Oct 122011

One might think that so-called populists would favor regulations designed to protect people from industrial poisons released into their neighborhoods, but that is not so.  Tea Baggers oppose government regulation of all kinds, as do their Republican owners, because the Tea Party is not populist, like the 99%.  They are astro-turfed, told what to think, say and do by the Koch Brothers and other Republican financiers.  The Koch brothers oppose any regulation that might prevent them from squeezing a little extra profit from poisoning people.

12KochResidents of a small Arkansas community say that the toxic pollutants being dumped for years by a Koch Industries plant is killing them.

Only 15 families reside around Penn Road and already 11 people have died of cancer. Even more are sick.

In a new documentary by Brave New Foundation, several of them explain that the problem can be traced to a series of canals where Koch-owned Georgia-Pacific has been dumping chemicals for years.

USA Today recently found that schools in the city of Crossett ranked the highest in the nation for exposure to cancer-causing toxins.

“They have cut this huge channel and it is like an open sewer line,” activist Cheryl Slavant told Brave New Foundation. “If you could follow it in a straight line, you would be right at Georgia-Pacific’s plant, owned by Koch Industries… Once I saw this, I knew that Koch Industries were the culprits. They know that these people are sick.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Raw Story>

This is who and what the Republican party represents.  They do NOT represent you!


  18 Responses to “Why the Tea Party fights regulation”

  1. You’re preaching to the choir on this one.

    All the Koch-sucking tea-baggers need to wake up and smell the tea they’re drinking.

  2. No one…and i mean no one from either side represents averageman, except maybe Bernie Sanders a lone voice calling out in a wilderness of thieves malefactors and dilettantes.

  3. In a compelling article by Pulitzer Prize winning movie critic Roger Ebert, who is battling cancer himself, details why he is dumbfounded by how and why the Teabaggers have been duped by corporate whores like the Koch brothers and the right-wing media who shill for them when they should be protecting their interest by joining in and backing Occupy Wall Street and the other 99%:

    In the face of such practices, which take money from the pockets of most American, the Tea Party calls for corporate tax rates to be slashed. There is a belief that the richer the rich are, the richer we will all be. One source of financial backing for the Tea Party and its candidates for public office are the billionaire Koch Brothers, who were recently charged with malfeasance, fraud, and illegal sales to Iran.

    The Wall Street demonstrators seem to have no particular source of financial support; at this point early in its development it is a genuine grass roots movement that seems to be spreading spontaneously. It’s evident that both Tea Party members and Wall Street Occupiers are driven by outrage against a system they see aligned against them. The difference is that the [Tea] Party’s energy, ironically, is aligned against the best interests of its members. This is yet another example of how the right and its Fox News spokesmen create a mythical reality serving the interests of its political allies.

  4. The  more people realize the truth of this , the sooner it might be  stopped—The more the Occupy movement spreads the more attention being paid , the more effective it becomes– It  may well be that Revolution is underway— However things play out– I do believe  we must recognize the truth– The Kochs and all there ilk  may change what they say—But– this is what they believe and what they do– we must not lose track .. Nothing the Masters do will ever be against their goals- and that is more and more apparent–If this growing movement is defeated we will all lose — big time lose–

  5. David Koch, a cancer survivor himself, should know better. What a couple of absolute bastards these Koch brothers are! They are infuriating!

  6. They are intent on handing their grandchildren a world that they cannot live in. Where will they go when there’s no water or air left unpolluted and no land left unscarred? Money cannot buy a non-toxic earth.

  7. While watching the video I thought of the movie Erin Brockovich.  Oh the names and location are different but the problem is the same — corporations dumping toxins in the air and water with impunity so that people get sick and die.  One thing I noticed in the video is that all the people we saw from Penn Rd were African American.  Now I know that the Koch brothers are in business for power and greed, but why is there no concern for the people on Penn Rd?  Could it be because they are African American?  What are they doing to help these people?  NOTHING!!!!!  97 Charges in Corpus Christie and $350 million in fines reduced by a plea deal (otherwise known as the Bush two-step for his buddies) to 1 charge and a $20 million fine.  Since David Koch likes having things named after him, the Republican party should be renamed the Koch Brothers Benevolent Association — you join and swear to be benevolent to these murders.  Or how about naming the cancers that these people have Koch’s cancer, not because they donated $500 million to MIT for cancer research facilities and programmes, but because the pollution from their plant is killing people. 

    I noticed that there was a Democrat from Oklahoma that was singing the praises of the Koch brothers in addition to a bunch of Republican wing-nuts.  Is he one of the DINOs?

    I lived in a pulp mill town for 3 years and I can attest to the stink and the particulates in the air from the smoke stacks.  You’d park your car at night and it would be covered by morning with black flakes.  Down to the “free” car wash set up by the company.  This company was sold and eventually was owned by Georgia Pacific when the car wash was removed.  Hmmmm . . . Koch brothers?  in Canada? 

    With what they are doing, the Koch brothers should be indicted for crimes against humanity!

  8. Tea Baggers are bought & paid for, much like CONgre$$.. Cutting Their Own throats is one thing – cutting Our throats is quite another! They are Anarchists, not simple Libertarians. They are trying to destroy the United States BECAUSE it is a Union & Corporations HATE Unions of Any Kind! So laugh Tea Baggers out of town, but never turn your back on a Corporate Killer!

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