Oct 312011

Yesterday I spent most of the day resting meditating upon the Ellipsoid Orb that was not kind to me.  I caught up on replies and am current.  Today I will be out running errands that must be completed in October.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:54 (average 5:26).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Religious Agony:


Short Takes:

From McClatchy DC: Growing numbers of protesters are being arrested for trespassing, failure to disperse and disobeying a lawful order, as city after city confronts the question of whether individual rights to free speech and assembly include the right to camp out on public property.

The resulting legal skirmishes have spurred the largest mobilization of pro bono protest attorneys since the anti-war movement of the 1960s and ’70s.

Kudos to those lawyers!  During the 1960s, I rarely knew their names, but I was surely thankful for their representation.

From Huffington Post: The nation’s ongoing economic downturn has sparked an odd response from a growing number of conservative and Republican leaders: a desire to blame the unfortunate and a demand for the poor to pay more.

No new taxes only applies to the 1%, although Republicans continually lie that Democrats will raise YOUR taxes.

From Crooks and Liars: OWS is Working When Even Republicans Have to Start Talking About Redistribution


The level of GOP BS had reached desperation.




  11 Responses to “Open Thread–10/31/2011”

  1. Lawyers — I am pleased to see that there are so many lawyers stepping in to do pro bono work for the protesters.  Protesting isn’t the only way to speak.  Providing support is equally valuable!

    Taxes — The Republican/Teabaggers really know how to obfiscate their tax discussion.  But no matter how they try to spin it, it still comes down to ‘rob the poor and middle class and give to the rich’.  I believe that it was Michele Bachmann that said every American should have to pay income taxes, even if it’s $1.  God save America from Repulican/Teabaggers because if they take hpld, there will be no more America, Land of the Free.  It will be America, Land of Slavery.

    Chris Hayes Video — Excellent!

    Cartoon — Because of the ‘Boo” I have to think that this woman is a Republican/Teabagger, but I have no idea who she is.  I need help understanding this one.


    • Well, it looks like you succeeded in doing something that I have long tried to do: Forget Christine “I-Am-Not-A-Witch…I’m-You” O’Donnell.  You may remember her as Palin’s wacko Senate candidate from Delaware.

    • If what Nameless said was not enough, Google “I am not a witch”

  2. Would it be so wrong if I wished that when Bush, Cheney, Boehner, Cantor, Limbaugh, Beck, etc. checked their peepholes before handing out candy to the little “Trick or Treaters” at their doors that THIS is what they saw coming for them …

  3. 4:27

    Chris Hayes is right. But the only re-distribution they want is more at the top and none for us.

  4. 5:11 You mean Christine is not me?  I wondered why I wasn’t hearing voices. 👿

  5. 4:16  I am 98 out of 304 (322).

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