Oct 292011

I’m back.  Thursday I went to do volunteer work in prison.  It was our group’s annual victims awareness meeting.  Two prisoners, a drunk driver, who killed a pedestrian, and a murderer who killed two people in a gang war when he was just 17, spoke about their understanding of how their crimes had harmed their victims, their victims families, themselves and their families.  Two victims, the mother of a murdered son and a woman, whose fiancée was murdered, spoke about the pain they suffered and their recovery.  The first evolved from hating all prisoners into a level of compassion, where she is now a chaplain in the local jail, helping prisoners.  The second turned to drugs for years to mask her pain, bit is putting it behind her now.  She has been clean for over 70 days.  Several other victims and about 100 prisoners attended.  The two groups mingled afterward.  As we were leaving, all the victims told me that the men had helped change their concept of prisoners for the better.  I could not be prouder of my guys.

Yesterday I rested, waited for the home services provider to come do their annual inspection of my O2 unit, did my online grocery shopping for the month, and caught up on comments.  I am now current.   Today I’ll be receiving my grocery delivery, unpacking it and putting it away, an effort that takes hours.

Congrats to the St. Louis Cardinals for winning the World Series.

Jig Zone Puzzles:

Friday’s took me 4:22 (average 4:33).  To do it, click here.  Today it took me 3:40 (average 4:59).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Crooks and Liars: Labor support for Occupy Wall Street protesters continues to grow as AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka visited Zucotti Park this week, releasing a video of his visit. Trumka also responded to the use of tear gas against protesters in Oakland and the arrests of peaceful protesters in Chicago, Atlanta and elsewhere.

I’m so pleased that the times when hard-hats were about attacking demonstrators are behind us.  Go Labor!!

From Daily Kos: Wow. Gov. Jan Brewer is on the verge of going nuclear on Arizona’s redistricting commission, all because Republicans can’t believe they didn’t get a map that was perfectly gerrymandered to suit their tastes. Yes, she’s invoking the specter of impeachment.

The map they produced is badly lopsided and likely to face challenge for racist intent.  Burt even that is not enough for the Arizona Death Angel

From MoveOn: Why an I here?

The 99 Percent – Here For A Reason from Good Eye Video on Vimeo.

Good reasons all!




  13 Responses to “Open Thread–10/29/2011”

  1. WOW!  What a day, and an emotional one at that!  I am really glad you are involved in volunteering at the prison.  I can tell you get a lot out of it, but just as importantly, so do the prisoners.  I’m glad too that you took a break to rejuvenate.  Pussy cats like their sleep whether their Toms or not.

    The times, they are changin’!  I remember some push and shove on the picket lines when I was a kid in Southern Ontario.  Great to see that labour sees themselves as part of the 99%, which we already knew they were.

    Arizona — Here’s one more reason why federal constituencies should be determined at the federal level and not at the state.  Just too much damn interference from locals.  Gov Brewer is acting like a two year old that isn’t getting her own way.  She deeply needs a time out to think about ‘gimme, gimme never gets’.  It seems like most Republicans, she is only thinking of the party and not fair honest representation for all people.  Somebody should impeach Brewer!

    Good video and all good reasons.  And just look at the diversity of people!

    Cartoon — Very Good!  I hope the Secret Service person there frisked Scarey Perry for that damn six shooter he was pictured with.  With his attitude, he’s liable to use it.

    A personal funny — I just looked down at the back of a magazine advertising private health insurance from the BC Automobile Association and the number is 999 – 4222.  Have I been seeing to much Cain propaganda, or do I just have a weird sense of humour?


    • Thanks Lynn!  I guess my break wasn’t long enough. 🙂

      I know, but they didn’t know that in the 1960s.

      I agree, but at the birth of our nation, many of the states would have refused to join, if the Constitution had not been set up to give the states preeminence in many areas.  Once upon a time, the state legislatures, not the people, elected US senators.

      If they did, they missed the cooties! 😉

      They better get their number changed!! 🙄

  2. I know one is not supposed to mention a lady’s age – and the sentiments are a day late – but I still think we’d be remiss not to wish Lady Liberty a “Happy 125th Birthday!” (The picture is from the commemoration for the recent Tenth Anniversary of 9/11, with the Freedom Tower – or One World Trade Center – patriotically lit up in the background.)

    • Yes a lady even older than I am – but she’s going to be closed again! for over a year – more “extreme makeover” – I hope they put a shorter skirt on the old gal – she’s beginning to look “retro”! Every time I think I’m going to visit her once more she gets shut down – I bet tourists get there more than us NY’ers! I missed the fireworks – didn’t even see that they were televised – oh well – It’s a great shot!

    • Thanks for this, Nameless.

  3. 4:38


    I’ll bet Perry would really like to say that to the Prez.

  4. Obama ought’a ask Perry, “Are you smarter than a home schooler?”  Show me the “No Child Left Behind” results!  6:15

    • Well, it seems that Perry actually does have at least a few homeschoolers “HOMESCHOLERS” that support him.  (Psssttt – hey, “homescholer” … Spellcheck is your friend when making signs.)

  5. What wonderful results at the prison! Love all your info on the page – will Brewer ever find happiness? Her evil little appetite is so hard to satisfy! Gerrymandering can be so difficult to maneuver, there are so many numbers to crunch your way – maybe she’ll find a numbers person! Didn’t Perry just come off his strangely named ranch – maybe Obama should just tell him to go back where he came from! I can’t imagine anyone voting for a republican! but then again on the news they were polling what story was recently the most compelling this year thus far: a) bin Ladin’s death b) Egypt’s and the Middle East “Spring” c) Libya and the fall of Khaddafi d: Beyonce’s pregnancy “bump” — and the answer? yep you got it! “D” With an american public that finds story’s like that compelling – I guess Cain or Bachmann is likely to be our next president – where do they poll anyway? – an MTV studio? UGH! The great American “scholers” show what they’re made of!!

  6. Friday 3:44 — win.

    Saturday 4:18 — loss, to you and Patty.

    I’m 97 out of 302 (321).

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