doesn’t that seem to be the truth.  The GOP has their token African American presidential wannabe and their token female presidential wannabe.  The rest are all wealthy white males.  Cain is such a lecher and Bachmann is so squirrely (my apologies to the real squirrels which I love to watch playing in the trees!) that nuts have a better chance in the GOP race.  And there they are — all wealthy white males.  Good cartoon TC.

    I really wish you would look after yourself.  I know we would all like to have you here and HEALTHY!  Look out, I may have have to send Dr Winnie down to you.  He doesn’t cook, but he sure looks after sick people like a hot damn!

    • To replace him, we need Grayson back!

      I agree.

      He really makes his point by example!

      They have a token everything so they can say they aren’t ________.

      I’m trying Lynn.  I was out of underwear.

  5. 3:47


    A shining example of Barney Frank’s wit and intelligence!

    It took all that money for Bachmann’s supporters to brainwash her constituents. She couldn’t have done it if she had to rely on her brains.

    It’s too bad the RepublicanTs don’t have the same family values that Zach and his family have. They could learn a thing or two if they listened to him.

    That cartoon is just too true.



  6. I really hate to see Barney Frank retire, I love the video of  Occupy and the one of  Zach Wahls speech, This is the first comment I have made on this page so really don’t know  much about it, I agree with Lynn about the cartoon what a bunch of idiots, I am not one for prayers but will be sending you healing thoughts and I hope you feel better soon and thanks for all your great post.

    • Welcome, Mary! 🙂

      I hope it’s not the last here.  For future reference only people’s first comments are held for moderation.

      Make yourself at home.

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