Nov 072011

Racism is a minor problem, if any problem at all, within the Democratic Party.  That was not always so, but when Democrats passed the Voting Rights Act, the racist Dixiecrats deserted the Democratic Party.  The Republican party adopted the Southern Strategy and welcomed the racists with open arms.  They have become a key component of the Republican base.  In contrast, The Democratic Party has identified with civil rights to the extent of nominating and electing a black President.  So now that the left has seized on how Herman Cain’s behavior has come home to roost, you can be sure that the reason is anything but his race.  The reaction would it be identical were it, Romney, Perry, or any other nominee.

7CainRaceCardIf you’re Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Brent Bozell, Sean Hannity, and yes, even Herman Cain, you must feel pretty stupid for trying to fool the American people by blaming the reporting on sexual harassment complaints against the GOP presidential candidate on his race.

Cain has tried to make his surprising presidential run to be about anything but race. He has chided other African-Americans for blaming their circumstances on race, has blasted black voters for being "brainwashed" for voting for Democrat, and he has garnered applause from his mostly white audiences by lighting into identity politics.

Yet when faced with the most serious dilemma of his campaign, Cain looked like the boy crying wolf by saying there was a racial element in the reporting of sexual harassment allegations against him while heading the National Restaurant Association. He even tried to invoke the "high-tech lynching" comment made famous by Justice Clarence Thomas when he was going through his Senate confirmation hearings for the U.S. Supreme Court.

But we shouldn’t be surprised. Cain has shown such a racial knee-jerk reaction before. He tried to nail Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart with the racist tag after a comedic bit on The Daily Show. Even other Republicans found his comments to be confusing… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <CNN>

Considering the extent to which the Republican Party opposes virtually every issue important to the African American community, it’s almost surprising that the Republican Party is able to black people, who have so little sense of community that they sell their community out, as Cain and Thomas have.  However, it is not at all surprising that Republicans have to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find them.


  8 Responses to “Cain a Fool for Playing Race Card”

  1. Thomas and Cain are like caricatures from Amos and Andy-( remember them ?) —  Of all the really competent people of color , the  Repugs find ,and pay for Herman Cain-?–It is insulting to Black people ;  By inference they make Black people look stupid-because they seem to take it for granted African-Americans will say — “Wow” and vote — because they are Black– without having enough sense to realize they- Cain and Thomas – are bottom of the barrel …It is insulting also to white folk- because they seem to think all whites see only skin color and not the individuals competence or lack of character-The  cynicism is really appalling- the more I think about it–

    Cains ongoing minstrel show is taking attention away from the OWS movement– anybody notice that- ?   Sex is much more distracting than a  growing Revolution , and the crimes that have provoked rebellion..

  2. and just think – earlier in the campaign, he was saying race had nothing to do with the campaign, and that there was no racism in the US

  3. Oh, my.   First there was just ONE victim of Cain’s (alleged) indiscretion – but that quickly became TWO.  Wasn’t long before that turned into THREE  – and NOW there are FOUR VICTIMS….

     At this rate, it looks like Cain is going to end up facing a Class Action Lawsuit in no time!  But don’t fret about not having Cain around for fun & frolic … I predict that next year he’ll be on Dancing With the Stars.

  4. I don’t know why Cain should want to play the race card over the alledged indiscretions, unless it is to divert attention and cover up his inadequacies as a candidate!  After all, Bill Clinton had his indiscretions, made very public by media, and I’m sure by a salacious Republican (I have no proof of that).  Cain needs to understand that if wants to be POTUS, he is and will be subject to intense scrutiny.  And earlier this year, there was the case of Anthony Weiner, a Democratic congressman forced to resign over certain indescretions made even worse by Andrew Breitbart, a well known rightwing nut blogger.  I wonder where Breitbart is on this story.

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