GOP Blocks Ohio Labor Vote

 Posted by at 12:05 am  Politics
Nov 072011

Governor John Kasich has fully followed the Republican meme of attacking labor at the state level.  But Ohioans fought back and put the Republicans’ draconian anti-union measure on the ballot as Issue 2, scheduled for a vote Tuesday.  Saturday, Sunday and today were the to be the last three days of early voting.  Union members and other working people traditionally use early voting to avoid conflicts between voting and their work schedule.  To block the labor vote Republicans have seized on an obscure provision of a just-passed bill to cancel the last three days of early voting, probably illegally.  John Nichols brought this to light.

labor…In Ohio this fall, the party faces a serious challenge. Republican Governor John Kasich, a GOP "star" for the better part of three decades, has staked his political fortunes on an attempt to eliminate collective bargaining rights for public employees while undermining the ability of their unions to function.

The move has proven to be massively unpopular. More than 1.3 million Ohioans signed petitions that forced a referendum on whether to implement the anti-labor law. Polls show that Ohioans are ready to do just that when they weigh in on referendum Issue 2.

But Ohio’s Republican Secretary of State is trying to make it a whole lot harder for Ohioans to cast those votes.

On Friday, across Ohio, county boards of elections shut down early voting for next Tuesday’s election. They did so on orders from Secretary of State Jon Husted. A Republican stalwart,

Husted served as the party’s legislative pointman (rising to the rank of Ohio House Speaker), co-chaired GOP campaigns (including that of 2008 presidential candidate John McCain) and has been closely tied to national conservative groups [Husted delinked] working on issues such as school choice and privatization. While serving in the legislature, Husted was allied with the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, which has promoting Voter ID laws and other rule changes designed to suppress turnout.

Husted claimed a hastily-passed and deliberately vague new state law, which took effect just last week, that early voting was prohibited in the three days before the election. That’s a dramatic change from traditional practice in Ohio, where early voting on the Saturday, Sunday and Monday before high-profile elections has been allowed for years — and has permitted tens of thousands of citizens to participate in the process.

The law in question, Ohio House Bill 224, was written primarily to deal with military ballots. Yet, Husted is interpreting it as a bar on early voting. State Rep. Kathleen Clyde, a Democrat who represents Kent, says Hustad is essentially creating his own rules.

"When you take out major chunks (of the legislation, as Husted has)," explains Clyde, "the bill is now unreadable and incomprehensible."

But the confusion has worked for Husted and the GOP. County election officials have, at his behest, shut down early voting across Ohio… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Nation>

This Republican assault on voting was done without notice or warning of any kind.  Millions of Ohioans have made commitments to work on Tuesday, based on plans to vote over the weekend.  Now they are in a bind.  I hope they and their employers realize that it is imperative that they take time off work to vote so that that the Republican party does not get away with this foul scheme to suppress Ohioans’ voting rights.  I also hope that there is some law under which Jon Husted can be charged for his crime against the voters of Ohio.


  8 Responses to “GOP Blocks Ohio Labor Vote”

  1. It appalls me that the GOP always claims to be the party of “democratic values” and ideals, yet it takes the prize in attempting to subvert the voting process, I totally agree Tom – I hope there is a law – or “there oughta be” – seriously! These guys are generally smart enough to pull off these shenanigans through legal “loopholes” – they learn from doing their taxes I guess!

    • Thanks Lee.  The Republican politicians and pundits, with certain exceptions that are only puppets, are anything but stupid.  They are adept at anusing the law for advantage.

  2. Crimes after Crimes— Excellent article Tom-


  4. And how many of those employers are likely to allow workers time from work to vote?  I know in Canada, each worker must be allowed 4 consecutive hours to vote, so if polls close at 8 pm and a person works 9-5 pm, they must be allowed to leave work at 4 pm to give them sufficient time to vote.  We also have advanced voting but I have never heard of closing off the advanced polls unannounced — those polls are announced well in advance.

    It seems more and more, states are playing around with the voting process — ID requirements, voter registration, congressional district re-alignments.  Why would any party feel the need to do this?  The only reason I can see is that they know they can’t win fairly, so they’ll do whatever they deem necessary to win, at any cost.  It’s not about what’s right for the country, it’s about what is right for the Republican party and the Kochians.  The Republican/Teabaggers are all pulling a Daniel Webster, selling their souls to the Kochs.  Welcome to the United States of Kochistan.

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