Nov 242011

Yesterday I pushed myself a little too hard, so I’m only putting up one other article today.  I did get out to run my errands, and I did prepare tomorrow’s cheese mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and broccoli/cauliflower hollandaise, leaving only the turkey, dressing and gravy to make today.  I’m current with replies.  Today is not only Thanksgiving, but also a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, so while stuffing the bird and I, I shall be …umm… meditating.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:43 (average 4:34).  To do it, click here.  How did you do? 

Short Takes:

From We are the 99%.

Isn’t it sad that we must often go to foreign media for honest coverage?

From Washington Post: The point man for carrying out President Barack Obama’s health care law will be stepping down after Republicans succeeded in blocking his confirmation by the Senate, the White House announced Wednesday.

Medicare chief Don Berwick, a Harvard professor widely respected for his ideas on how to improve the health care system, became the most prominent casualty of the political wars over a health care overhaul whose constitutionality will be now decided by the Supreme Court.

Praising Berwick for “outstanding work,” White House deputy press secretary Jamie Smith criticized Republicans for “putting political interests above the best interests of the American people.”

This is mire mindless obstruction.  Berwick is not a controversial ideologue.  Once, even Newt endorsed him.

From The Examiner: Nicholas E. Purpura and Donald R. Laster Jr, both of Monmouth County [NJ], yesterday filed a motion for recusal in their case, Purpura et al. v. Sebelius et al. (Docket No. 11-7275). They contend that Justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor should not take part in any deliberation, either on whether to grant certiorari in their case, or in hearing oral argument, or in deciding their case or any motion thereon. The reason: both these Justices owe their jobs to Barack H. Obama, and both would lose their jobs should the Court uphold one of their fifteen counts against the massive health care reform bill.

Extending the logic (?) of these idiots, every Justice who was appointed by either a Republican or a Democrat should be forced to recuse.  Note that they have no problem about Teabag Thomas pocketing $thousands from his wife’s lobbying against the ACA.




  10 Responses to “Open Thread–11/24/2011”

  1. Video — good video with clear representations of the numbers in perspective.

    Healthcare Reform — Why would you want a Harvard professor widely respected for his ideas on how to improve the health care system in a position to help the American people when you can get a know nothing to really screw things up?  Just another day at the office for the Republican/Teabaggers obstructionists.  Anything to make Mr Obama a one term president.

    Purpura/Laster — Ok, if I interpreted this correctly, this is just another version of the birther crap.  These guys contend that Mr Obama did not have the authority to sign the healthcare reform because his father was a British colonial, even though Mr Obama himself was born and raised in the US.  As such, they feel the 2 judges should recuse themselves because they owe their appointment to Mr Obama, who again they maintain did not have the authority to appoint them.  When will this insanity end?  If the Republican/Teabaggers spent as much time trying to work out solutions with the Democrats as they do trying to destroy Mr Obama, there would be a lot more accomplished and the country would be in better shape.

    Cartoon — Good cartoon.  That ‘s one tough bird guaranteed not to be on anybody’s dining table, although I’m sure that a few would like to carve him up!

    • Thanks.  It makes it easy to understand for anyone with an open mind.



      We may have to pardon that bird, because it’s inedible.

      • Oh my dear, I think you miss the point.  Those who would want to carve him up weren’t thinking of dinner.  Besides, that old bird would just give anyone and everyone either indigestion or a bad case of gas!

  2. I suppose the senate and the house are going to stay in session again to prevent recess appointments? Do they understand that they are pushing the left and the center to open rebellion against the right and it is going to spill in blood on the streets?

  3. 4:18

    Excellent video presentation of the distribution of wealth. Even without it, I knew that I am part of the 99.99%. I sure hope the uber-wealthy give thanks for all of us today.

  4. The video was great, even for a financial ignoramus like myself! Purpura/laster sounds like a new STD – maybe it is! The cartoon makes me glad I’m having ham this Thanksgiving, and also reminds me of why I named my turkey Goebbles last year! Last year’s turkey was delicious despite the namesake, next year maybe “Senatom McCon” – what an apt shot! Thanks for a little humor!

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